Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 143 Difficult Choice (Character Star Points Increased by 1)

Jiang Xia arrived home earlier than his neighbors and went to bed earlier than his neighbors. Moreover, because the puppet was knocked, he took a stick of ghost mint in order to replenish the lost energy. In short, Jiang Xia became the most energetic one the next day.

He brought the invitation to the Sherlock Holmes trip that he had drawn, and originally wanted to go to the Maori Detective Agency to find Conan, but when passing by the doctor's house, Jiang Xia remembered what happened yesterday, turned in and took a look, and saw that Conan was indeed here.

Compared with Jiang Xia, the three people who returned home early in the morning looked a little haggard, as if they could fall asleep at any time.

Miyano Akemi poked her head out from behind Jiang Xia, glanced at the living room, skillfully floated to Haibara Ai's head, and happily touched the top of her sister's soft hair.

Before Jiang Xia arrived, Conan and the others were still discussing what happened last night, but as soon as Jiang Xia arrived, all three of them shut up.

In order to help Jiang Xia tighten the organization's vest, Hui Yuan Ai would not discuss the organization with Jiang Xia when other people were present.

In addition, in today's situation, even if Conan and the doctor were not around, she would not take the initiative to mention what happened last night - after all, she targeted the organization's information yesterday. And Jiang Xia was still considered a member of the organization, so she still felt a little guilty when she brought up the matter of "stealing organization information" in front of Jiang Xia.

Of course, Conan and Dr. A Li would not say that in their opinion, Jiang Xia should receive some sunny and cheerful information rather than such a terrible thing as the black organization.

Therefore, although Conan wanted to drag Jiang Xia to the scene of Bai Cangyang's death yesterday and let Jiang Xia see what was wrong, in the end, he held back.

——Bai Cangyang's death was too coincidental, and he was probably silenced by the organization. If Jiang Xia really went to the scene and discovered the clues, he might become the next target of silence, or lead to another child of unknown origin in the doctor's family.

If the neighbors didn't mention those things, Jiang Xia certainly wouldn't say either.

However, the abnormality of these three people was so obvious that Jiang Xia had to ask "What happened?" and then considerately cooperate with them to change the topic - after going through the process, Jiang Xia finally got down to business.

Jiang Xia took out the invitation letter for Sherlock Holmes' trip and tried to lure this fake child who was very attractive to the case to go with him.

Conan saw his invitation and perked up: "Did you also win?"

Conan was happy for a second because he "could travel with friends", and then suddenly felt depressed again.

There is only one ultimate reward, "A Study in Scarlet" first edition collector's book, which means that only one person can receive the reward.

Now Jiang Xia is going too...

Conan seemed to have seen the tragic scene of Aishu waving a handkerchief to him and then running towards Jiang Xia's arms.

However, after a while, Conan gradually became more cautious - the test of Sherlock Holmes's journey was not to solve the case, but to answer the questions. And most importantly, there is no "whoever submits the paper first wins" rule.

And as long as there is no time limit, he may not lose to Jiang Xia.

Also, even if he loses... Jiang Xia's house is so close to him. When he visits Jiang Xia's house, he will be able to see his treasured book. And as the saying goes, there are people outside the world, and other contestants are also very strong opponents. Compared with letting "A Study in Scarlet" fall into the hands of others, of course it is better for Jiang Xia to hold it...

Jiang Xia looked at Conan's face that was suddenly happy and sad, and suspected that Kudo-san had stayed up too late and made himself stupid.

Conan came to his senses under the strange gazes of the other three people. With a slightly embarrassed voice, he looked at Jiang Xia and said, "Well, I didn't expect you to like Holmes too. No wonder the case was solved so quickly."

Jiang Xia: "..." Although I don't understand what Holmes has to do with solving the case. But he remembered that Conan just said "ye".

It seems that Conan really won the invitation.

Jiang Xia immediately felt relieved.

Dr. Ali listened to their conversation and saw the date on the invitation letter. He looked at Conan with confusion: "But on this day... isn't it scheduled to go treasure hunting at my uncle's villa with the children?"

The young detective team is relatively familiar with each other. After they became familiar with Conan, they often followed Conan to Dr. Agasa's place to play. Dr. A Li also liked these energetic children very much. Seeing that they were discussing about doing a big career all day long, the doctor bought some toys with his own money, hid the toys in his uncle's old villa, and hanged them. I tried my best to arrange some secret codes and planned to hold a "treasure hunt" game.

Conan froze slightly when he remembered that this was indeed the case.

He was torn between "friendship" and "Sherlock Holmes" for 0.1 seconds, and decisively released a dove of peace: "Why don't we change the time, or let Haiyuan go with us?"

Conan is not interested in Dr. Agasa's treasures or mysteries. His mind is now occupied with the Sherlock Holmes collection.

The villa is some distance away. Dr. Ari has no other free schedule in the near future, so he can only accept Conan's last suggestion and look at Haibara Ai.

The doctor brought Conan there because he wanted to use Conan as a last resort - in case the children couldn't find his gifts, they couldn't really let the children go away empty-handed. There had to be a mole to help them solve the mystery.

Now that Conan is not going, Haihara Ai has become the doctor's hope.

Hui Yuan Ai felt the old man's eyes asking for help, sighed, and closed the book in his hand: "Okay."

Jiang Xia looked at Conan, then at Huihara Ai, and fell into deep thought.

...He did not expect that the troops would be divided into two groups.

It was already heavy enough to have to choose between ghosts and murderous intent, but now he was asked to do this kind of additional question.

Jiang Xia actually had an impression of what Dr. A Li said about treasure hunting in the villa - he remembered that a craftsman died of illness in the attic of that villa and has not been found yet.

Meanwhile, a gun-wielding villain has been hanging around the villa because the craftsman has a set of counterfeit money templates.

Jiang Xia doesn't know whether craftsmen will lose ghosts. But he knew that there must be murderous intent in the gun-wielding villain.

And for the doctor and the young detective team, the gunman is a bit dangerous. If you are not careful, the case detectors who go hunting for treasure may be gone.

On the other side, during Sherlock Holmes' journey, serial murders will appear...

In Jiang Xia's heart, heaven and man are at war.

However, when Haiyuan asked about the location of Dr. Ali's villa, Jiang Xia eavesdropped and suddenly discovered that Dr. Ali's villa was not too far from the venue of Sherlock Holmes' trip.

In other words, this turned out to be a rare multiple-choice question - as long as he made good use of the dual-opening and performed it properly, he could have them all.

After coming to this conclusion, Jiang Xia returned home with peace of mind.

On the day when the Sherlock Holmes trip began, Jiang Xia arrived at the meeting point given by the organizer on time, and then got into the van provided by the organizer.

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