Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 131 Don’t follow me

After Ikemura Koe became murderous towards her husband, he began to look for a suitable detective.

Her plan was to put her husband down with sleeping pills and let him take a nap in the locked study. Then she would lead a group of detectives into the house. When the detectives were just entering the door and looking at the environment, she would wake up Ikemura Isao. As a cover up, he secretly stabbed the person to death with a poisonous needle.

Before that, Kimura Chimura left a series of false clues in advance to make the whole case look like a secret room murder case, pretending that her husband died before they entered.

In this way, it seems that Ikemura Gongjiang has no time to commit the crime. She can frame the matter to her father-in-law and protect herself at the same time, getting the best of both worlds.

But the premise for this method to be effective is that the detective who is with her must have certain reasoning ability, at least be able to deduce the second level of "secret room murder".

So Chicun Gongjie used the excuse of investigating his daughter-in-law to start contacting detectives privately.

During this period, she heard a friend recommend Jiang Xia, so she went to the detective agency where Jiang Xia worked to check out the situation.

Originally, considering that Jiang Xia was so young and had very little detective qualifications, Ikemura Kōjiang was very optimistic about him.

However, during the consultation with his best friend, Kimura Ikemura sat next to him and flipped through a collection of Jiang Xia's case clippings. The more he read, the more frightened he became.

Judging from reports, Jiang Xia solves cases very quickly and can often get to the point as soon as he opens his mouth. This shows that his observation skills must not be weak and he has the ability to survey the entire scene in just a few seconds and discover and remember all the details.

Ikemura Kojiang took a look at the criminals in the collection of newspaper clippings who were killed for no apparent reason, and felt a chill in his back. She was really afraid that as soon as she plunged the poisonous needle into her husband's neck with her front foot, Jiang Xia would come up to her and ask, "What are you doing?" Then everything would be over.

Therefore, to be on the safe side, Ikemura Koe changed his tool man - Mouri Kogoro.

This detective is also very good at investigation and should have certain reasoning abilities. I heard that when he encounters a murder case, he likes to quickly point out a very obvious murderer. Therefore, Ikemura Koe decisively gave up Jiang Xia and found Mouri Kogoro.

But now...why is Jiang Xia here?

Ikemura Gongjie regretted that he agreed so quickly just now.

She adjusted her sunglasses and originally wanted to find an excuse to refuse Jiang Xia and the others to follow them, taking only Mouri Kogoro with her.

But before she could speak, Jiang Xia suddenly walked up to her and asked politely, "Can I go together?"

As soon as he approached, Ikemura Kimura subconsciously changed his head to a nod, not wanting to refuse his request.

Jiang Xia got permission and backed away with satisfaction.

Chicun Gongjiang took a few seconds to regain his senses, and his face suddenly turned blue. But changing his story at this time would be too blunt and could easily arouse the suspicion of the detective. She had even imagined the doubts others had about her after the incident - "If you have no problem, why did you insist on not letting Jiang Xia go with you?"

...Forget it, take someone over to take a look first. At worst, observe the situation before the assassination. If Jiang Xia notices her, she will abort the plan.

Thinking like this, Ikemura Gongjiang barely maintained his noble and cool attitude and walked towards the door.

Jiang Xia follows.

As soon as Mr. Ikemura appeared, more than half of his organizational assessment tasks were completed.

The four protagonists gathered together, and the effect was truly outstanding. Thinking of this, Jiang Xia couldn't help but look at Hattori Heiji admiringly.

Speaking of which, Hattori Heiji actually has some unique functions: he often causes serial murders, and three or four of them die at one time. It's a pity that this person usually lives in Osaka, which is a bit far away.

Hattori Heiji successfully got the task and even roped in Jiang Xia. He was in a good mood - although ordinary commissions are different from murder cases, the process of verification and analysis can more or less reveal a person's crime-solving habits.

He showed a smile that was about to see through everything and turned to Jiang Xia, only to find that Jiang Xia was also looking at him.

Looking at each other for a moment, Jiang Xia suddenly said: "Have you ever considered transferring to Tokyo? There are many famous detectives here and there are many cases. It's easy to compete with anyone you want."

Hattori Heiji: "..." Huh?

As soon as Jiangxia's words came out, he thought it was inappropriate - some cases actually have specific locations. Even if Hattori Heiji is placed in Tokyo, they cannot be taken away...

Thinking of this, Jiang Xia sighed: "It's nothing, I just said it casually."

Then he got into Kimura Koe's car feeling slightly disappointed.

Hattori Heiji looked at his back: "...?"

...Is it his illusion? It always feels like Jiang Xia has no hostility toward this challenger who appeared out of nowhere, but is actually quite friendly?

...What kind of number is this?

Hattori Heiji followed the car suspiciously.

Conan stared at a pair of half-moon eyes and slipped into the car - Hattori Heiji kept shouting to find Kudo Shinichi, and he always felt uneasy.

And in Conan's view, Hattori Heiji is an overly straightforward person, so straightforward that he deserves to be beaten.

If he keeps asking Jiang Xia questions that Jiang Xia doesn't want to answer, and exhausts Jiang Xia's patience bar, then someone will have to be responsible for pulling Jiang Xia away with the stick later... Hattori Heiji is not a criminal after all, and he may be responsible for the damage. .

As soon as Conan got in the car, Mao Lilan followed him without worry. The car suddenly became a little crowded.

Mouri Kogoro looked at the back seat speechlessly: "There are too many of you, two of you can get off."

But Chimura Gongjiang said: "It's okay, it will be less likely to arouse suspicion." It is better to have more people, and the more chaotic it is, the more at ease she feels.

And she suddenly discovered that Jiang Xia seemed to be very interested in the Osaka man, so it was better...

Mao Lilan deliberately sat between Jiangxia and Hattori Heiji, separating the two.

She just discovered that although Hattori Heiji's target is Kudo Shinichi, he is not very friendly to Jiangxia.

She originally thought that Hattori Heiji would continue to stir up trouble, and she was already prepared to throw him away as soon as Hattori Heiji persisted in stalking him... But she didn't.

Hattori Heiji was very quiet, seemingly lost in thought.

He was still thinking about the meaning of Jiang Xia's words "Come to Tokyo".

If Toru Amuro said the same thing to him, Hattori Heiji would definitely suspect that the other party was mocking Osaka's teaching quality, or mocking Osaka for not having many famous detectives, but now it's Eka...

Hattori Heiji's mind flashed with Jiang Xia's sincere eyes, and he really couldn't make similar doubts. He even had the illusion that once he nodded just now, Jiang Xia would immediately take the moving company straight to his house and carry him to Tokyo overnight.

So why did you suddenly invite him? Fancy his ability to solve crimes? Hattori Heiji was puzzled.

Chicun Gongjiang quickly drove the car to the destination.

The Chicun family occupies a relatively large area and is very impressive. A group of people entered through the door, and along the way met the housekeeper of the Ikecun family, the son and daughter-in-law of Ikecun Kongjiang, and the father-in-law of Ikecun Kongjiang... Finally, they came to the door of the study on the second floor.

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