Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1864 1864 [Little Vodka Final Number]

Two minutes ago.

"Jiro is gone too." Curacao supported his forehead and sighed silently, "That guy Usa definitely did it on purpose. He even wanted to chase him as far away as the suburbs of Tokyo... What is Maya Hashimoto's misfortune about? Are you attracted to him? Is it the joy of robbing other people’s subordinates that makes Uzo want to stop, or is it that the less he gets, the more he wants it, and he feels that idleness is idle, so he comes over to kill a few people for fun? "

in addition……

"There is one less guard, and we have to find a suitable person to take over as soon as possible." Curaçao kept thinking about the information from various subordinates in her mind. At the same time, this time, she did not send an email or call to report to Rum. , I just wrote this little accident into the report - anyway, based on the previous experience, even if I say it, I'm afraid it will just be the same as last time. Rum feels that this is just a small fight and doesn't want to let him go, and he will feel She was tainted by Uzo and was thankless.

"But who should I choose? And if Rum never agrees to let people go, will I have to keep losing my men?" When Curacao thought about this, he started to have a headache again. "Although only some peripheral members died, there are There are actually not that many people with certain abilities and strong confidentiality, but the speed at which he consumes one in these two or three days... In a few months, will I still have anyone available?"

After thinking about it like this, Curacao couldn't help but feel a little sorry for the resources at his disposal. Her boss doesn't understand her pain. Only she knows how troublesome this chronic loss is.

"Although I have long been mentally prepared to lose manpower, but...well, next time I'd better not look for someone like Jiro, and find someone with a bit more trash." Curacao closed his eyes and briefly recalled his list.

Then a name suddenly jumped out of my mind.

——Inozuka Saburo.

Curacao didn't have a deep impression of this person, but she remembered that in fact, Saburo Inozuka had never thought of joining the organization at first, but one time when the two eldest brothers of the Inozuka family were doing a task, Saburo Inozuka bumped into the scene.

In order not to silence this unfortunate brother, the two had no choice but to recruit him on the spot. After joining the group, Inozuka Saburo didn't accomplish anything big. He only did some small illegal errands to express his loyalty to the organization.

"I'm really sorry, but the decision is yours, and you are indeed the most suitable candidate." Curacao was editing an email on his phone, with heavy shadows on his lowered eyebrows, like a sinister and cunning cold-blooded villain, "If you can do this this time, If you survive, I will definitely give you a bright future."

When Kurosawa Kazuma was communicating with his boss who was gradually getting darker.

Hashimoto Maya got permission and went alone to the place that Inozuka Jiro had made an appointment for him without permission to meet Jiang Xia.

The righteous detective checked his pockets and stood under the tree. He turned around and the first thing he said when he saw him was: "Mr. George has been unlucky recently. Not long after he returned to Japan, he encountered so many cases one after another."

Maya Hashimoto: "Hmm..."...Although that seems to be the case, if I remember correctly, the cases you encountered after you came back were only four or five times as many as mine. Detectives really have no idea about the cases they have experienced. b...concept?

He was briefly torn between "complaining" and "not complaining".

Before I could think about it, I suddenly heard the high school student across from me say, "Your real name is 'Hashimoto Maya'? It's different from what's on the certificate."

"?!" Maya Hashimoto blurted out, "Where did you hear this name?"

Jiang Xia glanced at him inexplicably: "Isn't this the signature you left in the email?"

Maya Hashimoto: "..." Hiss, so to speak, that boy Jiro Inozuka did move his belongings under the pretext of checking, and he should have seen the ID from there. Could it be that he also stuffed the note?

...Anyway, the murderer's shot was really right! Fortunately, Inozuka was already hopeless. Otherwise, if he was selling his information like this, he would definitely take the time to shut up this leaky guy forever.

Jiang Xia saw a wisp of iced black tea emerge, and then quickly harvested it, floating slowly to the ground.

Then he was hugged by the hard-working Wutian Dog and brought back to Jiang Xia.

Maya Hashimoto came back to his senses and was keenly aware of Jiang Xia's gaze. He looked down at his clothes: "What's wrong, something is stuck on me?"

Jiang Xia: "No." It's just a little bit of my murderous aura. It's not a big problem, it's gone.

"Oh." Maya Hashimoto took advantage of these few seconds to make up a rhetoric, trying to brush off the false testimony, "Actually, I changed my name before, and now I basically use the name 'George' in the UK. Use Hashimoto Maya, whatever you are used to calling it will do."

"That's it." Jiang Xia glanced at him and didn't ask for these details anymore. Instead, he asked, "Come to me, what's the matter with you?"

Seeing his cooperation, Maya Hashimoto secretly breathed a sigh of relief: Fortunately, as long as it's not a murder case or an explosion that can endanger other people's lives, the detective doesn't seem to be too inquisitive.

When the kind-hearted detective didn't ask any questions, he quickly picked something Jiang Xia was interested in and said, "It's nothing. It's just that my friend and I were recuperating here, but we suddenly encountered a murder case, and I was really panicked. After all, we didn't go out immediately. I contacted the police, and I was worried that I would become a suspect, so I couldn’t help but want to confirm the situation with you - but I just saw someone being taken away in a police car, has the case been closed?"

Jiang Xia really didn't mind talking about the case, but as if he thought of something, he frowned slightly: "...sort of."

Maya Hashimoto was startled and felt something was wrong: "Really?"

"Yes." Jiang Xia nodded and suddenly glanced around, as if to confirm if anyone was eavesdropping nearby.

This posture seemed to be about to say something big... Maya Hashimoto suddenly thought of a possibility, the railroad tracks in her heart began to rattle again, and the alarm bells in her heart rang loudly.

However, it was too late to be vigilant now. Soon, Jiang Xia's low voice reached his ears: "Do you still remember what you said to me when we first met - you, or that friend of yours, have always been... He encountered some serious accidents, or was frequently involved in murder cases, facing some dangers to his life. Both the police and people around him will tell you that these are just accidents. "

Maya Hashimoto: "..." Jiang Xia must have found Uzuo, no! I don’t want to get involved in the fight between you two old enemies. Don’t you know how many people around you have died in this fight?

Although his expression was not tense and had changed, fortunately, those subtle fears were still appropriate at the moment. Maya Hashimoto could only bite the bullet and play the image of an innocent citizen who was persecuted by the mastermind behind the scenes: "Did you find out something?"

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