Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 132 Osaka is a good place, the good thing is that it has no rivers

Chapter 132 Osaka is a good place, but the good thing is that it does not have Jiang Xia

The door was locked. Ikemura Kojiang took out the key and opened the door. The poisonous needle was hidden in her keychain.

Isao Ikemura often uses the study room to receive guests. The decoration here is also very grand, and there are some exquisite ornaments on the bookshelves.

When Ikemura Gongjiang tried to "shake up" her husband, she peeked at a few other people with her peripheral vision and found that these people were indeed attracted to the bookcase, and Jiang Xia, whom she was most afraid of, was no exception - and Jiang Xia happened to have her back turned she.

Luck was indeed on her side.

Ikemura Gongjiang breathed a sigh of relief, stabbed Ikemura Gongjiang behind the ear with a poisonous needle, and then continued to shake him.

Not long after, Ikemura Isao's body tilted and fell lifelessly to the ground.

Ikemura Gongjiang pounced on him with a series of moves, crying: "Husband! Husband! What's wrong with you?!"

Then came the usual screaming, suspects watching, and calling the police...

While waiting for the police to arrive, Jiang Xia walked around the room and completed the process of collecting clues.

Hattori Heiji did not expect to encounter a murder case. He was startled and immediately entered the state. Only this time, he was much busier than usual - not only collecting clues, but also paying attention to what was going on in Jiang Xia.

As a result, Hattori Heiji was so distracted when he approached a thin needle on the ground that he suddenly bumped his head with someone else.

He stood up holding his forehead in pain, and found that the person who bumped into him was Conan. The child was actually looking at the needle on the ground.

Hattori Heiji was startled and wanted the children to stay away from the corpse. But before he spoke, he suddenly noticed that Conan had something covering his ears.

Hattori Heiji asked in confusion: "Why are you wearing earmuffs?" After saying that, he remembered that Conan couldn't hear, so he reached over and wanted to take off the earmuffs and ask again.

But Conan saw his actions, covered his earmuffs and ran away. Finally, he gave him a complex look of sympathy.

Hattori Heiji was puzzled.

It seems that not only detectives in Tokyo, but also children have a strange mind - if you are afraid of corpses, shouldn't you cover your eyes first? What is the operation of covering your ears?

It didn't take long for Hattori Heiji to know the answer.

——The police finished questioning the suspect and briefly surveyed the scene.

Hattori Heiji was thinking about the cause of the secret room. At this time, he saw Jiangxia walking next to Megure Police Department, and then whispered in a volume that was not concealed at all: "The murderer should be Mrs. Ikemura."

The Memu Police Department and a group of police officers looked shocked.

Hattori Heiji was also surprised, but he found that the reason for his surprise was different from others. What he was thinking was "How could the murderer be Mrs. Ikemura who had no time to commit the crime?" But others were shocked that "Mrs. Ikemura actually wanted to kill her husband."

Chicun Gongjiang's expression changed. While panicking, she felt that it was not real. When she stabbed Ikemura Isao to death, Jiang Xia's back was clearly facing this way. How could it be possible so quickly...

Jiang Xia glanced at the shikigami on Mr. Chimura's legs and started to fast forward: "Death cases that occur in secret rooms are generally considered to be sudden deaths or suicides. This is one of the reasons why the murderer likes to disguise the scene as a secret room, but today The case is very strange——

"Mr. Ikemura was stabbed to death with a poisonous needle in the 'secret room'. It looked like suicide at first glance, but the location where he was stabbed was exactly behind his right ear. When we came in, he was holding his chin with his right hand. .Compared to a disguised suicide, this is more like deliberately reminding us that the suicide was disguised, and then we began to investigate in other directions and focus more on the secret room.

"In this way, due to the time limit of death, Mrs. Ikemura, who was with us before the incident, will be eliminated as a suspect first. Combine this with some other anomalies in the room - such as the unexpected pile on the table. books, as well as the loud music in the room, and Mrs. Ikemura’s sliding keychain that is slightly offset from when she opened the door...

"She could have taken out the poisonous needle hidden in the keychain when she entered the door, and then secretly used the poisonous needle to kill the sleeping Mr. Ikemura while we were attracted by other scenes in the study."

The Memu Police Department came back to their senses, looked at Mrs. Ikemura's hand holding out the veins, and called to his subordinates: "Go check that keychain."

Hattori Heiji approached the police officer unbelievingly, and saw that after the keychain slid open, a groove was exposed on the inside, with the shape and size just enough to put a needle.

Although it has not been tested to see if it is poisonous, judging from the change in Mrs. Chicun's demeanor, Jiang Xia was right.

Next to him, Conan sighed quietly and took off his earmuffs.

Although he successfully blocked Jiang Xia's voice, his observation skills harmed him - as soon as Jiang Xia revealed the real murderer, everyone in the room looked at Kimura Ikemura, and Conan subconsciously recognized this unusual movement. Take it into your eyes, and then...

Then there is no more.

After seeing the answer to the mystery, combined with the time of Isao Ikemura's death, Conan instantly understood what the murder was about.

…It’s the same as not buying these earmuffs. But I can’t cover my eyes from now on. Thinking of this, Conan felt haggard.

However, he glanced at Hattori Heiji, who was still in a state of shock next to him, and his mood subtly improved - look, not only him, but other detectives also had the same reaction when facing Jiang Xia. This shows that it's not that he is weak, it's just that Jiang Xia is so strong that he seems to be cheating.

In today's case, Hattori Heiji devoted some energy to observing Jiang Xia throughout the whole process.

Therefore, he was sure that Jiang Xia had not contacted anyone and just looked around at the scene.

Even if you think about it carefully, long before the police arrived, Jiang Xia had already looked at Mrs. Ikemura from time to time when she saw the pinhole on the neck of the deceased...

Hattori Heiji fell into thought.

Now it seems that the reports about Jiang Xia in the newspapers not only did not exaggerate the facts, but also weakened Jiang Xia's ability. "Jiang Xia named the murderer just after reading the evidence compiled by the police" is not appropriate at all. Jiang Xia was clearly in a hurry. The case was solved before the police arrived. He looked at the evidence probably just for confirmation.

After watching Jiang Xia's case-solving process at the scene, Hattori Heiji completely gave up his doubts.

This kind of genius who can immediately read the truth after taking one look at the scene actually exists...

Wait, come to think of it, could Kudo's sudden disappearance have something to do with this?

...Indeed, if you think about it, if every time you arrive at a crime scene and you are trying to collect evidence, someone suddenly shakes out the murderer + the crime process + the evidence, it will be fine once, but not the next time. This time...

Although he didn't want to admit it, to be honest, he would have run away if it were him.

This is no longer a matter of deciding the outcome. This one-sided situation not only fails to experience the fun of competition at all, but also cannot solve the puzzle at all. It is a complete blow to and interference with self-awareness.

Hattori Heiji suddenly felt lucky that he was from Osaka. He was usually hundreds of kilometers away from Jiangxia and could not touch it at all.

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