Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 129 Who are the people in Tokyo?

Hattori Heiji is looking forward to the next competition.

However, when he came to the door of Jiang Xia's office, what he saw was a "out of business" sign and a person locking the door.

Toru Amuro noticed someone approaching, he turned around, looked at Hattori Heiji, and stopped what he was doing.

Hattori Heiji also looked at Toru Amuro, and soon he realized that this foreigner was definitely not Jiangxia. But since they are in the same office, they should know each other.

Hattori Heiji stepped forward: "The detective named Jiang Xia works part-time here? When is he usually here?"

Toru Amuro looked at him and pointed to the registration book hung by Jiang Xia next to the door: "There are no fixed working hours. If you have an appointment, you can fill out the form first and he will pick it up when he is free."

"Is that so..." Hattori Heiji touched his chin with interest and suddenly asked, "What about Kudo Shinichi?"

Toru Amuro: "...?" Who?

"I've actually been wondering whether the person who solved those incidents was Jiang Xia or the 'missing' Kudo Shinichi." Hattori Heiji said directly:

"I checked your office. Although you put out a lot of advertisements when it was first established, there has been no success. Until a while ago, Kudo Shinichi disappeared, and soon after this place became famous... Don't you think it's too much of a coincidence? Yet."

As he spoke, he looked at Toru Amuro carefully, trying to find out the flaws in this detective agency employee, but he saw that the other person had a confused expression of "What on earth are you talking about?" from beginning to end.

Hattori Heiji clicked his tongue inwardly. He is really good at acting, and there are no flaws at all. He is worthy of being in the same office as Kudo and Jiang Xia: "Then let me tell you straight - is Kudo Shinichi hiding with you and secretly guiding Jiang Xia to solve the case? "

Amuro Toru frowned. These words reminded him of the "Kudo Shinichi's theory of possession by the wronged spirit" that was popular a while ago. This kind of arrogant statement trampled on science...

Toru Amuro's impression of Hattori Heiji immediately dropped by 50 percentage points.

But then he thought about it: Hattori Heiji did not mention the innocent soul, but gave an explanation from a more scientific perspective, although this explanation was also ridiculous... Thinking of this, his impression value of Hattori Heiji barely increased by 3 percentage points.

"You want to say that Jiangxia solved the case by cheating?" Toru Amuro turned around and looked at Hattori Heiji, and said with a kind expression, "Since you came here specifically for this matter, you should have collected information in advance - as long as After reading the reports, you should know that Jiang Xia and Kudo Shinichi have completely different crime-solving styles.

"You have the funny idea that 'Kudo Shinichi is hiding behind Jiang Xia's back to solve the case.' You must have been misled by the media. It is a good thing for young people to be active in thinking, but they should always have some opinions. It is not good to be so easily disturbed. Having said that, I feel you look familiar - are you the high school detective from Osaka, Hattori Heiji?"

Hattori Heiji was startled.

He originally planned to refute being called "funny", but when he heard the last sentence, his mood suddenly changed.

Hattori Heiji pressed the brim of his hat with a deep expression: "Do you know me?" This is probably the sweet trouble of being a celebrity. Even if you want to argue, you are afraid of suddenly meeting a fan...

"Yeah, I'm quite impressed." Toru Amuro nodded, "We have made newspaper clippings of other detectives' cases for study reference, but you are the only one in them who is always dark. For this reason, we had to go out to find your color photos... …It’s really inconvenient that the case report is only available in black and white.”

Hattori: "...?"

Just talk, why do you suddenly mention your skin color? ? and……

He said angrily in disbelief: "Are you worthy of mocking me? If you were published in the newspaper, you would definitely be a mess!"

Toru Amuro suddenly raised his hand and stretched out to him.

Hattori Heiji was startled and swerved to the side. But soon, he discovered that Toru Amuro didn't mean to attack him - the hand stopped in front of him.

Putting the two hands together, the color difference that was not so obvious suddenly became clear.

Amuro glanced over and said, "Look, I'm actually a bit fairer than you."

Hattori Heiji:"……"

The corners of his eyes twitched, and he suddenly came back to his senses, realizing that the topic had gone too far: "Wait a minute, I'm asking you Jiang Xia and Kudo Shinichi, what does my skin color have to do with it?!"

"It has nothing to do with it, just a sudden and unreasonable association - just like you inexplicably put two detectives who have nothing to do with each other together."

After Toru Amuro finished bullying his juniors, he put down his hands in a happy mood: "For us, solving crimes is not a game, it is a job that needs to be taken seriously. I hope you will not disturb our daily life with the idea of ​​​​competition or fun to decide the outcome... In short, don’t come here again.”

With that said, Toru Amuro locked the door with a click and left.

Hattori Heiji looked at his back as he walked quickly, and then at the closed door of the office: "..."

...The detectives in Tokyo are so unfriendly.

He traveled a long way here, but he didn't see Jiangxia or Kudo Shinichi. He didn't ask anything, and he was ridiculed inexplicably... Hattori Heiji's impression of Tokyo was -1, -1, -1. It also ignited an unwillingness to fight.

He came here today to have a showdown with the famous detective from the East.

As for whether the "Eastern high school detective" refers to Jiangxia or Kudo Shinichi, to be honest, Hattori Heiji is not sure.

There is indeed a huge difference in the crime-solving styles of Jiang Xia and Kudo Shinichi, as some critics have said - unlike Kudo Shinichi, who likes to tell the truth, Jiang Xia always solves cases very quickly, as concisely as if he is reciting an outline.

However, Hattori Heiji felt that this difference might be evidence that Kudo Shinichi was secretly advising Jiang Xia.

How could a normal person solve the case so quickly and accurately every time?

But if someone told Jiang Xia the truth about the case in advance, and Jiang Xia appeared with reasoning conclusions, then his speed in solving the case and the order of his narrative would make perfect sense.

...But this is just a conjecture after all. It is also possible that Jiang Xia is really the kind of genius who solves crimes.

In short, Hattori Heiji plans to rely on his reasoning ability to figure out how Jiangxia solves the case.

Currently, among the two key figures, Kudo Shinichi is missing.

However, the firm that Jiang Xia belongs to is clearly registered in the newspaper - every time Jiang Xia solves a case, he must mention the address of the firm. When Hattori Heiji was collecting intelligence, he originally thought that it would take him a long time to browse through a pile of newspapers to find Jiang Xia's location, but he didn't expect that any paper he picked up would have information in bold and capital letters.

That's why he came to Jiangxia first, intending to find out the truth.

If the person who solved the case is really Jiang Xia, come and compete with Jiang Xia.

If Kudo Shinichi is hiding behind the scenes to solve the case, then drag Kudo Shinichi out and compete.

However, there is a big gap between ideal and reality - Jiang Xia is not in the office at all, and his home address is not in the newspaper.

As for asking others... Hattori Heiji remembered the experience just now and sighed tiredly. The employees here are eccentric and difficult to talk to. No wonder no customers came to the door after so many advertisements. I'm afraid they all ran away because of him.

Hattori Heiji was disappointed for a while facing the closed door of the office, but he quickly cheered up.

Fortunately, besides Jiang Xia, he also has another clue related to Kudo Shinichi - Kudo Shinichi seems to have a girlfriend.

Thinking of this, Hattori Heiji picked up his luggage and embarked on the journey again without giving up.

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