Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 151 The dark moon and the wind are high...being beaten at night

Mao Lilan looked at Jiang Xia carefully and felt that his speaking speed was a little slower than usual, and his movements seemed to be slightly delayed. But it's obviously much better than before.

Mao Lilan was a little confused. But he soon speculated that perhaps the successive deaths gave Jiang Xia a sense of urgency - he didn't want the victims to die inexplicably, and was worried that other people would be attacked next, so he worked hard to get out of the trough. , want to find the murderer...well, yes, that must be the case.

No wonder Jiang Xia once said before that solving the case can make him feel the value of his life. Now it seems that the effect is almost immediate.

Mao Lilan was quite moved and decided to increase her efforts in taking Jiang Xia out to relax in the future.

The two men turned and walked towards the hall.

Hattori Heiji and Conan did not teleport like Mao Lilan, and were a few steps slower than her and Jiang Xia.

Hattori Heiji looked at Jiang Xia's back and felt that the recovery speed was astonishingly fast. Logically speaking, the charred corpse and the bicycle frame should have stimulated Jiang Xia even more...

Hattori Heiji thought for a moment and barely found a word that could express his feelings at this moment: "...reflection?"

The corner of Conan's eyes twitched next to him. He always felt that this was not a good word, like a curse.

Relying on his appearance as a child, he stepped on Hattori Heiji in dissatisfaction as a sign of condemnation. Then Conan ran a few steps and caught up with Jiang Xia and Mao Lilan.

Hattori Heiji lowered his head and looked at the extra footprints on his new shoes: "..."

The impression of Tokyoites continues to be -1.

Others also returned to the hall one after another.

Among the silent group of people, Fujisawa Toshiaki was particularly restless.

His panic was so obvious that the sharp-tongued guest on the side looked at him with slight contempt and muttered: "What a coward."

Fujisawa Toshiaki suddenly became angry: "If you were replaced by me, how much better would you be? I almost died!" As he said that, he slapped a piece of paper on the table.

Jiang Xia glanced at the note and saw it said:

[If you want that collector's copy, come to the garage at five o'clock tomorrow morning. The book is placed under the seat in the back seat]

Others also saw the note, and when they read the location on it, their expressions changed—Oki Ayako's body happened to be the location indicated in the note.

It seems that Toshiaki Fujisawa is really being targeted.

Hattori Heiji looked solemn: "Have you ever offended anyone?"

Fujisawa Toshiaki replied angrily: "Who can I offend?"

Just as he said this, the lights in the hall suddenly went out - there was a power outage.

The surroundings fell into darkness.

The waiter's panicked voice came from afar: "The fuse is broken...wait a moment, I'll fix it right away!"

In the chaos, Jiang Xia borrowed the ghost's vision, and the dark scene instantly became clear in his eyes.

Under Jiang Xia's gaze, Toshikento quickly and silently stood up and gently pulled out a chair.

Almost at the same time, Fujisawa Toshiaki, who was panicking, took out his lighter and lit it, trying to make some light and find a sense of security. If anyone here was the most afraid at this moment, it was definitely him who had received the death note.

In the darkness, the sudden light of the fire was extremely conspicuous, like a target filled with death flags.

Tojukento sneered inwardly. He picked up the stool and violently broke the glass, pretending that the murderer was not among their group.

Afterwards, he grabbed the broken ice pick he had just hidden, rushed towards Toshiaki Fujisawa who was illuminated by the firelight, and stabbed him hard with the ice pick.

However, the imagined scene of the other party screaming and dying did not appear - a dark man suddenly knocked Fujisawa Toshiaki down, and the broken ice pick only pierced Fujisawa Toshiaki's upper arm.

Hu Shiyan unfortunately missed and cursed in his heart. But now that Toshiaki Fujisawa collapsed, the light of the lighter went out, and without guidance, he could not accurately find Toshiaki Fujisawa's vital points, so he could only give up temporarily.

Tojukento planned to walk back to where he was in the dark and wipe off the fingerprints on the chair he used to smash the window.

But just as he took a step back, he suddenly bumped into someone.

Toshiken was startled, and before he could recover, his collar tightened, and his whole body suddenly flew into the air - a force knocked him to the ground heavily, and then, he heard a small clicking sound, which seemed to be The sound of something stretching.

Jiang Xia opened the stick and looked at the murderous aura lingering on Toshi Yanren's body and the two ghosts on his legs, and his mood value continued to increase by 1.

Ordinary swing sticks are not long enough, so it is not easy to use them to beat people who are stepped on the ground.

So Jiang Xia asked Dr. A Li to improve it and got the black technology extended version.

However, the doctor seemed to have secretly used some tricks on the swinging stick - the improved version of the swinging stick always felt less lethal when hitting people. Fortunately, the pain on the body was not reduced at all.

Jiang Xia therefore did not find the doctor to return to the factory.

He didn't originally want to beat anyone to death. Theoretically speaking, the weapon's lethality is weakened, but it can be used for a longer period of time, allowing the person who bears it to fully think about life...

The lights went out and Toshiaki Fujisawa lit the lighter, Hattori Heiji and Conan felt a sense of crisis.

When they were alert, they immediately saw the reflection of the broken ice pick in the darkness, so they ran over and knocked down Toshiaki Fujisawa.

Afterwards, as soon as the lighter went out, the two young detectives thought that everything would be fine for the time being.

Unexpectedly, before he could breathe a sigh of relief, there was suddenly a muffled sound of a human body hitting the ground next to him, followed closely by a series of sounds of sticks hitting flesh, and someone's shrill screams.

Hattori Heiji was shocked. The murderer had more than one target? !

Conan also became wary.

Originally, he wanted to follow the sound and kick something there to stop the murderer from committing violence. But before he could find a suitable weapon, the familiar sound made Conan stop his movements, and he automatically made up the precious image of Jiang Xia beating someone... With such a comparison, even the rhythm of the beating could be completely matched. .

Except for Conan and Mao Lilan, who had a premonition, everyone else fell into varying degrees of panic - the person who was beaten was really screaming so miserably that even if the howl suddenly disappeared in the next second, the person who was beaten was lying dead on the spot. They won't find it strange either.

Toshiaki Fujisawa, who was stabbed by the broken ice pick, was still covering his arm and groaning. But at this time, the scream that completely overwhelmed him made him silence unconsciously.

...I always felt that his wounds were nothing compared to the person being beaten.

In the weird atmosphere, the waiter finally completed the operation, and the lights in the hall flickered for a moment and then turned on again.

Hattori Heiji stood up immediately, ready to rush over to save people, but when he saw the scene in front of him, he stopped in shock.

——The one who beat him turned out to be Jiang Xia.

"Why did you..." Hattori Heiji had just finished asking, but there was a vague guess in his mind, "Is this person a murderer?!"

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