Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1665 1665 [Poisoned by a poison named Uzo]

As he thought about it, Kuroba Kaito couldn't help but feel a little sad.

But he is from Tokyo after all, and he has seen many murder cases. Compared with this, there is another thing that makes Kid more curious.

He looked at Conan: "How many times have you been stabbed by them before you can associate 'insert an anesthetic needle for Kudo Shinichi' with 'this person is anonymous'?

"It's not that many times. It's just that they always stab me at critical moments, causing me to miss some important events..." As he spoke, Conan's face became a little worried. He suddenly came back to his senses, "It's none of your business. It's none of your business." If I keep asking, you will be stabbed by Anonymous sooner or later - when are you going to steal the gems? Be careful that Jiang Xia catches you and stomps on you, you can't escape on the plane."

Kuroba Kaito smiled and whispered, "I'm not a helpless kid like you. A mere high school detective wants to knock me out?"

Halfway through his words, Kidd suddenly thought of Jiangxia’s ubiquitous monster friends: if they overhear something and report a message...

"Ahem, at least he has no reason to knock!" Kuroba Kaito corrected himself calmly, "I'm not a criminal now, I'm just a passenger who likes to disguise himself when flying. How could a just detective catch an innocent passerby and beat him up. "

Conan was surprised: "Not a criminal? You don't want that gem?"

Kuroba Kaito answered decisively: "No more."

"Huh??" Conan didn't expect that the phantom thief would actually give up, "Just to avoid being beaten by Jiang Xia? Are you so afraid of him?"

"...Who's afraid of that bastard detective!"

Kidd rectified his name: "It's just that there is no need to do anything. I have confirmed that the gem in Makiri's hand is fake - the 'Stone of Destiny' is made of sapphire, and the real sapphire, touch It will feel a little cool when you wake up.

"But the one on her hand didn't feel that way. It was not only an imitation, but also a very low-end imitation. Alas, it's too much to make people travel all the way in vain. There must be a limit to hype. He actually used an innocent phantom thief as a tool."

Conan remembered the hand kiss Kidd gave Makiri when he got on the plane: "So that's it. You were trying to identify gems, so you were so stupid on purpose."

"...wait, hand kiss?"

This keyword reminded Conan of something, and his expression suddenly became solemn.

Kidd originally planned to finish talking about the business and stun the annoying little detective with a needle, throwing him as far as he could to quiet his ears.

But at this time, seeing Conan's expression, Kuroba Kaito was startled: "...What's wrong? Why are you so serious all of a sudden? For those who don't know, I thought you saw some kind of crash site."

Conan had no time to argue with him. He turned to Kidd stiffly: "Tell me, is it because you kissed her that Maki suddenly used the word "Kid" when the captain wanted to shake hands with her? Hand out your hand in a gesture that is convenient for being kissed on the hand?"


Kidd was startled: "What do you mean? Do you mean that because I did that action, the pilot was poisoned? - I don't take the blame for this. How did I know that she would enter the cab, and the captain actually It really allowed her to sneak in smoothly.

"Besides, if she washes her hands properly before visiting others, instead of shaking hands with others directly with the hand that touched her nose..."

Conan suddenly interrupted him. The usually confident detective looked unusually flustered: "That's the other part! What I'm talking about now is the part you're responsible for! - Why on earth do you want to kiss your hand?" Eli Lilly identifies gems? Who and what made you think of doing this? Looking back, this is very important to everyone on the plane!"

Kidd had a question mark on his head: "What's so important about this? Before I act, I must first identify the authenticity and the fake, and then decide whether to take action. Otherwise, if some people deliberately use fakes to touch porcelain, let me return a genuine one." What should I do? There will also be people who want to lure me in with fake goods and use my fame to hype them up, just like this time.

"And since we have to identify the authenticity, we must not make too much noise, otherwise it would be embarrassing if it was rumored that Kaitou Kidd went away because of the fakes - under these two conditions, Maki just happened to have starred in a European drama , touching her ring by kissing her hand is the easiest way, I will definitely do that."

"No." Conan was obviously not convinced. He stared at Kidd more and more sharply, "Pretend to be a partner and shake hands with Mu Shuli, pretend to be a staff member to help maintain the ring, pretend to be her assistant, Zai Mu Juri is responsible for keeping the ring when not wearing it... These methods can be used to verify authenticity.

"And if you use this method, you only need to temporarily replace the assistant for a few minutes. Once you touch the ring, you will complete the task and you can escape at any time. But in fact, you did not choose this safe and fast method. Instead, like now, Dressed as Maki Shuri's lover, she appeared on the plane.

"'Being sealed in a high-altitude confined space' is a very dangerous situation for the disguised Phantom Thief, but you still do it, don't you feel that something is wrong with you! - In addition, you usually like to disguise yourself. She became a woman, but this time she pretended to be a man, isn’t that enough to explain the problem!”

"?" Kidd was listening attentively, but when he heard the last sentence, his forehead jumped, "What does it mean to like to pretend to be a woman? Although I do disguise myself as a girl a little more often, that's because girls It makes people relax their vigilance more, it is a necessity for work, not a hobby!

"And it's not like I've never pretended to be a man. Isn't it normal to pretend to be Xinzhuang Gong this time? As for why I need to confirm on the plane, I have to go back anyway. The flight is so long, I have to find something to do—— What's wrong with you? You keep asking questions like this that you can think of with just your brain, like you're in a daze."

Conan suddenly sighed and looked at Kid with a look of sympathy, pity, and worry... which gave the Phantom Thief goosebumps all over his body.

Immediately afterwards, Kuroba Kaito heard the nagging little detective say: "You may have been in contact with him, but you haven't discovered it yet."

Kidd: "...are you telling ghost stories? What about him? Who is it? How come I have been exposed to it?"

Conan looked around cautiously and lowered his already low voice again: "You must have a good memory, make me a list! - From the time you set your sights on this sapphire to the time you decide on the theft plan, Everyone who has come into contact with me during this period should write it down for me."

Kidd: "..."

He suddenly touched the first grader's head.

Conan was confused: "What's wrong?"

Kidd showed a see-through smile: "Do you think I'm stupid - I give you the list, and then you follow the list and deduce my true identity to catch me? Ha, you are a cunning detective."

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