Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1749 1749 [Gin, stop reading and understanding]

Jiang Xia looked at the figure in a white coat walking away quickly with the murderous aura of apple smell, and sighed as he threw the ghost out to follow.

——I always feel that Belmod’s attitude today is not very friendly. Obviously if he met her outside, she would come over to chat with him, and maybe even buy him a drink or two.

However, thinking of yesterday's explosion and Mao Lilan in school today, Jiang Xia felt that she understood something.

Belmod's figure disappeared from around the corner, and Jiang Xia looked away, her eyes falling on the principal at the school gate.

Facing the camera, the principal did not mention the detective's attendance rate at all. He just praised the detective with a kind face, focusing on Jiang Xia's academic performance, in order to imply that his school pays attention to teaching methods and produces numerous talents.

far away.

Vodka stared at today's live broadcast and took a vicious bite of the breakfast bread: "..." What a bad principal, he refused to tell the truth. It's hard to say that this detective doesn't take classes at all and is not as good a student as he seems!

And the photographer, why do you keep taking pictures of this old man instead of taking pictures of Miss Yoko! ...Remember to cut off the Uzo next to her.

While his stomach ached at the possibility of Uzo appearing in the camera at any time, he couldn't help but want to watch Yoko Kinoshita's show - Ms. Yoko didn't often take on live-streaming jobs. This kind of vivid figure that interacts with the audience at this moment is missing once you see it. It is very precious.

After struggling for a long time, Vodka did not give up watching this program: just think of it as observing Uzo's movements.

Beside him, Gin was rarely sarcastic in the face of his stupid star-chasing behavior. He was currently watching the news about the previous case compiled by the program team.

"A script within a script, controlling two people at the same time, and the person being manipulated still firmly believes that this is a plan that he thought up independently... Oh, the two people's minds are completely synchronized, even the place where the crime was committed and the time when the alibi was created are exactly the same, to this extent It's a 'coincidence' that only those brainless cops are willing to believe."

Ginjiu snorted coldly, glanced at the details of the case, and came up with his own understanding of the matter: "I don't have enough fun, so I hired two temporary apprentices, taught the same script, and watched the development like a worm.

"The one who died has inherited a bit of Uzo's style. The winner dies decently before he dies of illness, the loser is thrown into prison, and is reviled by thousands of people... That guy went to England, and his gameplay is more fancy than before A lot."

Vodka: "..." He thought that in this case, Uzo was simply using those two old friends to instigate relationships with other partners who had known each other for a long time. It turns out there is such a layer behind it... That little yinbi is getting worse and worse.

...Boss too, why don't you transfer that Maya to him quickly? What if Uzo fails to find someone and goes to harm other people's assistants.

Thinking of this, the live broadcast in front of Vodka suddenly became unpleasant.

He silently put down the dry bread and prayed for Uzo sincerely for the first time: hoping that he would get his wish, get a younger brother who could take advantage of him as soon as possible, and stop harming others.

On the other side, the live broadcast continued calmly.

To the surprise of most people, perhaps because the pure land of the school has not been polluted by criminals outside, today's filming went very smoothly. Except for a few small puzzles encountered in the middle, which delayed a little time, everything else was quickly finished.

The schedule is completed and the shooting comes to an end.

After the program crew left, Jiang Xia remembered the principal's praise in the morning, hesitated for a moment, and finally went to the classroom carrying the lunch box distributed by the program crew.

He decided to finish the half-day class and complete the daily work of students - if some paparazzi squatted at the school gate with nothing to do, and the program had just finished, he turned around and caught him skipping class, things would be a little embarrassing. .

I originally thought that there would be a strong atmosphere of learning in the classroom.

However, Jiang Xia soon discovered that she didn't know her classmates well enough: everyone's minds were not on the recent exam at all, but they were excitedly discussing what kind of drama should be rehearsed for the school play.

Although this kind of on-campus performance was not very formal, there were many people from society watching that day. For normal students who rarely get exposure, it is indeed a heart-stirring event.

"Jiang Xia?"

As soon as Jiang Xia entered the classroom, Suzuki Sonoko saw him with sharp eyes.

She was about to say something, but suddenly became alert, covered her mouth, ran to the door, and peeked behind Jiang Xia furtively.

Suzuki Sonoko breathed a sigh of relief when she found that there were no cameras following her and the program crew had gone back.

She finished what she wanted to say: "You actually came to school! There is no exam today. Did you remember the wrong date?"

Jiang Xia: "..." Give me some face and don't speak so bluntly.

However, he was a little confused by the principal's praise just now, but now that he heard Suzuki Sonoko's true words, he quickly found himself again.

"You're all here, come and take a look." Jiang Xia didn't bother to defend himself. He looked at the classmates in the class and said, "It's very lively."

There are a group of 17-year-old minors in the classroom. Except for a specific two or three, others are not often involved in incidents, so Jiang Xia usually unconsciously pays little attention to his classmates.

But after all, he has a good memory, so he still knows most people. At this time, Jiang Xia glanced around the classroom and suddenly discovered that there was a new face in this group of people.

Seeing the man's face clearly, he was slightly startled, and his eyes suddenly stopped.

——This new classmate looks familiar.

Taking a closer look, Jiang Xia understood what looked familiar: he looked a bit like Conan - yes, it was Conan, not Kudo Shinichi. In short, it’s Kudo Shinichi’s version of babyface.

As soon as he saw this appearance, Jiang Xia couldn't help but feel friendly: "Who is this?"

Suzuki Sonoko looked over at his line of sight, said oh, and took the initiative to introduce: "This is Ito Tamanosuke who recently transferred to another school. Do you still remember the common traveling theater troupes when you were a child? They were the kind that moved performances across the country, and everyone An old theater troupe that stayed in the place for a month or two - Ito is the second-generation director of one of the troupes."

With that said, Suzuki Sonoko picked up a leaflet she had just received from Tamanosuke Ito from her desk and handed it to Jiang Xia to read.

Jiang Xia reached out and took it.

When I glanced down, I saw that the flyer looked like a mini poster. There is a person in ancient costume printed in the middle. Judging from his face, it is none other than Ito Tamanosuke's classmate.

In the picture, he is holding a half-meter long Jushou in his hand, as if he is playing a catcher. Next to it are a few simple big characters: Second generation leader, special performance!

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