Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 158 The little detective is here to play

After hearing this, Jiang Xia looked embarrassed: "It's hard to refuse the client's invitation..."

Suzuki Sonoko looked sad.

...But no matter what, having ambition and pursuit is definitely a good thing for Jiang Xia.

At worst, she would follow and watch to prevent Reika Yotsui from using her identity as an employer to bully Jiang Xia and make any shameless and excessive demands.

Jiang Xia secretly observed Suzuki Sonoko and felt that she suddenly became very motivated.

Although the script was completely different from what he expected, and he always felt that there was something strange about it... but forget it, as long as he succeeded in abducting the person.

On the day of Shijing Reika's birthday party, Jiang Xia came to the door of the office and saw the car sent by the Shijing family.

Jiang Xia was not surprised by this. The special invitation stated that a car would be sent to pick him up.

But what Jiang Xia didn't expect was that Reika Yotsui herself was sitting in the car.

This is a four-seater car, with Reika Yosui sitting in the back seat.

Jiang Xia originally wanted to pull the passenger door, but Reika Yotsui suddenly waved to him and patted the back seat, as if she wanted him to sit in.

Jiang Xia glanced at Shijing Reika through the car window, but she had no objection: Let this person sit with her and get a touch of European style, and she doesn't know if she can have a ghost fetus in the future...

Although there was no theoretical support for this kind of thing, Jiang Xia still opened the rear door with hope.

But before he could sit down, three people suddenly appeared next to him.

——Suzuki Sonoko, who had been squatting for a long time, hugged Conan and dragged Mao Lilan, and jumped to the car. He got in the car ahead of Jiang Xia and sat next to Shijing Reika.

Suzuki Sonoko took out an invitation letter and waved it with pride written all over her face: "Thank you for the invitation. If you don't mind giving me a ride."

Of course, their family also received the invitation letter, but they had no plans to go before.

However, after discovering that Jiang Xia would go to the appointment, Suzuki Sonoko changed her mind.

Mao Lilan next to him smiled sheepishly and followed in the back seat. Suddenly only the passenger seat was empty.

Yotsui Reika glanced at the daughter of the chairman of the Suzuki Consortium who came out of nowhere next to her, then looked at Jiang Xia who was sitting in the front row, and her eyes twitched.

In fact, she didn't mean anything else. She just felt that Jiang Xia was quite famous among them. It would be fun to show off and be eye-catching when she was around. It would be fun to tease him when she was bored.

In addition, she still has some serious business - a while ago, Chairman Si Jing suddenly sent a lot of bodyguards to her side, which made her a little nervous. Fortunately, recently, as Chairman Si Jing made the decision, things calmed down, and Si Jing Jing Lihua's life has also returned to daily life.

Yotsui Reika asked suspiciously what was going on, but got no answer, so she thought she could entrust Jiang Xia to find out the inside story.

However, I didn't expect...

Yotsui Reika glanced at Suzuki Sonoko who had forcibly separated her from Jiang Xia, and the anger in her heart began to soar - she did not expect that such a thing would come out halfway despite a good plan.

But no matter how angry she felt, Yotsui Reika was already an adult wearing a mask of hypocrisy, and she could distinguish the important from the important. Her usual violent temper is only vented on those whose status is inferior to hers.

Now, if she was asked to confront the daughter of the chairman of the Suzuki Consortium... she was still a little weak.

In the end, Shijing Reika could only say goodbye angrily, and comforted herself in her heart: Forget it, she is a little girl in high school, why bother with her.

She knocked on the back of the driver's seat and said in a bad tone, "Why aren't you leaving?"

The driver responded hurriedly and started to leave.

Next to her, Sonoko Suzuki secretly gave a "V" sign of victory to Ran Mouri, and at the same time poked Conan, trying to persuade the naughty child to cause trouble for Reika Yotsui.

Conan pretended not to notice, he sat quietly and adjusted his earmuffs.

In the evening, the banquet begins.

Jiang Xia came prepared this time and brought many business cards. He walked around the crowd and brought back more business cards.

Jiang Xia's mood kept getting +1+1+1, and he carefully put away these ghost-picking spare cards.

In the middle of the banquet hall, a large circle of people gathered around Reika Yotsui, all of whom were young talents. Reika Yotsui suddenly said just now that the purpose of hosting this banquet was not only to celebrate her birthday, but more importantly, to "find the right people." You will get your wishful husband."

Most people who came to the party knew that Reika Mitsui was impatient to manage the company and did not have the talent. In other words, whoever marries her is equivalent to marrying the entire Sijing Group. So a group of people are extraordinarily attentive.

Shijing Reika held a glass of red wine and looked proudly at the men around her. After that, her eyes passed through the crowd and landed on Jiang Xia, who was counting business cards not far away.

Just after looking at it for two seconds, two female high school students with children suddenly appeared in the field of vision. These three people stood impartially between Jiang Xia and Yotsui Reika, perfectly blocking most of her sight. …No one believes it if it’s not intentional.

Yotsui Reika snorted and looked away indifferently.

To be fair, she still prefers Jiang Xia's type to the "young talents" around her who have obvious goals and are too serious.

If possible, I really want to kidnap Jiang Xia and make him a wife or something... But unfortunately, even Chairman Sijing doesn't know that her marriage has been decided long ago.

Thinking of this incident, Reika Yotsui's face gradually darkened.

The change in her expression was very obvious, but the circle of "young talents" who were closest to Reika Yotsui and could see her expression clearly were all her acquaintances. They had long been accustomed to the eldest lady's unstable temper, so they didn't pay much attention and continued to promote themselves enthusiastically.

At the end of the banquet, Jiang Xia successfully received a large number of business cards and began to patiently wait for the assignment.

Most of the guests had already left, and Reika Mitsui was about to leave, but the driver came over in a hurry - the tire of her car was punctured.

A group of young talents suddenly became more enthusiastic and began to invite Reika Yotsui to ride with them, and secretly showed off their models.

But just as he finished speaking, the driver said cautiously: "Your car also got a puncture."

Young talents: "..."

Chairman Yosui sighed and planned to let the person whose car broke down use other guests' cars to go back, but Reika Yosui refused - she "didn't want to be miserable and share a car with other people on such a beautiful day as her birthday." "

Therefore, she planned to stay in the villa for one night and ask her father to send a car to pick her up the next day.

Chairman Si Jing could not resist his daughter and agreed to the request. Other young talents whose cars broke down also immediately volunteered to stay with her.

Suzuki Sonoko looked at this group of people with disdain and planned to call her driver and ask them to pick them up.

But this villa is located in a remote location and has no signal.

Suzuki Sonoko could only put down her mobile phone, follow up the villa, and ask Reika Yotsui where the landline was.

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