Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1860 1860 [Who? do not know】

Maya Hashimoto looked at the door where Inozuka Jiro left: "Do you think he will succeed?"

Kurosawa and Ma's heads seemed to be shining with a different kind of Buddha's light: "Anyway, I have already reported it. It is his own problem to make a fuss. Whether it succeeds or not is none of my business."

Maya Hashimoto thought for a while: "That's right, there is not much difference between success and failure."

If Inozuka Jiro failed to frame Jiang Xia, then with Jiang Xia's acumen, this guy might be taken away by the police soon, and then quickly silenced.

And if Inozuka Jiro succeeds...

From all aspects, he will receive great attention from Uzo.

Maya Hashimoto doesn't want to look back at what happens to people who have been treated like this so far.

"When will this detention end?" Maya Hashimoto stared at the ceiling and shouted in her heart, "Mr. Ireland, are you still alive? Do you still remember that you had a confidant that you forgot to take away?"

In another building.

Jiang Xia didn't know the cry from the bottom of her heart. She only knew that she drank a lot of iced black tea that night.

This gave him a pleasant sleep.

The next day, Jiang Xia got up refreshed and went to the hall downstairs with her classmates.

Then I saw a bunch of people gathered in the hall - employees of the two companies had already gotten up early, and the employees of Bodhi Club were applauding happily.

"The results of this design competition should be out." Suzuki Sonoko stood on the stairs and looked far into the center of everyone's attention. She pointed to Jiang Xia and Mao Lilan, "The one who is shaking hands with President Inozuka seems to be the vice president of Sanyou Club. It seems that the one who won and got their sponsorship is Boduo Club - Miss Naoko's last one. A tablecloth wedding dress is amazing."

Remembering that she had also made an indelible contribution in this, Suzuki Sonoko quietly raised her chest and raised her head, and cleared her throat reservedly: "Of course, her aesthetics is even better."

Jiang Xia nodded: "I fell in love with your bag at first glance."

Suzuki Sonoko quietly gave him a thumbs up: As expected of a detective, he caught her key points right away!

Although it was a tragic victory at the expense of the vice-president, fortunately, the vice-president of Bodhi Club had a bad temper and was not very popular, so the employees of Bodhi Fashion Design Club were not too sad.

And a little bit of sadness can easily be diluted by the upcoming large-scale sponsorship.

Everyone gathered around the vice president of Sanyou Club and Jiro Inozuka, and applauded. The atmosphere was harmonious, and the murder seemed to be a thing of the past.

Jiang Xia and the others silently walked around to the back, planning to get some buffet first. They hadn't had breakfast yet.

When passing by the birdcage, Suzuki Sonoko thought of the three eggs that she missed so much and glanced over there.

Then he froze: "My balls!"

"?" Jiang Xia passed by with a plate and glanced at the place she was staring at.

The originally neat birdcage was now in a mess. There were a few fallen feathers scattered in the cage. The beautiful round eggs in the birdcage were unfortunately broken to pieces at the bottom of the cage, with clear yolks flowing out.

"..." Jiang Xia expressed sympathy for the two birds and couldn't help but add a hot spring egg to his plate. Through the egg white, you can also vaguely see the flowing egg yolk inside, which is very exciting.

A few meters away, the lobby manager was talking to Naoko Toriyama when he suddenly heard the movement here and looked over.

Seeing the situation in the birdcage, he quickly came over and took off the birdcage: "I didn't expect it to be like this again... I'll clean it up right away."

Suzuki Sonoko was startled: "Again? Have these eggs been broken before?"

The lobby manager smiled bitterly: "Although these two birds are beautiful, they are actually a bit nervous. Sometimes they will deliberately break the eggs they lay. But this time there is nothing we can do. There were two murders in a row, and even people were scared. It’s not serious, it’s normal for it to be frightened.”

Toriyama Naoko followed and couldn't help frowning when she heard this: "It's really cruel."

When the lobby manager heard this, he quickly hugged the birdcage and said, "I'll put them somewhere else first. You guys can take a stroll around. I'm sorry."

After he left, Toriyama Naoko also left quickly.

Mao Lilan stared at the place where the birdcage was hung just now, thoughtfully.

Jiang Xia put down the plate and saw her look: "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Mao Lilan scratched her cheek and remembered something, "It's just that I suddenly remembered that there was a similar thing in elementary school - didn't our school have the tradition of raising a small animal in each class? Our class I once raised a canary..."

"Oh, I remembered it!" Suzuki Sonoko heard this, quickly swallowed the juice in her mouth, and continued, "The two canaries also did something similar. The mother bird broke her own eggs. , everyone was shocked at that time and didn’t know how to deal with it. Unexpectedly..."

Conan pushed up his glasses, apparently remembering this incident, and answered naturally: "I didn't expect it... uh uh uh!"

Before he could finish speaking, Jiang Xia grabbed the bread from his plate without blinking and popped it into his mouth accurately.

Conan was confused at first, but when he came to his senses, he immediately broke out in a cold sweat: "..." Oops, he almost said it when he was distracted. And this kind of thing that happened inside the class obviously cannot be explained by excuses such as "Brother Jiang Xia told me" or "I saw it on TV"... Fortunately, Jiang Xia responded quickly!

"What's wrong?"

Two female classmates who were reminiscing looked over in confusion.

Conan laughed dryly: "It's nothing, I just thought about how coincidental it was, and suddenly I felt a little emotional... Well, what did you just talk about? How did you deal with the broken eggs in the end?"

The two girls were not very suspicious in the first place, but when they were interrupted like this, they immediately forgot about the incident.

They continued what they just said: "Unexpectedly, Masumi suddenly got angry and slapped the entire birdcage to the ground. The cage was slightly deformed, and then she ran away."

"Then, the teacher had to buy us a new cage so that we didn't have to clean the old cage that was stained with egg liquid." Suzuki Sonoko was a little scared at the time, but now she just thinks it's funny when she thinks about it, "Actually, in order to train us Teachers usually don’t interfere with pets’ matters. I didn’t expect that it was a blessing in disguise that I got help from an adult. The new cage is also very beautiful. It’s just Masumi..."

"Jiang Xia!"

A voice came from afar, interrupting their conversation.

Jiang Xia turned around and saw Sato Miwako walking over, holding a dozen reports, and it seemed that she had new clues.

"The detailed autopsy report has been sent over." She handed the information to Jiang Xia. "In addition, we also found the disks containing the employee's physical data from the Bodhi Club headquarters."

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