Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 130 Did you see this bottle of Laobai dried? Pa, no more

Jiang Xia went to the store to pick up the peripherals. When he left, he met a younger brother who was brushing up records in the nearby game hall, and was dragged to play games for a while.

Afterwards, he came to the door of the Mori Office. Before he could go upstairs, he met Conan on the street.

Conan held a handkerchief listlessly and sneezed from time to time.

Jiang Xia glanced at him: "You have a cold?"

"Yeah." Conan nodded and looked at him hesitantly. For some reason, he always felt that Jiang Xia... seemed a little happy?

...No, this must be an illusion.

How could Jiang Xia be happy because her classmate was sick? She must just happen to be in a good mood.

Jiang Xia was indeed in a good mood.

In his impression, Conan and Conan's friends rarely get sick, but once they get sick, it means there will be a special event.

And Jiang Xia remembered that in the case of Chicun Gongjiang's murder of her husband, Conan happened to be in a cold state - which meant that the possibility of him getting the task was further increased.

Maori's house is a three-story building, and the detective office is on the second floor.

The two of them went upstairs together. As soon as they reached the door, they heard a male voice with an Osaka accent coming from inside the door: "Let Kudo Shinichi come out, I know he is here."

Followed by Mao Lilan's voice, with a tone of "Don't make trouble unreasonably": "I told you he is not here..."

Conan opened the door in confusion and saw a boy in sportswear, with dark skin and a baseball cap standing in the room.

He was about to ask who this was, but at this moment, Hattori Heiji turned around, his eyes fell on Jiang Xia, and he was suddenly stunned.

A second later, Hattori Heiji pointed at Jiangxia and turned to Mao Lilan: "Jiangxia is here, and you still said that Kudo Shinichi is not here!"

Mao Lilan, Conan: "...?"

Mao Lilan thought hard for several seconds, but didn't understand the relationship between the two things.

She first pushed Hattori Heiji, who was blocking the door, aside a little to let Jiang Xia in, and then asked Hattori Heiji doubtfully: "Jiang Xia came to my house to deliver peripherals to my dad, what does it have to do with Shinichi... By the way, what on earth are you here for? of?"

Hattori Heiji finally saw one of his targets, and he immediately stopped being pretentious. He took off his low-down baseball cap, revealing his full face: "My name is Hattori Heiji. Like Eka or Kudo, I am a high school detective."

"Or?" Conan always felt that this word was not quite right. Why did he say it as if only one of him and Jiang Xia was a detective... Damn it, did this person expel Kudo Shinichi from his detective status without authorization because he hadn't shown up for a long time?

Conan's eyes suddenly became unfriendly when he looked at Hattori Heiji.

However, this guest from Osaka was enthusiastic about him.

Hattori Heiji glanced at Conan, took out a bottle of Laobaigan from his bag, poured out half a cup, and handed it over casually: "Here, a special medicine for treating colds, one cup will be effective."

Conan was startled, and his overflowing conscience began to ache again - it seemed that his friend from Osaka was actually a very nice person. He actually noticed that he had a cold and even took the initiative to give him medicine... Thinking of this, Conan took the cup and felt very sad. The older one was about to pour the "medicine" into his mouth.

But before he could drink it, Jiang Xia suddenly reached out and snatched the cup away.

Jiang Xia smelled the mouth of the cup and frowned: "It's not good to give a child alcohol with such a high alcohol content."

As he spoke, he raised his hand and poured all the liquor into the pool.

"Wine?" Mao Lilan took the empty cup from Jiang Xia's hand, put it to the tip of her nose and sniffed, choking on the residual alcohol smell and sneezing.

She looked at Hattori Heiji in shock: "Why do you dare to give anything to a child?"

Hattori Heiji smiled, took Lao Baigan as a greeting gift, stuffed it into Maori Kogoro's arms, and then turned to Maori Ran again: "After drinking this wine, my body feels very warm, and it must be effective against colds... Okay, don't mention this, Kudo Where is Shinichi? He must be hiding nearby."

Mouri Kogoro put the wine aside uninterested and looked at the peripherals Jiang Xia bought.

Jiang Xia took advantage of others not paying attention and pretended to accidentally knock over the bottle and let the liquor inside flow out.

When Conan is in a cold state, drinking Laobaigan will produce a magical reaction - he will temporarily transform back into Kudo Shinichi.

Jiang Xia didn't know why the organization suddenly focused on Ikemura Isao, but one thing was certain. Currently, the organization must be watching the diplomat closely.

If Kudo Shinichi drinks Laobaigan and performs a great transformation at Ikemura Isao's house... Even if Gin follows the setting of losing his memory after killing people and forgets about Kudo Shinichi, other people in the organization do not have goldfish attributes. Kudo Shinichi is a celebrity, and if anyone recognizes him, it will be troublesome.

So don’t change, just be a portable kid.

However, in the future, you can secretly send a bottle of Laobaigan'er to Haiyuan Ai, so that she can understand the principle and try to research a temporary antidote.

While Jiangxia was secretly pouring wine, Mao Lilan and Conan were studying Hattori Heiji, and Maori Kogoro was happily dismantling peripherals, two "tuk-tuk" sounds suddenly came from the door.

Several people looked around and saw a middle-aged woman standing at the door.

Seeing that someone finally noticed her, the woman took off her sunglasses and walked in. She went straight to Kogoro Mori and said, "Is your doorbell just a decoration? No one bothered you after ringing it for a long time... I have something urgent to ask you to investigate. You should do it now." Be free."

Jiang Xia was far away from the door at this time, and his presence was not strong. He looked at the door and confirmed the identity of the person coming - there was a photo of her in the pile of information given by Gin, and she was none other than Ikemura Isao's wife, Ikemura Kimie.

Chicun Gongjiang didn't notice Jiang Xia.

She handed the information she had prepared long ago to Mouri Kogoro: "I want you to investigate my son's girlfriend. Here are her photos and resume. Please come to my house to discuss the details - my husband also attaches great importance to this matter. But as a diplomat, if he comes to the detective agency in person..."

Hattori Heiji answered with great interest: "It will definitely be reported as a scandal - eh, why not, let's go with you, so it looks like a parent taking care of his son, and it will be less likely to make people suspicious, how about it?" "

Kimura Ikemura glanced at Hattori Heiji. She wished that there were more people and the situation would be more chaotic: "It makes sense, then I'll trouble you."

With that said, she took back the information and stood up gracefully.

Then I heard Hattori Heiji turning around and saying, "Jiang Xia, let's go together." It was a good time to take advantage of this commission to see his strength.

Ikemura Gongjiang's hand slipped, and the information in his hand clattered back to the table.

She turned around suddenly and saw the detective whom she had met once before and who was said to be very observant.


Update time: 8:30 am

If it falls early, it is because it is preventing theft. don't panic

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