Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1855 1855 [Uzo’s common methods]

In the venue, guests were staring at the stage, waiting for the long-awaited final show. (Due to caching reasons, please visit the COM website directly with your browser to watch the fastest chapter updates)

In the guest room, a figure was leaning against the window with a telescope, quietly watching the situation in the banquet hall.

After Kazuma Kurosawa finished playing a game, he glanced at Maya Hashimoto: "What are you doing?"

Maya Hashimoto sighed silently: "The model in the finale has never appeared. Do you think she is dead?"

"?" Kurosawa and Ma looked at him suspiciously, "Have you read too many suspense novels recently?"

Maya Hashimoto said vaguely: "You don't understand."

This afternoon he was bored and fiddled with the intercom phone in his room. I don't know if he was lucky or not. After fiddling with it for a while, he actually heard the sound of the intercom.

The voice was intermittent, and many details were unclear, but Maya Hashimoto understood one thing.

——Someone is manipulating that little model to kill someone, and a second murder will occur tonight.

"Did I bump into Uzo's planning scene?"

In the past few hours, Maya Hashimoto read and understood the overheard conversation in his mind no less than a hundred times:

"Did Uzo actually use direct orders to control? No, this is too subtle. Unless Uzo can be 100% sure that the person he manipulated will die before telling the truth, otherwise this cannot be explained How could he hide his identity and murderous behavior so perfectly.

"It's easy to judge this. Just look at whether the little model will die after killing someone."

"But if it wasn't Uzo, who would kill people with such vicious manipulation. Having said that, no matter whether this 'Funeral Silver Coin' is Uzo or not, judging from the 'Funeral Silver Coin''s understanding of this place, he must be He is an insider attending this banquet. So who is this person’s true identity?”

Unknowingly, Maya Hashimoto, like Takamori Masumi, was infected by the detective and began the difficult n-choose-1 reasoning.

Kiritengu, who was resting next to him, suddenly noticed something. A tengu jumped up, flew to his side, and started working again.

The finale of the catwalk has not yet appeared. People in the hall couldn't help but whisper to each other, and there was some commotion in the banquet hall.

Inozuka Jiro arrested a person from his club: "Go backstage and ask, which one is the best? Why hasn't it come on stage yet?"

In the distance, President Rokujo's blond secretary heard it with her ears tipped, covering her lips and snickering: "I'm so sorry, the dress you had so much hope for has been torn by me."

She had just finished muttering to herself like the mastermind behind the scenes, when she suddenly heard a voice.

The high school detective appeared out of nowhere and said to Jiro Inozuka: "I heard the lady over there saying that the dress you had high hopes for has been torn by her."

Female secretary: "?!!"

She turned around and met Jiro Inozuka's murderous gaze. The female secretary was startled: What are the ears of this detective made of, so that he can hear from such a distance? And he's already a high school student, yet he's still looking for someone to complain! !

She couldn't hold on to the smile on her lips. She glared at Jiang Xia fiercely and retreated behind the curtain of the stage.

At this moment, the lights on the stage suddenly dimmed.

When it lit up again, the model from Boduo Company had already stood in the center of the stage. She was wearing a gorgeous fluffy dress covered with diamonds and flowers, shining like stars in the sky against the light pillars.

Suzuki Sonoko and Mao Lilan also came to the audience. Looking at the dress, they whispered: "I can't believe it. A few minutes ago, this was just a pile of tablecloths."

"Yes, Miss Naoko is so amazing. No wonder President Rokujo wanted to poach her." Suzuki Sonoko was quite emotional. "The secretary of Rokujo Company before actually said that she was just a third-rate designer and could only work for Mr. Inozuka." assistant."

"Huh, that's because I got the wrong information." The female secretary of Liujo Club appeared out of nowhere and joined their conversation, "The president just told me yesterday that in fact, President Inozuka of Bodhisattva, He is a complete layman in terms of design. You can guess this by looking at his big gold watch and big gold teeth - the designs he gave are actually all the works of Naoko Toriyama. If it weren't for him I won’t mistakenly think that the real designer is a third-rate importer if he shamelessly takes over other people’s designs.”

"Oh, is it so."

A deep voice came from behind.

"?!" The female secretary was startled and turned around, realizing that it might be Jiang Xia who came to find his classmate. President Inozuka, who was chatting with Jiang Xia just now, also came over and heard her conversation just now.

Female secretary: "..." Did this bastard detective do it on purpose? !

She knew something was wrong, so she rubbed oil on her soles and slipped away.

Jiang Xia's mood improved a lot - Inozuka Jiro's murderous intent soared when he saw him, but now that there was a female secretary who was keen on opposing Bodhisattva, the murderous intent suddenly turned into double happiness.

Jiang Xia: "..." I don't know when these fluffy fruits will be picked.

Just then, a scream came from a distance.

Immediately afterwards, the secretary of Boduo Design Company ran over in a panic holding a gift box: "President, we have received this kind of gift box wrapped with a black ribbon again!"

"What a black silk gift box? It's in public, don't talk nonsense." Inozuka Jiro frowned and glanced over there.

Then I was a little embarrassed to find that I seemed to have made a mistake.

What the little secretary was holding was not what he had imagined, but a familiar box. They had just seen this thing not long ago - it was the box that appeared in the banquet hall before President Rokujo was poisoned to death. "shroud".

Last time, shortly after receiving this shroud, Toriyama Naoko almost died from poisoned wine. Unexpectedly, I received another one now.

Before Inozuka Jiro could react, Miwako Sato had already arrived: "Don't move, give it to me!"

Untie the black ribbon and carefully open the gift box. This time, the box contained a pure white dress, with a familiar French silver coin placed on top of the dress.

The only difference from last time is that the dress this time is a pure white tuxedo - this is men's clothing.

"The murderer changed his target. This time he wanted to kill a man?" Miwako Sato frowned and thought, "Or did he realize that he killed the wrong person last time, so he quickly made amends?"

Jiang Xia: "Then this murderer is quite martial, but I think it's more likely to be the former."

He picked up the piece of clothing, shook it off, looked at it, and then asked several designers from Boduo Company who were surrounding him: "Can you tell who this size is customized for?"

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