Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 142 Uzo and his perfectionism

...Thinking about it this way, it doesn’t seem like a loss. On the contrary, I made money.

Jiang Xia reluctantly convinced herself.

Ginjiu walked to the car, looked back, and found that Jiang Xia was still looking back at the bridge, not wanting to leave.

"Get in the car." Gin urged mercilessly, "Your requirements for the forgery scene are too high. The pursuit of perfection is a good thing, but sometimes you have to pay attention to efficiency."

Gin knew very well that the scene of this "accidental fall" was indeed not precise enough.

But in his opinion, this level is enough for the police to close the case as an "accident" rather than a "murder" - in this kind of wilderness, few detectives will come. Even if the detective happens to pass by, there will be no evidence. , Second, there is no suspect. Even if the detectives suspect that this is actually a murder, the police may not take their opinions. Professor Hirota's death will of course be blamed on Shiro Kurayo and has nothing to do with the organization.

Just now, when he threw the person under the bridge, Gin, who was also responsible for personnel work, was thinking that according to Uzo's previous "case-solving" style, this new bottle of wine might have objections to his rough operation.

Seeing that Jiangxia really cared about Qiaoxia, Gin suddenly felt a sense of accomplishment that he had successfully controlled the minds of his juniors - Uzo was great, but he still lacked experience, focused too much on perfection, and needed to be honed in practice.

You must know that in this relatively unfamiliar environment, if you stay too much to arrange a perfect scene, you will be easily witnessed. It is far better to leave immediately after killing the person for safety.

However, after what happened today, with Jiang Xia's understanding and criminal talent, he would definitely notice this.

Jiang Xia was still thinking about the ghost under the bridge. When he looked up, he saw Ginjiu looking at him with a hint of "I understand" in his eyes.

Jiang Xia: "..."

Although he didn't know what this stable, high-quality murderous aura production machine knew, he did successfully receive Gin's meaning - get in the car and run away as soon as possible.

Jiang Xia opened the rear door and got into the car.

Not long after the black Porsche drove out, it arrived at the scene of Dr. A Li's crash.

The yellow Volkswagen Beetle was parked on the side of the road, with the door open and no one in the car. Three people were still working in the grass.

Vodka and Gin glanced outside, thinking it was just an ordinary car accident, and passed by without paying much attention. Of course Jiang Xia didn't say anything.

At the same time, in the grass, Hui Yuan Ai was startled, turned his head sharply... and then faced a clump of weeds.

...There is nothing we can do about it, after all, she is not as tall as Cao Cao.

It is precisely because the grass here is extremely lush that they have not been able to find the whereabouts of the Anonymous who was knocked away.

Haiyuan Ai stared at the grass for a while, feeling like he had just smelled the scent of an organization, and it was very strong.

She secretly pushed aside some grass and stood on tiptoe to look at the roadside, but the road was empty and no one was there.

Haiyuan Ai frowned slightly as she remembered the sound of cars passing by just now - since the passing car didn't stop, those members of the organization probably didn't come for her and were probably just passing by.

But this place is very close to Professor Hirota's home. Appearing at this place at this time...could the organization also come here for the disk?

Thinking of this, a cold sweat suddenly broke out on Haiyuan Ai's back - the three of them were not familiar with Professor Hirota. Even if they had made an appointment, when they went to borrow the travel disk from the professor, they definitely couldn't just take the disk and leave. Be polite for a while.

If it hadn't been for this collision, they would have arrived at Professor Hirota's house by now, and would have even faced off against those organization members with terrifying auras just now...

Thinking of this, Haibara Ai thought of Xiaobai who had helped her when she defected, and the anonymous person who took away the bomb on the Shinkansen who looked very much like her sister.

The accident just now... was it really just an accident?

Or did Anonymous also know about the actions of the black organization, so he came over and bumped their car to remind them to stop?

This speculation made Haiyuan Ai a little touched, but at the same time, she felt strange - if it was just a reminder, the doctor would definitely stop the car if he stopped it from a distance, so there was no need to bump into it.

Could it be that the truth is that Anonymous not only knew that the organization was here, but she also fought with members of the organization. After being injured, she was a little confused. When she was escaping, she accidentally ran onto the road and was hit by the doctor by chance?

No, it's not necessarily an accident. It's possible that Anonymous really did it on purpose. After all, she had a criminal record - on the Shinkansen, Anonymous could have just thrown the bomb, but she chose to jump off the train with the bomb herself. Judging from this incident, this beautiful sister’s thinking cannot be inferred by common sense. Maybe she has similar strange interests...

This organization is indeed a bit dangerous, although it is "dangerous" in a different sense from the black organization.

Hui Yuan Ai's mood was very complicated.

But no matter what the situation was, her favorability towards Anonymous was rising steadily and uncontrollably, and she became more eager to find someone.

After a while, the police also arrived and joined the search.

However, there was no one knocked away in the grass. In addition, the front cover of the Beetle did show signs of being hit by something, but it was not serious.

Combined with the "rough speed when hitting the person" that Dr. Agasi told them, the police concluded that the person Dr. Agasa hit was not actually a person.

The police officer looked at Dr. Ali, who had "You guys take me away" written all over his face, and suspected that the old man had seen something wrong - it was late at night, there were no street lights here, and the other two passengers in the car were also It’s so common for first graders to misunderstand. Maybe they actually bumped into something like a human billboard.

Not only was Dr. Ali not arrested, he was comforted by the police and was flattered.

Conan and Haihara Ai had some vague guesses about this outcome. Of course, they didn't think that the doctor hit the billboard. They just thought that Anonymous must have taken protective measures, or that she was very skilled and pretended to be hit just now. Actual initiative takes off.

After solving the problem of bumping into someone, the night was already very late.

Conan and the doctor came to Professor Hirota's house under the fierce opposition of Haibara Ai, and then suddenly met the police just now - Professor Hirota was dead.

Before Bai Cangyang could completely decorate the secret room, Professor Hirota's death was an obvious homicide. Afterwards, Bai Cangyang's body was quickly discovered - there were few weeds and no cover where he fell.

Conan always felt that something was not right about Yo Shirakura's "accidental death", but there were no suspects around, and there was a lack of strong evidence. In addition, the police in Shizuoka and Kudo Shinichi were not familiar with each other. Conan could not use this name to ask the police to investigate more. , in the end, the case ended hastily. The three returned to Tokyo without finding anything.


Update time: 8:30 am

If it falls early, it is because it is preventing theft. don't panic

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