Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1856 1856 [Screenwriter, can you do it?] Please vote for me

Chapter 1856 1856 [Screenwriter, can you do it?] Please give me your monthly ticketヽ(〃〃)~

Judging from the "shroud" delivered last time, this kind of clothing is tailor-made according to the figure of the victim, and the size of every detail can be matched.

On the other hand, as long as you measure the size of the suit and compare it with the people present, you can find out the murderer's target.

Jiang Xia originally thought that the professionals present would get a ruler and measure the size.

But he didn't expect that these people would become more professional than he thought.

"This... seems to be Mr. Inukai's size." A senior executive from the men's clothing department came over and looked at the clothes unfolded by Jiang Xia. "That's our vice president, Inukai Kaname. He has a well-proportioned figure, except for his shoulders. He is much wider than normal people... It is a pity, if not, he would definitely be the chief male model of our company."

When he said this, everyone else also remembered: "Indeed, it should be him."

Officer Sato immediately looked around: "Where will Inukai step in?"

After all, he is the vice-president of the Bodhisattva Club, and someone actually noticed his whereabouts: "He seemed to have something to do before the show started, and he went out in a hurry."

"Going out? Alone?" Sato Miwako's heart thumped, and she suddenly felt something was not good.

Jiang Xia thought for a moment: "I also had some impressions of the vice president. He seemed to have run to the guest room at that time. I thought he had forgotten to take something."

The detective spoke, and Officer Sato felt even worse. He waved his hand: "Go to his room and have a look!"

A group of people rushed to the door of Inukai's room and knocked anxiously. With such intensity and sound, even the hibernating bear should be knocking out, but Inukai Kaname made no move.

Jiang Xia assessed the thick and heavy door, but didn't put it in. On the way from the banquet hall to the guest room, he informed the front desk.

Turning around, I saw the hotel front desk running over with a spare key.

After inserting the key and opening the door, the room was dark. Jiang Xia walked around the living room and master bedroom and returned to the door: "It seems there is no one."

At this moment, a miserable scream suddenly came from the other end of the corridor.


The DNA of the detectives and police officers was moved, and under their leadership, a group of people ran towards the direction of the screams.

When I arrived at the place, I saw a room door wide open. The assistant was standing in the corridor, leaning against the wall behind him, trembling and looking into the room.

Jiang Xia stopped at the door and looked into the room.

The layout of this room is exactly the same as the one Inukai was introducing just now. The difference is that the lights are turned on here and there is one more person in the living room.

——As soon as you enter the door, there is an elegant round table with two chairs facing each other. There was red wine and red wine glasses on the table, and it looked like they were having a discussion.

At this time, one of the chairs was empty, and on the other chair, Kaname Inukai was sitting slumped in it, with his upper body lying on the table, looking like he was lifeless.

Just after hearing the news, the Memu Police Department ran over panting: "..."

...Looks like tonight is another sleepless night of overtime work.

After one hour.

As the forensic personnel were busy, some clues were sorted out... and sent to Jiang Xia.

In fact, it should have been given to the Megure Police Department first.

But the police department had just stayed up all night last night, and had been on guard all day today. Now my old eyes were dim, and I felt like I had double vision when I read words, so I simply gave up struggling and silently watched the young police officer hand over the report. In Jiang Xia's hands.

Jiang Xia meant to be polite, then reached out to take it, clocking in to collect clues: "The estimated time of death is around 7 p.m.... He also died of poisoning?"

The young police officer nodded: "Besides Kaname Inukai's body, there was only a bottle of red wine and two red wine glasses on the table. Both glasses were only half full of wine, and the one in front of the deceased had been drunk. The other glass is not poisonous, and the red wine in the bottle is also not poisonous.

"Based on these points, we speculate that the murderer arranged for a drink with the deceased, and then he poisoned the wine glass in advance just like he did when he poisoned President Rokujo in the banquet hall."

Jiang Xia nodded thoughtfully and said nothing.

Jiro Inozuka also heard the sound and came over at this time, standing in the crowd with an impatient look on his face. Unlike the detective, he seemed to have a lot of opinions he wanted to express: "What kind of bastard is actually trying to trick the top management of our club one after another - just come out and compete openly if you have the ability!"

The blond and blue-eyed female secretary of Liujo Club was startled, feeling that there was something in his words: "What do you mean? Do you want to say that the murderer is from our club? Don't forget, the first one to die was our president!"

"But our vice president is also dead!"

"Our president has a higher position!"

"The murderer's first target was obviously Naoko Toriyama of our club! Your president is just an unlucky guy who came to your door by himself, and our club is the real victim!"

A strange comparison unfolded.

Fortunately, there are still people who remember the business. The lobby manager remembered what Jiang Xia said just now: "I remember you said that the time of death was around 7 o'clock in the evening? It was the climax of the dinner at that time. Basically everyone was in the banquet hall, and almost no one left - —Several high-level officials from both clubs were present at the scene. Could it be that the murderer was an outsider?"

The young police officer who was on guard before nodded: "Except for Kaname Inukai, no one has returned to the hotel."

Torimaru Naoko looked at the unfamiliar and familiar faces around her: "In other words, everyone here now has an alibi?"

Takamori Masumi felt relieved.

However, the next second, a demonic voice sounded.

"Not necessarily." Jiang Xia lowered her eyes and flipped through the information in her hand, as if she just said casually, "Perhaps someone in the banquet hall at that time used some ingenious method... to remotely control the murder."

Masumi Takamori: "?!!"

...He must be guessing, he must be guessing. This must be just a casual association after reading too many detective novels. Otherwise, how could such a sophisticated murder plan be seen through in less than an hour!

Takamori Masumi tried to comfort himself in his heart.

Then I gradually relaxed...

Takamori Masumi: "..." I can't relax, I can't relax at all!

No matter how you look at it, Jiang Xia has seen through it!

At most, only some details have not yet been confirmed, but the general direction is definitely hidden. As long as the detective finds more clues and digs into it, this plan may be easily solved like 1+1=2 in elementary school homework.

Thinking of this, Takamori Masumi couldn't help but look around quietly: "..." "Funeral Silver Coin" are you there? Come out and take care of it! Show the confidence you had when you called me!

The model, who looked calm on the outside, was already hearing a siren in her heart.


The starting point in July is still the starting point without double monthly passes and extra activities.

So vote early and be happy early, please ask for [monthly vote] (σ≧▽≦)σ. !

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