Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1683 1683 [Plane landing]

As the plane aimed at the runway, in just a few seconds, Maya Hashimoto's nervousness disappeared. The murderous aura smelling of ice tea floated faintly again. However, this time it was not a self-preservative murderous intention towards the mastermind behind the scenes, but a bit like the permanent temperament of Gin and Belmode.


Jiang Xia nodded appreciatively: It has great potential. As expected of me, I am really discerning.

Jiang Xia: "..." Speaking of which, I don't know what the other younger brother is doing at the moment. Subaru Okiya should really be allowed to come over to observe and learn. It would be best to be able to create this kind of permanent murderous aura.

Thinking of his old little brother who was full of marshmallow murderous aura, Jiang Xia felt a little more hopeful. Unfortunately, it seemed like there was still a long way to go before he could change that kind of character.

A red warning message suddenly popped up on the instrument panel.

"There's no fuel." Maya Hashimoto actually remembered that he was teaching airplanes. After speaking, in order not to affect the pilot's mood, he added, "But it doesn't matter, we are going to land anyway, and the fuel will last until now." , it’s already very unexpected - let’s go, we must succeed at once.”

Jiang Xia glanced at his smooth operation on the passenger side: "..." The passenger side also looked interesting.

But looking at Maya Hashimoto’s attitude of not being the driver even if he died, it’s better not to compete with him for a seat. If possible, find another plane to fly.

He nodded, adjusted the plane, and dived down excitedly.

On the "runway" below.

Mumu Police Department stepped out of the car and slammed the door with his backhand. Looking at such a long line of police cars, he also felt that it was a bit spectacular. And he didn't know if it was an illusion. Compared with what he saw on the Shiratori Bridge before, there seemed to be more police cars now. He didn't know where the Nakamori Police Department borrowed so many colleagues.

Thinking of the White Bird Bridge, he casually glanced behind him.

Then suddenly he froze.

After a while, the police officer Mumu pulled two colleagues next to him, raised his hand tremblingly and pointed to the sky: "...Look, what is that?"

Officer Shiratori glanced at it casually: "It's a plane, haven't you seen it? It's about to land, so it looks very big."

A second later, he suddenly felt something was wrong: "Wait, there is no airport around here...why is it falling towards us?!"

Officer Takagi was also stunned, his mind went blank, and then he associated and captured some details: "This model seems to be the one Jiang Xia was riding in."

As the three people watched, the plane finally adjusted its direction and approached with a bang - now it was certain that this huge iron bird was really diving towards them!

The Mumu Police Department was stunned. Although he had not yet figured out "who am I, where am I and what is this plane doing?", his desire to survive gave him a clear idea of ​​what to do now.

Memu Police Department rushed to the side of Zhongsen Police Department and grabbed his walkie-talkie: "Attention everyone, get out of the police car immediately and stay away from the center of the road! There is a plane coming towards us and is about to land on this section of the road. Repeat, there is a plane." It is coming towards us and is about to land on this section of the road, get out of the way immediately!"

The first half of the sentence was spoken smoothly, but the second half of the sentence made the police department Megu feel like he was in a dream.

"...So why did the plane land here?"

Not only him, but all the other police officers who received the order also suspected that he was not awake yet.

But the rapidly approaching plane, the messy airflow and the loud noise immediately pulled them out of their confusion. You have to believe it if you don't believe it. A group of people scrambled out of the car and crowded to the side to hide.

The Zhongshan Police Department has not yet recovered: "Kidd... Could it be that Kidd stole a plane?!"

Mumu Police Department thought of Jiang Xia's terrible incident: "..." Why did he have a bad premonition?

In the plane.

"Pull up the nose of the plane and pull the thrust lever all the way!" After Maya Hashimoto finished speaking, he found that Jiang Xia was already doing it. He couldn't help showing a look of relief - this detective learned to fly an airplane at a very fast speed and was calm in the face of trouble. Don't panic, completely different from his pig teammates in the past.

This silky cooperation allowed Hashimoto Maya to see a glimmer of victory: "It would be great if I could be a colleague with someone like you. If you survive this time, make a friend."

Jiang Xia: "..." No. How can a righteous detective be friends with members of an evil organization... But I don't mind having a new boss.

Maya Hashimoto just sighed casually and didn't pay attention to whether Jiang Xia responded.

The plane dropped lower and lower, and was about to touch the ground. He stabilized his body as the plane bumped: "Put the nose down and spray in the reverse direction... Huh? How did you do it again? You really haven't learned this before. Flying a plane?”

"It's my first time." Jiang Xia said modestly, "Maybe because I often went to the arcade to play the airplane mini-games there, so I'm relatively familiar with it."

"So that's it." After saying that, Maya Hashimoto thought of those mini-games on the game console that only required controlling the direction and firing cannonballs with one click: "?"

...what version are you playing. Have arcade machines now developed enough to simulate driving?

When people are extremely nervous, they tend to get distracted and think of other messy things.

In Maya Hashimoto's wild thoughts, the plane got lower and lower. Finally, the wheels on the landing gear touched the ground.

The plane landed with a crash and slid along the ground. The fuselage jolted violently as the wheels rolled, and a loud noise was heard in the cabin.

Maya Hashimoto was shocked and came to his senses. He looked at the scenes speeding by on both sides and was calculating something in his mind. He suddenly lost his voice and said: "No, if we continue at this speed, the road is not long enough! We will collide head-on." Get on that crane at the end!”

At the end of the road stands a metal crane tens of meters high. At this time, they were rushing straight towards this huge metal object with the noise of speeding.

Although the speed of the aircraft has been reduced visibly, it is still far from a safe speed. If these two things with huge inertia collide head-on, a giant car... giant machine accident will occur. Some people in the back cabin may be lucky enough to survive, but the unlucky ones in the cockpit are likely to be crushed into a pulp in an instant following the collision.

This road has the sea on one side and an uneven beach on the other.

Jiang Xia glanced at the beach to the side and suddenly stepped hard on the rudder.

The pedal was pressed down and a series of precise movements of the machine occurred. The plane drew an arc and turned to the right with a loud noise just before the collision.

As it veered off the intended road, several hapless police cars serving as indicators were knocked away with a bang. The police officers who had just escaped from the police car looked at the flying police cars and broke out in cold sweat.

However, soon, they had no time to be afraid - although the plane did not hit the crane head-on, its wings inevitably swept across the base of the crane. The huge crane was severely damaged and collapsed, with debris and airflow flying around like bullets.

Everyone outside the plane was holding their heads to avoid it, and everyone inside the plane was trying their best to stabilize themselves amidst the violent vibrations like a dry bucket. In the chaos, between the unnoticed road and the beach, a white thing suddenly puffed up, silently filling the gap, allowing the plane to smoothly sail into the beach after a slight bump.

The flying sand and dust neutralized the momentum of the plane. This steel bird carrying countless lives finally calmed down and stopped quietly on the beach after causing huge damage.

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