Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 140: Bumping into an Anonymous (Upgrade to Alliance plus update to Full Stack Su Su

Chapter 140: Bumping into an Anonymous (Upgrade to Alliance plus update to Full Stack Su Su)

Gin reviewed tonight's situation in his mind, especially the previous scenes of Jiang Xia and Bai Cangyang getting along, and lowered his gun: "...You really like to cast your net everywhere."

When Jiang Xia left the sushi restaurant last time, he left a ghost in the house to eavesdrop, so he basically figured out the dark character that Gin had worked so hard to figure out for him.

He sighed and said helplessly: "I can't help it. I'm not one of those famous detectives who are born with a constitution for accidents. If I want to achieve my goal, I have to take more detours than others."

Vodka: "..." Why do you say such a heartbreaking thing in such an inspiring way? Do you still expect us to praise you?

Just as he was thinking about it, he saw Gin nod his head, with a hint of appreciation in his tone: "Indeed."

Vodka: "…………"

Brother, please take a closer look, you will see that this is a pervert who kills people randomly!

Gin does not often kill civilians, but that is not because of his moral conscience, but to minimize the signs of the organization's existence and avoid causing trouble for the organization.

If Jiang Xia was the kind of murderer who was keen on running on the streets in the middle of the night and randomly grabbing lucky victims, he would definitely take care of it, because this kind of reckless hunting behavior could easily expose their existence.

But now, Jiang Xia just moved her mouth. Even if someone suspects it, it will be difficult to find evidence without causing chaos to the organization.

And from Ginjiu's point of view, Jiang Xia's method of brushing up on qualifications was extremely effective. In such a short period of time, he had transformed from an ordinary high school student to a well-known detective.

Gin dispelled his inner suspicions and looked back at Bai Cangyang, who had not noticed them yet and was getting closer and closer: "The shape of the bag in his hand is a bit strange, take it over and take a look."

With that said, Gin got out of the car and entered a hidden place aside.

Bai Cangyang looked around himself guiltily, for fear of leaving blood stains.

——Just now he asked Professor Hirota for a photo of women’s clothing, but Professor Hirota said that he forgot which disk the women’s clothing photos were on, and said with a smile, “If it’s the photo I sent you before, I can take it right away. Find it out, how about I send it directly to the editorial department for you?"

In the photo he was talking about, Bai Cangyang looked like before plastic surgery.

To Bai Cangyang's ears, this was completely threatening and ironic. He suddenly became angry, picked up the ornaments in the room, turned his back to pose, and shot Professor Hirota's head from behind.

After calming down, Shirokura Yang looked at the corpse on the ground, and his desire for survival caused his small universe to explode instantly - he took away all the disks and hurriedly arranged the death scene into a semi-finished secret room where "Professor Hirota was accidentally hit by a bookshelf and died accidentally", and then I plan to steal the disk and hide it first, and then come back to arrange the second half of the secret room.

Bai Cangyang wiped the blood spattered on his forearm and continued walking to the parking lot in the gloomy night.

At this time, a man came from across the street, passed him, and walked towards the vending machine.

It was getting late, and this section of the road was at the darkest edge of the streetlight. Bai Cangyang didn't see the passerby's face clearly, so he walked around him and wanted to continue walking.

But the moment the two of them passed each other, the "passerby" suddenly raised his hand and grabbed his collar, and pushed him into a hidden place by the bridge.

The "passerby" is of course Jiang Xia, the outline features of the other two are too obvious.

Bai Cangyang was hit hard on the ground, and the mud seemed to shake. Vodka silently glanced at the nosebleeds splashing on the edge of his shoes, and then he was slightly agitated.

Logically speaking, this is actually not a bloody scene. For them, it can even be considered harmonious.

But I don't know why, but some things seem to be even more scary when it comes to Jiang Xia's hands.

Vodka thought about it seriously and felt that he understood - no matter how cruel his other accomplices were, they were also cruel to others and would not attack one of his own who had not made any mistakes, especially him who drove honestly. But it's different for a pervert who takes pleasure in encouraging people to kill...

Gin didn't have as many thoughts as Vodka, and was only satisfied with Jiang Xia's neat capture. He knelt down and grabbed Bai Cangyang's hair, pulled his head up, and asked about the situation.

When Bai Cangyang fell, the bag in his hand also fell next to him, and a bunch of disks fell out of it. Bai Cangyang was not sure which one had his photos in it, so he simply took them all away.

Jiang Xia secretly tugged at the shikigami on Bai Cangyang's legs, and found that it was still not loose, so he had to let go of his hand first and handed over the interrogation work to Gin.

He himself went to the side of the vodka and examined the bag of disks on the floor.

After browsing aimlessly for a while, Jiang Xia suddenly remembered something.

——In the spoilers he mastered, not long after Professor Hirota died, Conan, Haibara Ai and the doctor arrived. They also come for the disk.

The reality is somewhat different from the spoilers. Jiang Xia doesn't know whether these three people will come today. But he thought it would be best if he kept his mind occupied.

Otherwise, if Conan and the others really come here to look for the disk, happen to pass by, and happen to see him standing next to gin and vodka, looking like a good friend... then the vest will fall off.

Thinking like this, Jiang Xia secretly let the illusory shikigami fly out of the street and condensed into Kiriten Dog's puppet in the blind corner of his vision.

After that, his body temporarily hung up, and his consciousness flew above on the puppet to observe the surrounding situation.

This place is not in the city center, the night sky is very dark, the foggy dog's clothes and hair are all black, and the wings are also black. Fly higher and out of the range of street lights, making it harder to spot.

Gin is currently concentrating on interrogating Bai Cangyang, while Jiang Xia's body and Vodka are looking through the disk.

Just now, Jiang Xia realized that he was just paddling - he didn't know which disk the organization wanted and what it looked like.

And when he was distracted just now, he stopped for a moment. Not only did Vodka have no objection to his inactivity, but on the contrary, after Jiang Xia took his hand away from the bag, Vodka's movements seemed to be smoother.

So it should be able to hang up safely. Even if something goes wrong, the worst thing is to come back as soon as possible.

Originally, Jiang Xia's observation of the surroundings was just to be on the safe side and act cautiously.

But what Jiang Xia didn't expect was that he actually saw a Beetle on the road - Dr. Ali's car.

Jiang Xia hovered in the air and looked down at the route below. He found that if the situation continued, it wouldn't be long before the doctor and the trio in black suddenly met by the bridge.

... Even though the three of them were hiding in a corner and were not easily seen, Gin's Porsche 356A was still parked nearby. When the car passed by, Haihara Ai felt frightened, and Conan questioned and didn't feel very good.

Thinking like this, Jiang Xia picked a place to stay and decided to take a simple and effective way to prevent the doctor from moving forward. The method is simple - touch porcelain.

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