Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 152 Why haven’t the police come yet (character’s star value has been updated by 4

Chapter 152 Why haven’t the police come yet (character’s star value has been updated by 4)

"Yeah." Jiang Xia glanced at Toshikento on the ground.

This smart male college student has obviously never experienced severe beatings from society. Compared with Noriaki Okuda in Dr. Agasa's villa just now, he seems to be very easy to beat. He has just received a few beatings, and more than half of his murderous aura has already dropped.

Hattori Heiji had never seen such a scene of beating a prisoner. He was frightened when he heard the muffled sounds that made his teeth hurt.

Originally, he wanted to step forward and pull Jiang Xia away. But Jiang Xia was not hysterical when he beat people, nor did he look crazy. He just struck rhythmically with one stick after another. That action looked more than just and confident, it was almost elegant. Hattori Heiji was momentarily frightened, and felt inexplicably that the traditional fighting method of "holding the person by the waist and pulling them apart" was not suitable for the table, and he didn't know where to start.

Moreover, Hattori Heiji still has some questions - when he pounced on Fujisawa Toshiaki who was attacked just now, he didn't see the attacker at all. How did Eka target Toju Kento? He probably didn't just grab a lucky person in the dark...

Other guests also felt that it was not rigorous enough: "Did you make a mistake? The dead Miss Omu was his girlfriend!"

For Jiang Xia, both knocking out murderous intent and giving people spoilers are very skillful operations, and it is effortless to do both at the same time.

"It should be right." Jiang Xia thought for a while and started memorizing from the first case:

“Although Todo Jukento was far away in the hall when Kanaya’s boss drove out of the garage, he could use the timing device to achieve his goal—that ‘device’, which was the boss’s corpse after his death.

"After a person dies, the body will become stiff first and then gradually soften. Just put the body into the driver's seat and use rigor mortis to press the brakes, and the car will not start. Then calculate the time in advance and use the hot air from the air conditioner to speed up the softening This process can soften the body of Boss Jin Gu within a specific period of time and release the brakes. In this way, without any obstacles, the vehicle will naturally drive towards the cliff.

"The second garage explosion case may have been used to deal with Mr. Fujisawa at first, but because Miss Ohgi discovered that Toju Kento was the murderer, this method was instead used to silence him. Its characteristic is that it was used against Mr. Fujisawa. People who carry lighters around are not very friendly…

"The car in the garage leaked oil, our cellphones had been taken away, and there was a lack of lighting. When looking for collector's books in the dark car, if she wanted lighting, she would probably be like Mr. Fujisawa just now ..." Having said this, Jiang Xia took out his lighter and lit it up.

Others looked at the light of the fire and the gasoline leaking all over the garage, and instantly understood the cause of Ayako Oki's death.

Hattori Heiji had an idea and understood why Eka said Tojukento was the murderer: "...Miss Ohgi said that she would give the murderer time to surrender, and then she went to the bathroom. When she came back, her attitude suddenly changed. He said that he thought wrong - during that time, the only person who came into contact with her was Toju Kento, and he could have used the collector's book to coax Miss Ohgi to change her mind... But how did you know?"

Jiang Xia took back the lighter and glanced at him: "I was also in the living room at that time."

"But at that time you..."

"I just don't want to move." Jiang Xia hit Toshi Yanren with a stick and sighed, "It's not like he's blind."

Hattori Heiji: "..." That seems right.

It's just that at that time, Jiang Xia's presence was too weak, and it always seemed like he didn't have the energy to collect clues. But who would have expected that Jiang Xia still reasoned out everything quietly.

Hattori Heiji's mood was extremely complicated. Originally, he was still wondering whether he could beat Jiang Xia in reasoning after solving the case.

Now, he suddenly found that he was thinking too much. And there is a sense of bewilderment in a 100-meter race when you are 99 meters ahead, but before you hit the line, you see your opponent flying directly from the starting point to the finish line in a millisecond.

Jiang Xia, in his fragmented mental state tonight, could solve the case faster than him... Is it because others are too strong, or is he not as powerful as he thought?

Hattori Heiji was thinking about it, and suddenly he had the urge to pack up his baggage and go to school in seclusion, never to interfere with the world of detectives again, and study hard to get admitted to Tokyo University in the future.

After dawn the next day, several people borrowed phones from residents in the mountains to call the police.

Although many of the evidences were insufficient, Toju Kento seemed to have given up the struggle. He huddled in the corner of the living room. Every time he saw Jiang Xia passing by his field of vision, he would tremble uncontrollably. At the same time, I deeply resented the inefficiency of the police. After so long, they still haven’t arrived...

Jiang Xia didn't pay much attention to Toshikento's eyes.

He successfully knocked out all the murderous auras, and also obtained two pieces of shikigami - yesterday, Tojukento couldn't bear the beating, and he awakened the criminal talent in this world with snot and tears. He took the initiative to review his murder process and worked hard to analyze which steps might leave valid physical evidence. After saying everything he could, Toshikento finally saw Jiang Xia put away the stick. At that moment, he almost cried with joy.

...In short, for Jiang Xia, he currently cares more about Hattori Heiji, who is good at attracting serial murders, than this murderer who has been drained.

——I don’t know why, but this Kansai classmate looks a little autistic.

He seemed to have suddenly lost interest in the case. Even when others were reviewing the case, he took out an assignment book from his bag and started writing it, looking like a good student who was about to retire from the world.

Jiang Xia slowly realized that if this continued, let alone Hattori Heiji inviting him to Osaka to pick up ghosts, maybe even if he took the initiative to go to Osaka, Hattori Heiji would not trigger the case...

Suddenly I felt a little worried.

But soon, he thought of something that Hattori Heiji might be interested in.

—— Hattori Heiji is not a fan of Sherlock Holmes, but he came specially to participate in Sherlock Holmes' trip, which shows that he has not given up on searching for Kudo Shinichi.

In this case, it is better to let Conan fall behind Hattori Heiji. In this way, Hattori Heiji finds his little partner just like in the original plot, and maybe he will rekindle his enthusiasm for the detective career.

And when Hattori Heiji invites Conan out to play in the future, Jiang Xia will naturally follow him to investigate the case... which is wonderful.

Although this felt a little sorry for the innocent Kudo classmate, Jiang Xia remembered that he wanted to pretend not to know him, but Conan had to take off his vest to show him... I felt that Conan probably wouldn't mind this kind of thing.

How to pretend to take off other people's vests casually is also a technical job.

Jiang Xia thought for a moment and came up with an idea.

He reviewed the way Hattori Heiji looked at Conan, and realized that Hattori Heiji had not been able to equate "Conan" with "Kudo Shinichi" so far, just because Hattori Heiji did not believe that "adults can become smaller."

In this case……

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