Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 139 Vodka doesn’t want to be persecuted (upgrade to the alliance and add updates to the full

Chapter 139 Vodka doesn’t want to be persecuted (upgrade to the alliance plus update to full stack Susu)

Ginjiu really didn't think about it, and he didn't think Jiang Xia was so famous. But it is undeniable that the situation mentioned by Jiang Xia is indeed possible.

If Masami Hirota really recognized Jiang Xia from his voice, it would indeed look a bit suspicious for a detective who was a stranger to run into someone else's house at night.

Therefore, although Gin felt that Jiang Xia was thinking too much, it didn't really matter who called. He just asked Jiang Xia to dial the number just because he felt that among the three of them, Jiang Xia was the easiest to trick others into opening the door.

Now Jiang Xia doesn't want to fight, and Ginjiu doesn't force it. He looks at Vodka: "Come on."

Vodka was very obedient and did whatever he was asked to do. He dialed it as an insurance salesman. The call was answered quickly.

Jiang Xia glanced at the vodka.

Professor Guangtian's series of events tonight were actually within the scope of Jiang Xia's "foreknowledge".

He remembered that in the spoilers, Vodka also made a call like this, but failed to get through because at that time, Masami Hirota had been beaten to death by Shirokura Yang.

But now, things have gone awry. Jiang Xia thought about it and thought it was right. When he got on the gin car, Bai Cangyang was still walking to the parking lot. The two cars were going to the same place, and Bai Cangyang was probably still behind them and didn't have time to get to the scene. No wonder Hirota Masami answered the phone.

Vodka has taken similar actions before, and has learned a set of rhetoric by heart. The insurance content he gave was also quite advantageous. After listening to a few words, Professor Hirota was really moved and made an appointment for them to visit.

Vodka hung up the phone and was about to report to Ginjiu, but suddenly saw that Ginjiu didn't look good.

Jiang Xia had already discovered it.

Seeing Vodka looking at Gin, he also looked over naturally, and used his eyes to encourage the three ghosts who were working hard to gather murderous intent around Gin.

Gin stared at the reflector with an unpredictable expression: "The Toyota behind us has been following us for three intersections."

Vodka perked up. He is more familiar with this matter!

The Porsche suddenly turned sideways and suddenly turned into a side road.

Jiang Xia concentrated on watching the ghost and was almost thrown away. He grabbed the seat belt to steady his body, and then saw Vodka holding the steering wheel and performing a series of snake-skin operations.

After twisting and turning for a while, the black Porsche suddenly drove into a small road and stopped.

——According to Vodka's calculations, after such a pursuit, he could turn defense into offense and block the car trying to track them in this remote corner, so that he could silence or interrogate them.

However, as soon as the car stopped and he was about to pull out his gun and get out of the car, he saw that there was no one in the dead end in front of him, and there was no trace of the "tracker" at all.

Vodka looked around and found that there was no one next to him: "Brother..." The group of pursuers must be too timid to come over...

Gin didn't make a sound, he looked around from under the brim of his hat.

After a while, no one came, so he blew out a puff of smoke and said calmly: "Let's go."

The car drives off again.

Both of them looked very skilled and did not feel embarrassed about fighting against the air. They may have experienced it countless times before.

Jiang Xia expressed his understanding. This is normal. If you don't be suspicious, gin and vodka may have been captured by groups of undercovers long ago.

Jiang Xia then pretended not to be surprised, pretending that this was just an ordinary precaution.

However, he remembered the car keys he had just picked up for Bai Cangyang, and vaguely guessed what was going on.

Shiracang Yang's key happens to belong to Toyota. The car that "tracked" them that Gin noticed was probably Shirakura Yang's car.

Both parties were rushing to Masami Hirota's house, so it was normal for them to stop by.

In Jiang Xia's impression, Bai Cangyang recently received an invitation from a column called "The Surprising Side of Models", and the requirement for participation was to provide a photo that matched the theme.

Bai Cangyang thought about it over and over, and finally remembered that when he was in college, he once took a photo of a woman wearing heavy makeup at an event. He immediately felt that this was very suitable - Bai Cangyang had plastic surgery before, and if he used other ordinary photos, his dark history might be exposed.

Bai Cangyang did not usually have the habit of keeping photos, but he remembered that Professor Hirota had one at home, so he wrote a letter asking to borrow the photos.

But in the reply that Hirota Masami sent him, he did not include the photo of women in clothes he wanted, but instead included a photo of Shirakura Yoo who looked ordinary before, with the text: "This is your true face".

Bai Cangyang angrily tore up the photo, feeling deeply that he had been ridiculed. But he had already submitted "Photos of Women in College Era" before. If the content was to be changed temporarily, he could not think of a more suitable photo, so he decided to visit Professor Hirota's house in person. A face-to-face visit is more sincere, and face-to-face communication is usually more cordial than over the Internet. That's why he's here today.

Vodka showed off his driving skills but failed to catch anyone. As he continued to head to Professor Hirota's house, he was a little more cautious than before, but he didn't find any other "trackers" along the way.

The three of them successfully arrived near Professor Hirota's house.

As soon as I arrived at the street, before I could get closer, I suddenly saw someone carrying a bag of things and walking out of Hirota Masami's house. Then the person walked away quickly along the street.

The person who came out was none other than Bai Cangyang. As he walked, he took a wet wipe and wiped his forearm heavily. He looked down at his trouser legs and soles from time to time, as if he was afraid of splashing something.

Under the halo of the street lamp, you can see some blood stains on the wet wipes, but there are no wounds on Bai Cangyang's arm - that is not his blood, but he got it from elsewhere.

...No matter how you look at it, it looks like you have fled the scene in a hurry after committing a murder.

As soon as Jiang Xia looked over, his eyes fell precisely on the fresh shikigami on Bai Cangyang's legs.

He was about to get out of the car to pick up ghosts, and by the way, he took back the information in Bai Cangyang's hand, taking into account both public and private matters.

But at this time, Gin next to him clicked the gun and pointed the gun at him - he recognized Bai Cangyang as the man who happened to be talking to Jiang Xia near the station.

Gin thought it was a bit of a coincidence. Their target was Masami Hirota, and Jiang Xia had contacted Shiracang Yang with his front foot, and Shiracang Yang came here to kill Hirota Masami. This is not Tokyo, but Shizuoka, which is about three hours drive from Tokyo. Jiang Xia usually has no reason to contact these two people.

Gin Jiu looked at Jiang Xia with cold eyes: "Do you know our plan for today in advance?"

"I don't know." Jiang Xia had already adapted to Ginjiu's behavior of pointing a gun around all day long when he was working - even if he just said hello, Ginjiu might be secretly aiming a gun at him. People, let alone when in doubt.

He adapted well and said calmly: "I just felt that his mentality was very tense, like the kind of person who is hesitant on the edge of the baseline, so I took advantage of the situation and helped him."


Update time: 8:30 am

If it falls early, it is because it is preventing theft. don't panic

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