Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1664 1664 [The client who will not live long]

In a regular cabin.

Okiya Subaru stayed in front of the window, looking through the small porthole at the dark clouds below.

The thunderstorms became more and more severe, and occasionally arcs of electricity could be seen jumping between the clouds. In the night, the strong flashes were dazzling, giving those who saw it the feeling that they would ascend to heaven at any time.

Okiya Subaru: "..." This thunder... shouldn't destroy the plane.

His mind couldn't help flashing back to the joke the couple made in the waiting room before boarding the plane - although the possibility was slim, it wasn't the first time that this kind of flag came true.

But no matter how worried he was, as an ordinary passenger sitting on the plane, Subaru Okiya could do nothing but pray: "God, it's not right.'s not right either. No matter how outrageous Uzo is, it's impossible to control the real person." If there is a natural disaster, it’s better to pray to the God of Luck.”

But, speaking of luck...

Okiya Subaru sighed tiredly as he thought of Jiang Xia who was also on the plane.

"I don't know if it's an illusion, but high school detectives always have bad luck when it comes to matters related to 'encountering a murder' or 'encountering an accident.'"

Okiya Subaru murmured in his heart: "Although the former may have been tampered with by Uzo, Jiang Xia must have encountered many cases before being noticed by Uzo, otherwise he would not be a famous detective... Oops, the more I think about it, the more I feel like it. Something is not good.

"But calculating the time, the plane will reach its destination in no more than 20 minutes at most. As long as it lands smoothly, everything will be over - but then again, what happened to the sudden dive just now?"

Ordinary passengers, who asked not to be named, were restless. In Okiya Subaru's impression, that was not how a passenger plane should operate.

At this time, a broadcast suddenly sounded in the cabin.

The flight attendant's sweet voice echoed in the cabin: "Dear passengers, the plane is about to arrive at its destination. Please return to your seats and fasten your seat belts."

Okiya Subaru:...can it really land smoothly? Very good!

However, when I carefully listened to the voice of the stewardess just now, I felt that she was panicking... Was it an illusion? It must be an illusion!

Okiya Subaru glanced at the seat belt that was firmly fastened to his body, took a deep breath, and forced himself not to think too much.

In the cab.

Jiang Xia was still listening to Maya Hashimoto explain the use of each instrument.

Conan eavesdropped at the door of the cab for a moment and found that Ireland and Maya Hashimoto were only teaching people to fly the plane seriously and did not reveal any other flaws. He was a little disappointed.

But soon, he suddenly remembered something, turned around, left the cab, and returned to the cabin.

Conan found Maki's "old lover", jumped on the seat and sat next to him.

Kuroba Kaito came back to his senses and glanced at Conan: "..." What are you doing here? Are you in trouble again?

He hid the anesthesia needle between his fingers and showed a cheerful smile: "Kid, what's wrong?"

Conan revealed his child's voice: "Hello, Uncle Anonymous. This is the first time I've met you. Where is your tattoo? Can you let me see that handsome tattoo?"

Kidd was stunned for a moment: "..." Anonymous? Tattoo?

"So when Conan was stabbed just now, what he wanted to shout was 'Anonymous'? No wonder it doesn't sound like the pronunciation of 'Kid'." Kidd suddenly realized, and at the same time he was a little confused, "How do I sound like Anonymous? I have been growing old. Honesty plays the old lover of Maki Shuri. The only slightly special thing he did was to prick Conan with an anesthetic needle... Well, does this organization like to prick people with anesthetic needles, and Kudo Shinichi was pricked by them? How many times?"

Kidd wanted to laugh when he thought of the scene where Conan chased those mysterious people who called themselves "Anonymous" and kept asking questions, and then was stabbed down by the Anonymous backhand.

But he still held it back. He played this new identity with great interest and raised his finger to his lips: "This is a gentleman's secret."

"..." Conan was not discouraged, "I know even if you don't tell me, please listen and see if my guess is correct. Your tattoo is on..."

As he spoke, he came closer and pretended to whisper.

With false information, the detective can guess what the result will be. Kuroba Kaito is really curious about this.

He moved closer gracefully and was about to listen carefully, but suddenly felt something was wrong. The next moment, Kuroba Kaito straightened up suddenly, just in time to avoid Conan's short hand - this cunning mini detective didn't want to talk in detail, but wanted to tear his face off!

Kuroba Kaito: "..." The cunning detective turns out to be just as badass even when he's smaller!

Although he managed to avoid it, the keen high school detective next to Kidd had obviously noticed something.

Conan showed a smile that could see through everything: "Sure enough, you are not Anonymous, you are Kidd - I just saw the needle point, the anesthesia needle you used is different from theirs. And I found that my watch The anesthetic needle inside is missing. You are the only one who can steal my anesthetic needle without anyone noticing."

...As for whether Anonymous has this kind of stealing ability, Conan doesn't know, because both experience and intuition tell him that Anonymous will not bother at all. Even if the group really wanted his anesthetic needle, they would only prick the victim with one needle and then steal it openly.

Thinking about Conan made me feel a little sad, so I shook my head vigorously, trying to get the bad memories out of my mind.

Next to him, Kuroba Kaito didn't know what he was thinking. The phantom thief fearfully touched the fake face that was almost torn off: "You are very keen. How did you discover it? It can't be just because I stole a needle."

Conan came back to his senses: "I have suspected you for a long time. Before boarding the plane, Mr. Xinzhuang did not show up, and others said that he would not take this flight. But after we were seated on the plane, 'Mr. Xinzhuang' 'But suddenly he came out and said that he had changed his itinerary temporarily.

"Maki Shuli was very surprised when she saw you, the 'Xinzhuang Gong'. This is because the real Mr. Xinzhuang was assigned other jobs by her and would not appear on the plane at all. At that time, she thought that her old lover had disobeyed her, so That's why I'm angry - if you hadn't pricked me with a needle on the way and misled me, I wouldn't have thought you were anonymous at all."

Kidd clicked his tongue: "As expected of a detective. Indeed, that guy was almost abandoned, but he still had his heart set on Maki Shuri - he was entrusted by Maki Shuri last night and took a red-eye flight back to Hokkaido overnight, planning to I'll dress up as Kaitou Kidd there to give you a 'surprise' and stir up a topic." ... In addition, Maki Shuri probably also wanted to use the reason of "Kidd appears" to bind the detective closer to him. longer.

It's a pity that this plan can no longer be realized - because the person who entrusted Jiang Xia with "protecting the gems" has sadly passed away to another world.

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