Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1861 1861 [The last one] Please vote for me

Chapter 1861 1861 [The last one] Please vote for me ()

After returning to the room, Officer Sato put a cardboard box on the table with disks in it.

She raised her hand and wiped the sweat: "That's it. These old companies are really traditional. If a USB flash drive can solve the problem, you have to get a box of disks. Fortunately, it is very convenient to classify people's names by fifty. There are a total of fifty disks arranged in the order of sounds, each of which contains the name of the corresponding letter.

Jiang Xia approached the mouth of the carton and looked inside: "There are a few empty places."

Miwako Sato nodded: "The disks starting with 'い' and 'と' were stolen. 'と' was the first target Toriyama Naoko. Although the murderer missed it, 'い' was the second one. The target is the vice president, Kaname Inukai."

"But there is also an empty space here." Jiang Xia reached out and plucked the remaining disks and discovered the problem, "There are no more words starting with 'き'." He looked at several company executives next to him who had heard the noise and followed them. “Who in your company starts with this letter?”

Inozuka Jiro looked at his watch impatiently: "That's a lot."

I originally wanted to make a perfunctory statement and let other subordinates give answers to this troublesome detective.

Unexpectedly, the detective's eyes stopped on him: "Why are you looking at your watch suddenly? Are you in a hurry?"


Jiro Inozuka had just sent an appointment email to Jiang Xia in the name of Maya Qiaoben, pretending that he was in trouble, and asked Jiang Xia to quietly go to the grove behind the hotel in two hours to make an appointment and discuss countermeasures.

Then in Inozuka Jiro's plan, the "funeral silver coin" will send Jiang Xia away with him.

A series of processes were very smooth and came naturally. Unexpectedly, Jiang Xia suddenly mentioned "time" at this time.

This undoubtedly made Inozuka Jiro, who was counting down Jiangxia's life, feel guilty. He cursed secretly that this guy was really sharp, but he maintained the composure he should have on his face: "Why are you looking at the watch? Humph, if it weren't for these messy cases, I would have gone home to rest by this time. After all, it's been two days. The case has not been solved yet, what can you detectives and police do? Are my employees going to die in vain?"

To say this seems to be blaming the police for failing to maintain law and order in Tokyo.

Miwako Sato was still too young and looked ashamed when she heard this: "The case will definitely be solved, but the clues are not complete yet..."

Fortunately, at this time, some subordinates came to her rescue, although the news they brought was not good: "Officer, the 'Funeral Silver Coin' has sent another murder notice!"

While he was talking, the little police officer pushed in the door and trotted to the table, holding a very familiar gift box.

Jiang Xia took the gift box smoothly and unwrapped the black ribbon tied on it.

Taking off the cover, he saw a woman's wedding dress lying quietly inside: "The lady starting with 'き'... Speaking of which, I remember that the assistant who first let us ride in the car was named Kiriyama Sayoko?"

The pronunciation of "fog" begins with き.

The people at the Bodhisattva Club were shocked: "Speaking of which, I haven't seen her since this morning..."



A group of people rushed to the guest room in confusion, looking for Kiriyama Sayoko.

The blackout curtains are drawn in the guest room.

In the dark room, Masumi Takamori was lying on the cold floor, sleeping soundly. Suddenly, a chaotic knock on the door rang in her ears.

The sound of "dong-dong-dong" was mixed with the shout of "Whishan!" and the sound became clearer and clearer.

Takamori Masumi was woken up. She frowned and got up. Her mind was blank. Suddenly, a corpse next to her came into view - Kiriyama Sayoko was wearing pajamas and fell one meter away. She was already dead. breath.

"?!" Masumi Takamori was so frightened that she almost jumped up. At this moment, she suddenly felt her hands heavy.

Looking down, he saw that he was holding a heavy pistol.

Although he still didn't fully understand the situation, there was a buzz in Takamori Masumi's mind, and there were only two big words left - it's over.

"The door is locked." Sato Miwako turned the doorknob twice, and the bad feeling in her heart became stronger and stronger.

On the way here, they met an old employee with a good memory and learned that in addition to Kiriyama Sayoko, there were several other people starting with 'き' who were also in the hotel.

With so many people, they can't just kick down a door every time they enter a house. Miwako Sato had no choice but to say: "Hurry up and get the key from the front desk. Also, immediately go find a few other people starting with 'き' to confirm their status!"

The little police officer responded and ran to find someone else.

Naoko Tormaru often had to go to each room to get things. She was familiar with the front desk and took the initiative to help: "I'll get the keys."

In the house, Masumi Takamori breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that people outside could not get in without keys, and got out of the stiff state just now.

After she came to her senses, she got up and rushed to the window to jump out of the window and escape.

However, someone had actually tampered with the window, which could only open it to the width of a punch, but could not be opened wide enough for someone to jump out.

"It's too much." Masumi Takamori pushed twice but didn't push, with a look of despair on his face, "It's too shameless. They promised to give me my freedom after killing Inukai Kaname, but now...this person has no lower limit for what he does. !"

She gritted her teeth and banged on the window angrily, leaning her head on her hands weakly.

At this moment, she suddenly smelled a familiar smell stuck to the window frame.

"Is this... the perfume smell of the person who knocked me out yesterday? Did he accidentally stick it on when he was tampering with the window?" Masumi Takamori's mind was spinning blankly, "I remember this smell. I heard it was very expensive. French men's perfume. 'Funeral Silver Coin''s actually him? How could it be him?!"

"Here comes the key!" Torimaru Naoko ran out of breath. She ran along the corridor, put the key into Jiang Xia's hand, then bent down and propped up her knees to gasp for air, while gasping and cursing, " I haven't run so fast since graduation. If Kiriyama didn't open the door because he overslept, I..."

Halfway through the conversation, everything became quiet as the door opened.

There was no furniture in the living room that blocked the view too much, and the scene in the room was clear at a glance - Kiriyama Sayoko collapsed near the door, refusing to close her eyes.

And by the window a few meters away, Takamori Masumi stood quietly with his back to everyone.

"Kiriyama?!" Although Inozuka Jiro didn't care about the life and death of his employees, but remembering that there were police and detectives standing next to him, especially a detective who had just suspected him, he still pretended to be pretentious and walked to the body, " Are you OK!"

At the same time, he looked at Masumi Takamori by the window and frowned in confusion: "Why are you? What are you doing in Kiriyama's room. Wait... are you the 'Funeral Silver Coin'?"

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