Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 153 The world view is shattered

Jiang Xia recalled the location of Hattori Heiji's room.

Then he silently released the shikigami, causing them to form puppets in the woods outside the hotel.

This time, Jiang Xia chose Xiaobai's appearance.

The puppet's hair, like its clothes, can be adjusted within certain limits based on the number of shikigami it possesses.

Although the puppet formed by Xiaobai is a little boy, the gender of a child is not as obvious as that of an adult. Jiang Xia stretched the puppet's hair to the limit, pretending to be a little girl with long black hair, and then tried to widen the pants to pretend they were a black skirt.

Then he drove the puppet and walked to the edge of the woods - he could just see it from Hattori Heiji's room.

Everyone else was gathered in the hall at this time. Only Hattori Heiji was autistic and doing homework in the room. Only this detective could see all the subsequent operations.

Hattori Heiji was doing math when he suddenly heard a rustling of leaves coming from outside the house. It was not obvious, but compared to the silence just now, it seemed a bit abrupt.

Hattori Heiji looked up out of the window and saw a sneaky little girl in the woods.

The little girl had her back to him and was looking up at a high branch. Her things seemed to have been accidentally hung on it.

Although Hattori Heiji plans to wash his hands from the detective world, his thinking and observation skills cannot be lost for a while. He saw the situation clearly and frowned in confusion - how could such a young child suddenly appear in the woods? The nearest villa here takes nearly an hour to walk...

The girl is not tall enough, but she wants to get something on the branch. She jumps up and down, which makes people anxious.

Hattori Heiji temporarily suppressed his doubts and planned to go down to do a favor and ask why the child was here.

However, he had just pulled away the stool, and before he could stand up, he suddenly stared outside, his eyes widening in shock.

——In the woods, the "little girl" tried several times to no avail, and suddenly sighed. Immediately afterwards, her figure quickly grew taller and longer... and turned into an adult woman dressed in black.

The woman stood on tiptoes and easily picked off the objects hanging on the tree.

Then she quickly shrank back to her previous child size, and ran into the woods with the things on the tree.

Hattori Heiji was so shocked that he turned into a stone sculpture at the table: "?!!!"

...What did he just see? ! ! !

For a moment, Hattori Heiji almost hallucinated a "click" sound.

...That was his shaky worldview.

After Jiangxia ran out of Hattori Heiji's sight, he released the puppet, his consciousness returned to his original body, and he opened his eyes in the living room.

This simple and crude "forced reorganization of the world view" had some flaws, such as the unscientific changes in clothes... But at this time, Hattori Heiji definitely didn't have the energy to care about such details.

Even if you notice, people can grow bigger and smaller, why can't clothes? After all, no matter how you think about it, "clothing that can stretch according to the body shape" is definitely easier to make than "clothes that can stretch freely according to the body shape".

Just as I was thinking about it, there was a sudden bang on the second floor.

Hattori Heiji knocked open the door of the room, ran down three steps at a time, and rushed out the door.

Just now, it took nearly a minute for Hattori Heiji to finally thaw from his petrified state.

After his mind returned to normal, his first reaction was to go to the scene and take a look.

Hattori Heiji checked the direction and went straight to where the "little girl" was. That tree was very distinctive.

When he got closer, he realized with a complex expression that the scene he just saw was not an illusion - there were several small branches on the tree that were crushed. Judging from the fracture marks, they were obviously freshly broken, indicating that there were indeed hanging branches on them just now. Pass something. In addition, some dead leaves on the ground were uneven, as if they had just been stepped on.

Hattori Heiji fell silent in front of these tangible traces.

...In this world, are there really people who can drastically change their body shape?

Hattori Heiji was completely confused.

After hesitating for a moment, he originally wanted to look for the woman... or the place where the girl disappeared. But before setting off, a thought that had appeared countless times and was suppressed every time popped into Hattori Heiji's mind again.

...If there really is a magical technology that makes humans grow bigger and smaller in the world, then he doesn't have to look for it in the mountains. There is obviously a suspicious person living in the hotel - yes, the one who is so smart and calm most of the time. Not like a child's Conan.

Once this idea pops up, it can no longer be suppressed.

Although Hattori Heiji thought of Conan stepping on him in the middle of the night, and felt that Conan was a bit like a real child, but compared to this subtle behavior, almost everything else confirmed a terrible point - Kudo Shinichi can "disappear" "The reason why he was so thorough was not because he was good at hiding, but because he became a child!

In the hall dozens of meters away, Conan suddenly felt a chill in his back.

He turned his head sharply, just in time to see Jiang Xia holding her chin and focusing on the murderer in the corner.

Conan: "..." Jiang Xia has been sitting idle for too long and can't help but want to hit someone?

Although he could understand Jiang Xia's pressure... Judging from Toshiken's current state, if the fight continues, the murderer will be scared crazy even if he doesn't die... Conan thought, it seems that his premonition of the crisis is quite accurate. It must be stopped at this time.

So Conan dragged Mao Lilan and ran to Jiang Xia's side, calmly keeping Jiang Xia's eyes away from the murderer.

Conan, who was concentrating on being a partition, didn't notice that behind him, Hattori Heiji walked in from the door, and cast a look with complicated meanings at his back.

On the way back, Hattori Heiji got into the same car as them and squeezed into the last row of the car.

Originally, in this row, Jiang Xia and Mao Lilan were sitting on one side, with Conan standing between them.

Now when Hattori Heiji got up, Conan was surprised to find that Hattori Heiji got on the car from Jiangxia's side, and he sat next to Jiangxia.

Conan has a very strong sense of observation. Yesterday, when Hattori Heiji tried to slip away but was caught on the spot by Jiang Xia, Conan witnessed the scene.

Early this morning, after Jiang Xia solved the case, Conan discovered that Hattori Heiji became a little weak when he saw Jiang Xia, but now... what is going on.

This abnormal behavior made Conan a little confused.

He calmly leaned a little closer to Eka and Hattori Heiji, trying to eavesdrop on the next conversation.

Mao Lilan was also suddenly alert. She always felt that Hattori Heiji was not very friendly to Jiangxia, but now, Hattori Heiji took the initiative to approach Jiangxia... In short, it was very suspicious.

Although what she had experienced before made Mao Lilan feel that Hattori Heiji was not a bad person, in her opinion, Hattori Heiji sometimes spoke too directly, and now he went to Jiang Xia specifically... he might say some hurtful words.

Mao Lilan was facing a formidable enemy.

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