Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1865 1865 [Trapping Uzo]

Jiang Xia nodded, but quickly shook his head, as if what he found made him hesitate.

Seeing this, Maya Hashimoto took the opportunity to speak, pretending to be considerate: "It's better not to tell me such an important thing! What if I am tricked into leaking the news? You should check it yourself first. If there is anything you need help with... ..."Don't tell me either, I don't dare to help.

Jiang Xia came back to her senses and found that he had misunderstood the reason for his hesitation, and explained: "It's not an important matter, but I'm afraid that if it's too late, you will be like the previous clients..."

As he spoke, he sighed, and the rest of the words fell silent.

Maya Hashimoto was confused: "Why did the previous client...!"

Halfway through his words, he suddenly remembered what Jiang Xia had told him on the plane: after he pretended to be Ireland and told Jiang Xia that he was always involved in murder cases recently, Jiang Xia once said that he was not an exception - this Detectives seem to have noticed similar phenomena and have been secretly investigating, but they have never found strong enough clues and evidence.

But when Hashimoto Maya asked to meet those unlucky clients who had experienced the same thing as "him", Jiang Xia said that they were no longer alive.

Maya Hashimoto: "..." In this case, it seems very unlucky not to listen to Jiang Xia's discovery.

...But after hearing this, it becomes even more "unlucky"!

After all, "lucky" and "unlucky" can be gambled freely, but when "unlucky" has Uzo hidden behind it, and someone is trading behind the scenes without moral ethics, it is basically a gamble and a loss. .

"I..." Maya Hashimoto was so confused that her head was almost bald: it sounded too strange to have clues about what she had entrusted but not listen to. If he really said "I won't listen!", then maybe before Wu Zuo, he would be discovered by Jiang Xia, sent to the police station, and then face the unfortunate ending of being silenced.

But if you listen...will you be targeted by Uzo because you know too much?

...It was obvious that one was a righteous detective and the other was a terrifying and heartless organizational cadre, but when he looked in front of him, he realized that for him, both of them were fatal factors.

Maya Hashimoto wiped her face sadly and finally made up her mind.

Anyway, there are dangers no matter which one you choose, so it is better to avoid the immediate risks first, so that if you die, you can still be a wise man. He took a deep breath and said, "Just tell me."

Jiang Xia looked at him and seemed a little puzzled by his death-like expression.

However, the considerate detective did not make things difficult for an unlucky man who had just experienced a plane crash and encountered two serial murders in a row. He talked about the business as if he had not seen it: "Actually, I didn't find anything important..." He simply said What happened in this case, “What do you think of this case?”

Maya Hashimoto hesitated and said: "President Inozuka took advantage of the young female model and sent her to murder the top executives of his club and eliminate dissidents. But in the end, he exposed his identity in the details and was brutally killed. The real murderer produced and sold his own products. , the tool man committed the murder on the spot and was sent to the police station, everything was... silky smooth."

Maya Hashimoto: "..." It's so silky.

It was as silky as Mr. Ireland being hit three or four times by someone jumping off a building.

But it's just too silky, and instead reveals traces of the script that can't be hidden.

Maya Hashimoto looked at Jiang Xia tentatively: "So..."

Jiang Xia said seriously: "So I think there is a manipulator like a screenwriter behind this case who planned everything, and he is the real murderer 'Funeral Silver Coin'.

"And the dead 'President Inozuka' was innocent. He was just a poor substitute who was pushed out and used to end the button pressing in time."

Maya Hashimoto: "..." The controller, the screenwriter... this is definitely Uzo!

Unexpectedly, Uzo would actually be caught by the detective...

Shocked and nervous, Maya Hashimoto's thoughts wandered: "..." Speaking of which, when Jiang Xia mentioned the guy Inozuka, he used the prefix "dead", and he also thought Inozuka was dead. ?

That's right. I heard that he was shot in front of his face in the room, and he was also shot in the chest. It was such a close distance that he was lucky not to die. However, Inozuka was not killed on the spot, and there was still some room for rescue... Is Uzo in good condition?

"And now." Jiang Xia's voice suddenly sounded, interrupting his thoughts.

When Maya Hashimoto came back to his senses, he saw the person opposite extending a hand towards him.

Then I saw the high school detective, giving him the iconic, confident smile often seen in newspapers, as if sending an invitation to his comrades: "The police and I have laid out the net and put out the bait. Just wait for the guy hiding behind the scenes to hear the sound and come over - you are also a victim involved in this serial murder case, so you want to come together and see if we can catch anything in the end."

Maya Hashimoto: "..."

……I do not want! !

He stared at Jiang Xia's hand, and for some reason, for a moment, he seemed to see a ferocious predator spread quietly in front of him.

The detective is obviously on the side of justice, but maybe it's because he is a criminal who is naturally opposed to the detective... In front of this detective, Maya Hashimoto always has a sense of crisis that he must always be vigilant about.

He really didn't want to go, in every sense of the word.

Maya Hashimoto planned to politely refuse.

But before he spoke, he accidentally caught a glimpse of Jiang Xia's calm eyes and a hint of scrutiny deep in his eyes. As if a bucket of ice water was poured down on him, Maya Hashimoto suddenly stopped the car.

Maya Hashimoto: "..." Wait, think about it carefully, a detective like Jiang Xia who will never accuse anyone of serious crimes before all the evidence is found will really tell him such important news before the mastermind behind the scenes is caught. How many strangers are there?

If he refuses to participate at this time and turns around and leaves, and Jiang Xia fails to catch the person... then he will immediately become a leak suspect in Jiang Xia's mind.

——No, to be more precise, Jiang Xia had already begun to doubt him, so she specifically told him about it!

Perhaps this trap targets not only the "real funeral coin" who is hiding behind the scenes and is suspected of being Uzo, but also his suspicious "Mr. George".

The brain was spinning rapidly, and some kind of desire to survive came into play.

When he came to his senses again, Maya Hashimoto found that he had stretched out his hand and firmly held Jiang Xia's hand.

Maya Hashimoto: "..."

I don't want to either.

...But this detective is so scary.

After thinking about it for a while, Maya Hashimoto silently concluded: It's all the fault of those Inozuka brothers. Can't we kill them faster? In the end, he only destroyed himself, leaving the detective with him.

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