Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1682 1682 [Different younger brothers]

Jiang Xia felt that she had thought very carefully - Wutian Dog had to stay on the plane just in case. Although there is Noah, if a few unlucky ones fall out when the landing is bumpy, someone has to catch them. Due to the nature of the incident, any weird thing could happen.

As for Kidd, although the thief seems to be very afraid of fish, the life-saving fish should be fine. There is nothing wrong with a guy who falls into the sea. Even if a giant cockroach comes to rescue him at this time, he should immediately grab its wings and climb up.

The night sky below.

The mermaid, who was lying on Kidd's shoulder and admiring the sea view, suddenly sneezed. She touched the murderous spirit in her arms, turned around and looked around in confusion: "..." Ghosts can also catch colds?

Although the mermaid lived on a small island in the past, she always swam in the water. This time it was a bird's-eye view, and the night view on the sea was unique. She quickly stopped caring about these details and continued to read with interest.

Almost at the same time, Kidd also shuddered.

"Why is it so cold all of a sudden?" He looked around suspiciously and gradually felt relieved, "It must be the sea breeze. It's easy to catch a cold on the seaside at night."

Having said that, Kidd did not turn around and fly to the coast: It's cold, but it's so fun. I don’t know when I will get wings next time, but even if I catch a cold after flying today, it will be worth it. Moreover, he has a very good physique and has almost never had a cold since he was a child.

Kidd quickly put aside some worries in his heart and experienced the joy of swimming in the air.

Overhead, in the cab.

Jiang Xia safely looked away from the Phantom Thief and prepared to worry about the passengers on the plane.

Compared to Kidd who didn't know which sea water he would fall into, the problem with the plane was not as big as it seemed.

Noah tampered with the dashboard. The fuel exchange valve was actually closed earlier than when Jiang Xia started operating it. So the oil did leak a lot, but not as completely as the dashboard showed.

If it's really inconvenient to land here, they can even fly to the airport next door. But it’s rare to touch an airplane, and it seems a bit boring to park it at a normal airport, and it will also cause trouble for the airplanes and passengers at that airport. The conscientious high school detective thought for a moment and decided that he might as well just find a place to land by himself.

Although landing is risky, having reliable Noah to back it up is more effective than any autopilot system. He can rest assured and throw it to Noah if there are any problems. In the meantime, he can even make the plane bump a few times and shake the person next to him. Two groups of murderous auras, let’s see how much potential they have.

“It was a great trip to the UK and I would like to come again if I have the chance.”

Jiang Xia summarized his trip, then adjusted the direction of the plane so that it drew an arc in the air and aimed at the runway below.

Although it was late at night and the port was dark, thanks to the police who worked overtime, Jiang Xia could now clearly see the location of the temporary runway under the guidance of the police lights, even if he did not borrow the ghost's night vision.

——The Zhongshan Police Department directed all the police cars he had seconded to park them closely next to the roadside to form a series of indicator lights. If he hadn't known that he was concentrating on catching the monster thief, just by looking at his posture, he would have thought that he had communicated with the people on the plane, so he could stop so well.

Jiang Xia: "..." Kidd really knows these policemen very well. He can guide them to arrange themselves in this shape by just flying. It's true that the legendary art has specialization. "Uzo" should be half of the blame. Give it to him.

While he was thinking about one flight after another, he pressed the call bell and told the stewardess about the upcoming landing.

In the cabin, the stewardess's serious voice sounded from the radio: "Dear passengers, this flight is about to make an emergency landing. Please fasten your seat belts and follow the flight attendant's instructions."

Her colleagues walked quickly through the corridor, checking whether the passengers were well prepared for the emergency landing: "Please take off the hard objects you carry with you, put pens and glasses aside to avoid injury, and put high heels on the seats bag. Then he leaned forward, holding his head and lying between his legs... Huh? This guest, please take off your glasses."

The flight attendant saw a strange man. She looked at it carefully and guessed that the passenger was probably a religious man. In the face of such a disastrous emergency landing, he looked relaxed and calm, as if he didn't feel anything about his actions. It will affect your own destiny, but place your hopes on something more illusory.

Stewardess: "..." He is young, but unexpectedly he is quite religious. It's a pity that no god can save them now, they can only rely on the calm little detective in the cockpit who is calm in the face of danger.

Thinking of Jiang Xia's reliable appearance, she blushed. She had never paid attention to detectives before, but if she survived this time, she decided to make a collection of newspaper clippings to keep at home like some of her colleagues who read murder news every day. She heard that it could have the effect of copying scriptures and praying for blessings.

While the flight attendant was thinking erratically, she did not forget her job. Seeing that the man was still distracted, she reminded her again: "Guest?"

This time, the strange passenger finally came to his senses.

With such a movement, the calmness on his face suddenly shattered, revealing the despair hidden underneath. But fortunately, he did not act irrationally. Instead, he politely took off his glasses as instructed and took protective measures.

Then he muttered like he was sleepwalking: "This kind of death is not very beautiful. Can I sit up straight?"

Stewardess: "..." Where did the crow's mouth come from. The pilots all had calm faces and seemed very confident. Why should you panic as a passenger? You don’t need to fly the plane.

She kept smiling: "No, please keep moving."

Okiya Subaru sighed. After all, he showed respect for the flight attendant who still stood at his job before his death, and then buried his head silently.

"Height 700 feet, speed 140 knots..." Maya Hashimoto was obviously sitting in the co-pilot, but she looked busier than the captain, "Maintain a descent of three degrees. Take a deep breath! - Inhale, exhale, inhale, Breathe out… don’t tense up.”

Jiang Xia subconsciously followed him and exhaled. After regaining consciousness, she immediately stopped: "..." Are you an organization member or an obstetric nurse? Remember to find another way to relieve tension in the future, this is not suitable for our temperament.

While thinking about it, he glanced at Maya Hashimoto and found that the new boy was adjusting the landing gear and wing bars.

Although she looked so nervous that she was almost going to heaven, Maya Hashimoto's movements were actually very calm. I don’t know if he has done too much in daily life, such as handling corpses, erasing criminal evidence, and competing with the police for time. He has practiced it. The nervousness in his heart did not affect his movements at all, and his hands did not even shake when he operated.

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