Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1863 1863 [Curaçao doesn’t want to hear it]

On the other side, in the temporarily vacant guest room.

Jiang Xia looked out the window and felt the murderous aura that flickered on and off on her new little brother from a distance. After guessing the other party's decision based on his murderous aura, he turned around happily and looked into the room.

After Masumi Takamori killed the "funeral silver coin" that he hated, he put down the gun with a heavy breath and did not attack anyone else.

"I'm sorry, I don't want to kill anyone." She clenched her fists tightly:

"Just seeing the funeral silver coins...or the appearance of President Inozuka just now, I suddenly remembered a pair of birds that were raised in the class in elementary school.

"The pair of little birds are usually very cute, but that day they broke their own eggs for some reason. My mother was running away from home at that time, and my father was an alcoholic. I somehow connected the broken eggs with my own experience. They were connected together - the innocent look of abandoning the child easily, as if it was just a piece of garbage, made me unable to restrain my hatred at all.

"I felt exactly the same when I shot Mr. Inozuka...

"He gave me a job and a comfortable life today. I have always regarded him as the benefactor who changed my life. After I became famous, other companies and even talent scouts showed me countless olive branches. I ignored him and concentrated on being a young model in this semi-large company... I thought I was repaying his kindness seriously, but who knew that in his eyes, I was still just a thing that could be abandoned at any time."

Although Miwako Sato heard her sad and angry mood, there were some things she didn't understand: "Wait a minute, you want to say that President Inozuka was the 'funeral silver coin' who serially murdered three or four people? But you today……"

You killed someone with a gun in public today, and you also appeared in the secret room where Kiriyama Sayoko died. No matter how you look at it, you must be the one who sent the silver coins to the funeral.

Officer Sato originally wanted to say this.

But some kind of police intuition, as well as the frankness in Takamori Masumi's words, made her feel that something was wrong.

So after a moment, Sato Miwako quietly turned to look to the side and asked Jiang Xia for help: Translate! You must be able to understand what she is saying, right?

Fortunately, detectives received her distress call.

Jiang Xia came back to her senses: "Gao Sen may have wanted to say that although she did kill those people, it was not out of her own will, but because there was a person hiding behind the scenes who called himself 'Funeral Silver Coin'" Threaten her to do this. Those 'shrouds' should also be prepared for funeral silver coins. After all, Gao Sen doesn't have much design experience and she can't make such a wedding dress herself.

"In order to evade legal punishment, the threatener will definitely try to hide his true identity in front of Gao Sen. But for some reason, in the process of being threatened, Gao Sen suddenly discovered that the 'funeral silver coin' was President Inozuka, whom she respected. So she felt that she had been used, betrayed and abandoned, and out of anger, she attacked President Inozuka in public."

Takamori Masumi came to his senses, and then following Jiang Xia's steady voice, he realized that he had missed such an important thing.

She nodded quickly: "I... I was caught by the 'Funeral Silver Coin'. Forget it, I will tell you what happened now - three days ago, my ex-boyfriend came to blackmail me and I killed him. The 'Send Tibetan Silver Coin' filmed the scene where I dumped my body, and he used that to threaten me with murder."

Sato Miwako: "..." Wait, wait! Why is there still a corpse dumping case? The number of cases is getting solved more and more!

Takamori Masumi didn't see the faint collapse under the calm expression of policewoman Hana. She found that Jiang Xia seemed to believe that she was not the mastermind, and continued as if grabbing a life-saving straw: "President Inozuka has been using the same perfume for the past few years. I recognized him through the men's perfume on his body! Besides... I really didn't kill Miss Kiriyama. I was knocked unconscious by the 'Funeral Silver Coin' as soon as I arrived in that room last night."

"Well, okay, I understand." Sato Miwako wrote down in her notebook.

But after sending Masumi Takamori to a nearby police station, she looked at her notes again: "She didn't kill Ms. Kiriyama... Is this child really not lying?"

Jiang Xia looked at his watch: "What should I say?"

Miwako Sato turned over the information that her men had just collected: "The door of the room just now was locked, and the window was broken. It couldn't be opened far enough for people to pass. In other words, it was a secret room - room key There are two in total, one of which is in the hands of the deceased Kiriyama Sayoko, and the other is kept at the front desk 24 hours a day.

“You may think that the doors here are very old, but in fact the people who can live here are rich people, so the security is very good, and the door keys are all electronic keys with chips that cannot be copied. Except for Masumi Takamori who was in the room at the time, no one else could enter."

"Not necessarily. The more the room looks like a secret room, the easier it is to be manipulated." Jiang Xia looked at her, "I have something to do and will be back in a while. Before that, remember to send someone to the hospital."

Sato Miwako looked confused: "Hospital?"

Jiang Xia nodded: "Let's just say that President Inozuka was successfully rescued and is being hospitalized for observation."

After leaving all the finishing work and other work to the handy police. Jiang Xia is going to go to the appointment according to the email he received before.

And the other side.

In another secluded guest room, two people whose relationship had eased for a while began a silent confrontation again.

The corners of Kurosawa and Ma's eyes twitched slightly: "Let you go out 'alone' to contact the detective? Do you still remember that I am a caretaker?"

Maya Hashimoto felt that this person was too rigid: "When you were lying in the hospital a few days ago, didn't I have less contact with others alone?"

Kurosawa Kazuma: "..." It makes sense...and when something like this happened, the superiors didn't hold anyone accountable and just blew it away so easily. In the past few days, he had been confused by the case and Inozuka Jiro, and it was only when he looked back that he discovered this detail.

Seeing that he remained silent, Maya Hashimoto glanced at him hesitantly: "If you really want to go... then let's go together."

"..." Kurosawa Kazuma said, "Wait a minute, I'll tell the boss."

If there is anything I have learned from Maya Hashimoto these days, it is undoubtedly the need to report in advance. If the sky falls, your boss will bear it.

In addition, it happened that Inozuka Jiro's matter should be reported to that mysterious superior.

Kurosawa Kazuma skillfully typed the email and sent it.

Sure enough, it was not an illusion. This time, the superior's reply was still very fast - Kurosawa Kazuma had cooperated with this superior in the past, but never before had his reply been so high.

Kurosawa Kazuma clicked on the email reply from his superior: "..." Feeling a little happy.

...But it also feels a little bit bad. (End of chapter)

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