Chapter 157 "What is Bourbon busy with?" "What else is Bourbon busy with?"

In addition, when mentioning bourbon, Gin suddenly remembered something.

——Rum has always suspected that there is something wrong with bourbon, and he had previously told Gin to pay more attention to it. However, due to work requirements, Bourbon stayed alone most of the time, and Gin did not have much opportunity to interfere with his work.

And now, Gin discovered that Uzo seemed to be a very suitable candidate for this stalking job.

Thinking about it this way, the effects of this new bottle of wine are really getting more and more as we discover more, and it is worthy of letting him speak patiently.

Gin Jiu came back from his thoughts and continued the topic of Jiang Xia asking him for a gun: "If it is for this reason, don't even think about it - maintain your apparent legal status and help us. To get the most out of it. Having an extra gun doesn't do you any good."

In fact, as a detective, it is not too difficult to legally hold a gun.

But the trouble for Uzuo is that he is not young enough, so he has to go through countless more procedures than others.

The more complicated the steps, the easier it is to make mistakes. So Gin thought about it and decided that it would be better not to equip him with a gun from the beginning. Anyway, Uzo, a person who hides behind the scenes and relies on words to kill people, does not have to face the enemy head-on. If you really give him a hand, it will cause trouble.

After rejecting the matter, Gin asked again: "What is Bourbon usually busy with?"

Jiang Xia glanced at the gun in Gin's hand and replied with a lack of interest: "Working part-time. Mainly in convenience stores and dessert shops. Sometimes I also deliver newspapers or do housework."

Gin: "..." Needless to say, he knew this kind of information. He wanted to hear something else.

However, it is right to think about it. After all, according to the intelligence, Uzo and Bourbon usually don't have much contact. Bourbon probably took Uzo back as a miss at first, but then he was too busy with work and neglected it, or he didn't expect that Uzo would make such a big improvement in a short period of time.

Gin thought of Bourbon's previous mockery of his lack of vision and let out a sneer. Now it seemed that Bourbon was the one who didn't know how to cultivate talents.

But, to be honest...if it weren't for diplomat Chicun, he really didn't expect that Jiang Xia's sudden "incident physique" was actually secretly inducing murder.

Thinking of this, Gin suddenly understood Bourbon's previous behavior of protecting Jiang Xia - this feeling of missing out on talents is indeed very pleasant.

He thought that he would have to pay more attention when coming into contact with those cannon fodder peripherals in the future. If you can find helpers similar to doesn't take too many, even just one or two, they can inject a lot of fresh blood into the organization.

Compared with those members who are frequently photographed at the scene of murders, accidentally blow themselves up, and are involved in ordinary murder cases every day and still can't escape, people like Uzo are simply the hope of the organization.

Gin secretly adjusted his next course of action and asked Vodka to find a place to park the car and let him go.

Before Jiang Xia got out of the car, Ginjiu looked at him: "You have just been promoted to an official member. There are no relevant regulations on the confidentiality of code names, but if I were you, I would choose to keep it as secret as possible."

Seeing Jiang Xia nod his head, looking like he was willing to be taught, Ginjiu added: "Pay more attention to Bourbon's situation. If he has any abnormalities, remember to report to me. This is not a task, you don't have to do it too deliberately. Just need to be more observant when making contact.”

Hearing this, Jiang Xia was startled for a moment, hesitantly showing a little surprise of "Is there something wrong with bourbon?", and then solemnly said: "I understand."

After he got out of the car, the old Porsche drove away quickly.

Jiang Xia stood on the desolate roadside and sighed quietly.

Didn't ask for a gun.

But it’s not in vain.

This time, he got a scheduled performance for free, a verbal promise like a kill order, and of course, the murderous aura of high-end wine that was never absent.

Although he has the additional authority to kill by name, Jiang Xia has no worldly desire for killing. For a psychic, this can easily break the mentality, and Jiang Xia doesn't want to do it.

However, when necessary, you can use this authority to move out of the organization and disrupt the situation. Of course, this kind of thing is difficult to control and has certain risks, so it is best to use it as little as possible.

Jiang Xia briefly reviewed his gains and losses in the past few minutes, looked for a nearby platform, and planned to go to the office.

As for what Ginjiu said about "staring at the bourbon", Jiang Xia didn't pay much attention. Toru Amuro was originally one of Rum's key targets of observation, but Rum couldn't find any evidence, and there were far from many available people in the organization to the point where he would rather "kill by mistake than let go", so no one is looking for him at the moment. Amuro Toru's fault.

In this case, just keep paddling. Gin also said that you don't need to deliberately observe, just let it happen. Even Rum couldn't catch Bourbon, so wouldn't it be normal for him, a newcomer, to get nothing?

Jiang Xia quickly put the messy organization behind and began to concentrate on thinking about Shijing Reika.

He returned to the detective agency, dug out a box from the cabinet, rummaged through a pile of letters, and successfully found the invitation letter sent by Reika Yotsui.

This box is full of invitations specially left by Jiang Xia. Just wait until the date is approaching, find it, and take it with you to the appointment.

The invitation letter from Yotsui Reika was sent a few days ago. She is about to celebrate her 24th birthday and will hold a grand banquet for this purpose.

Not only did Jiang Xia receive the invitation, but as a famous detective who had helped Miss Yotsui find her pet dog, Siui Reika also gave him extra treatment and said she would send a car to pick her up.

The banquet is the day after tomorrow.

Jiang Xia thought for a while and planned to take time to go to school and pretend to take Mao Lilan with her casually.

This is equivalent to turning into Conan. In this way, the success rate of the mission of "Assassinating Reika Yotsui" will undoubtedly skyrocket.

The next day, Jiang Xia was sitting in the classroom and "accidentally" dropped her notebook and the invitation inside it at the feet of Mao Lilan who was passing by.

Mao Lilan picked it up for him. Jiang Xia was about to wait for her to ask questions, but at this time, Suzuki Yuanzi next to him showed a complicated look.

Suzuki Sonoko whispered to dissuade: "Why don't you go."

Jiang Xia mentally rejected the proposal, but did not directly say: "Why?"

Suzuki Sonoko wanted to speak but stopped, stopped speaking but wanted to.

——A while ago, Reika Yotsui showed off in a small circle that she invited Jiang Xia to join in the fun.

Suzuki Sonoko has always disliked Reika Yotsui's temper. Wearing this heavy filter, she always felt that Reika Yotsui's tone when she mentioned Jiang Xia was as if she was looking for Jiang Xia for prostitution, something to "add to the fun"... It's irritating to hear.

Suzuki Sonoko wants to file a complaint.

But she looked at Jiang Xia in front of her and swallowed her words back - she couldn't let the words of a scumbag like Yotsui Reika contaminate him.

So Suzuki Sonoko changed her reason: "Yoshii has a bad temper, and every party he holds is cliche and boring. Why don't we go somewhere else to play together."


Update time: 8:30 am

If it falls early, it is because it is preventing theft. don't panic

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