Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1748 1748 [Belmode’s Waiting]

Ireland: "..." However, I have to admit that Uzo's ability is indeed outstanding. As long as this guy doesn't show his rebellious intentions, then he will probably be nothing more than a treasure in the eyes of his superiors.

Rather than counting on those top and second-in-commands who are bent on poaching treasures from Uzo and can’t see the dire straits of other cadres, if you want to deal with Uzo, you have to start with those who are deeply troubled and want Uzo’s downfall from the bottom of their hearts.

So soon, Ireland's eyes turned to Bourbon again.

"Although there was a slight misunderstanding between Bourbon and I because of Uzo's intervention, we have been soaking in the river together for so long, and with Uzo's presence, we should have a clear understanding of each other's positions. Understand it. In this case, this misunderstanding will naturally be solved. "

With this in mind, Ireland flipped through the information and found Toru Amuro's phone number.

He didn't have Bourbon's private number, but the contact information of "Boss Amuro" was not difficult to find. After all, that guy had a prestigious detective agency. He also cleverly asked Jiang Xia to help him build a reputation, so as to collect various information. intelligence.

Ireland: "..." Speaking of which, since Jiang Xia works as a detective at Amuro Detective Agency, does he know Bourbon's private identity?

This question made Ireland flip through the information in his hand and fell into deep thought for a moment:

"To put it into perspective, Jiang Xia has only been working at Amuro Detective Agency for a few months, and he had no interaction with 'Toru Amuro' before that.

"If they have only known each other for such a short period of time, it is unlikely that Bourbon will tell Jiang Xia about the organization. The review period for peripheral members is longer than this. And the identity of 'Bourbon' is definitely more worthy of being kept secret - no matter how you look at it , Jiang Xia probably doesn't know the true identity of 'Toru Amuro', and doesn't know that this boss is actually a dangerous person wandering in the dark world.

"By the way, could it be that Bourbon leaves early and comes home late, rarely enters the office, and always hides from Jiang Xia whenever he can, just because he doesn't want this highly observant detective to notice the anomaly in his identity?"

Thinking of this, Ireland couldn't help but sneered:

"If so, this is a good clue - according to the famous detective's character of hating evil, once Jiang Xia knows that Amuro Toru is not a good person, he will definitely not continue to cooperate with this boss and provide information and connections to Bourbon.

"Boben is willing to take people into the detective agency, which shows that he is very optimistic about this detective tool. It may not be possible to threaten Bourbon with this matter to do big things, but there should be no problem with some small things-for example, if Bourbon refuses to do it for me for a while Provide information about Uzo, then I can try to exchange this for something."


Ireland frowned and suddenly thought of a question:

What if Jiang Xia knew the existence of the black organization, or even knew the identity of Bourbon?

"We have to find Bourbon to test it out. If this is the case, Jiang Xia's identity will be very suspicious." Ireland's thoughts were spinning rapidly, and he suspiciously recalled the whole process of his encounter with Jiang Xia.

Then I gradually felt that the possibility was unlikely: Jiang Xia was very different from the members of the organization. Not to mention the detective's sense of justice, the first and most obvious point was that his vigilance was too poor.

On the plane, he dared to accept snacks from anyone. Later, when they met by chance, Jiang Xia ate the biscuits he handed over casually. Judging from the live broadcast not long ago, he also accepted the various snacks thrown to him by the female police officers who were familiar with Jiang Xia in the police station.

...As a member of the organization, he wouldn't be able to live long if he ate like this. Any enemy who acted more recklessly could send him to the cemetery. Bourbon found Jiang Xia as his subordinate, probably because he simply coveted his ability and fame.

But now, Jiang Xia's lifespan has indeed entered a countdown.

Ireland thought of the snacks he handed to Jiang Xia, mixed with chronic poison, and indeed eaten by Jiang Xia. All suspicions gradually relaxed, and his heart fell back into his stomach: Even if Jiang Xia's identity was problematic, he could easily control his life. , not a big problem. The current focus is still on Uzo and Bourbon.

Ireland put away his thoughts and glanced at his phone.

Then he discovered that Toru Amuro never answered the call he just made, and the phone hung up automatically.

"Is it because you don't want to answer an unknown number, or are there too many people calling this number looking for 'Amuro Toru'?"

Ireland frowned, thought for a moment, put away his phone, stood up and walked out.

Although the previous murder plan case came to an end quickly, there was still a kidnapping and bombing case ahead.

After all the hard work, it was already dark, so Jiang Xia went home directly after dinner.

The next day he met up with the program team again and went to school together.

I was originally scheduled to go to school for filming on Monday, but unexpectedly it was postponed to Wednesday.

Perhaps it was because I had failed too many times before, but this time, the way to school turned out to be very smooth. Until they reached the school gate, the program team was not tripped up by the sudden case.

When the camera briefly moved away to film the school, Kinoshita Yoko whispered to Jiang Xia: "It's so smooth today. It's really unexpected."

The staff of the program team were also unconsciously looking to the side, as if they couldn't believe that there was no unexpected case to be filmed today.

Jiang Xia was very calm about this and didn't feel too surprised: after all, neither the boss nor Conan came with him.

Of course, you must not say this to Kinoshita Yoko. He just said: "Actually, this is the norm, yesterday's situation was just an accident."

The reporters who were mixed in the program group, thinking of the density of reports on Jiang Xia's case, couldn't help but glance here: Is it true? I don't believe it.

Opposite the program team, the principal of Didan Middle School was already waiting at the door with a smile. Looking carefully, his smile seemed a little stiff, as if he had been waiting here for a long time.

In the distance, the school doctor from Didan Middle School passed by the small square at the school gate and headed to the gymnasium.

Passing by the door, he glanced this way.

Belmod pressed the doctor's face and pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose: "..." It's actually here, luckily I didn't miss it.

You know, she didn't wait until yesterday or the day before. She originally wanted to take leave today. Fortunately, I persisted in the end.

Belmod went to the gym as if nothing happened, and decided to quickly go to the program team to follow up on the situation after completing the work, so as to prevent Uzo from extending his claws to the school like he did to the factory yesterday.

Belmode didn't care whether this school was dead or alive, but Mao Lilan was still attending classes here - she was a little worried that Uzo would forget about it while playing and accidentally hurt her Angel.

Just as she was thinking about it, she suddenly felt a strong gaze coming towards her.


Belmode took a few steps, turned around, and saw Uzo staring at him. Their eyes met, and the high school student smiled at him, as if he was greeting a school teacher.

Belmode: "..." Tsk.

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