Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1866 1866 [Caring subordinates] Please vote for me

Chapter 1866 1866 [Caring subordinates] Please vote for me (`)

Not long after, my phone in Curacao, far away on a business trip, buzzed and received a specially marked message.

"..." She put away the gun, walked around the pool of blood on the ground, and opened the mailbox to take a tired look.

Sure enough, there was news from over there again. Kazuma Kurosawa:

[The "George" followed the high school detective, and they got into the police car together!

Has he been exposed? Does he need to be silenced urgently? ]


Curacao was first instinctively alert to the word "police car", but soon, seeing the word "high school detective" in front of her, she silently deleted the word she had just typed and typed another one:

[Do not care.

Everything is under control. ]

After replying to the message, Curacao wearily opened the car door and sat in the driver's seat while shaking people over to clean up the scene. Then she stepped on the accelerator and let the sports car drive away, implementing the organization's essential principle of "kill everyone and leave."

On the way, thinking of the recent emails sent one after another, Curaçao sighed silently: "..." This group of subordinates used to be very independent and did not dare to provoke the cadres. They would handle everything themselves. But now, they have become like puppets dependent on their boss. They have to ask her if anything happens.

However, there is indeed a need to inquire about these things. More importantly, because of certain uncertainties surrounding his subordinates, Curaçao couldn't reply to them with words like "Don't bother me and handle everything yourself" - otherwise, who knows what disaster it will turn into in the end. Movie-like scenes.

"...Having said that, they asked too often, haven't they grown up?" The ledger in Curacao's mind moved, "It's probably that Hashimoto Maya who led the bad guy. He's so good at cheating his boss, this guy As expected, he is not a fuel-efficient lamp... He deserves to be targeted by Uzo."

"Ah sneeze!"

In the police car, Maya Hashimoto sneezed unexpectedly while looking out the window.

Then he rubbed his nose silently and thought blankly: "..." Who is talking about me? It can't be Uzo.

On the way to the police station, police cars cleared the way and traffic was smooth.

But Maya Hashimoto was not in a very happy mood. He carefully shrank toward the center of the car, fearing that some loyal colleague with a bad temper would see him through the window and shoot him and silence him on the spot.

Maya Hashimoto: "..." Having said that, I have never been in a police car. Ever since I was forced to get involved with Uzo for Mr. Ireland, riding in a police car seems to be a common occurrence, and I have to do it every now and then—— Especially after leaving that plane of death.

The only consolation is that he is either a victim or an innocent passerby. Although I also experienced some terrible things on the way, such as being almost penetrated by steel knives falling from the sky, but compared to Ireland, my current life is actually peaceful and cherishable.

So soon, in the corner of Tokyo, Ireland also started sneezing.

But all this has nothing to do with Jiang Xia and Hashimoto Maya who are busy solving the case.

When they arrived at the police station, Jiang Xia borrowed a room from the police to check the information and waited quietly for nightfall.

Maya Hashimoto was sitting next to him, his eyes empty, and he was thinking about a very serious and imminent question: Do I need to tell the organization that Uzo may have been exposed and needs to be silenced?

Maya Hashimoto: "..." If Mr. Ireland knew about this, he might be very happy. Unfortunately, his mobile phone and other items were still in Kurosawa and Manali, so he could not contact him.

As for him reporting it himself...

Maya Hashimoto's heart skipped a beat.

Then silently nip this idea in the bud.

——Although Jiang Xia said that he had set a trap and planned to capture the real "funeral silver coin"...but would Wu Zuo really bite the bait so easily?

What if Uzo avoids it and finds himself quietly pushing for his silence from behind.

Maya Hashimoto suddenly realized that being targeted by this demon seemed more terrifying than being held accountable by the organization. The former at least died quickly and decently, but the latter...

Another corner of Tokyo.

Ireland started sneezing again.

Jiang Xia felt the random limited release of iced black tea while clicking the mouse in this pleasant atmosphere surrounded by the smell of harvest, feeling very good.

He borrowed a computer with a disk slot from the police and checked several stolen disks from Boduo Fashion Design Company.

There are nearly fifty disks containing employee physical information, classified according to the initials of their names in Japanese. Among them, there are three related to the murderer's target "Torimaru Naoko", "Inukai Kaname", and "Kiriyama Sayoko". In the disks starting with "と", "い", and "き" respectively.

These three disks were originally stolen by the murderer, but after "solving the case", the police found these lost disks in Masumi Takamori's room - it seemed that the murderer was using this method to frame Masumi Takamori.

Jiang Xia picked up a few disks and looked at them, and seemed to understand something.

He stood up and called to Maya Hashimoto, who was as quiet as a chicken beside him: "Let's go have dinner, and then we will go to the hospital where President Inozuka is staying."

"Hospital?" Maya Hashimoto came back to his senses, a little surprised: he thought this temporary teammate should be lying in the morgue at this moment.

Although the president and quasi-vice president disappeared, the work of Boduo Design Club has not stopped. It is sad that the boss died, but as long as the club still exists, wages will continue to be paid.

The employees didn't have that many opportunities to come into contact with the boss, so they still worked as they should. Only a few loyal people advocated taking two days off to commemorate the boss. Unfortunately, their weak voices were quickly suppressed by the middle and senior management.

In this heavy atmosphere with a hint of relaxation, a piece of news suddenly spread.

——Because the murderer was not good at shooting, President Inozuka survived and was saved. Although it is still in a dangerous period, the chance of waking up is very high.


That night, in the hospital where President Inozuka was staying.

Since the "murderer" who shot the gun has been controlled by the police, and the "funeral silver coin" is also lying on the hospital bed, the police, who were busy tonight, did not send anyone to guard the hospital.

There were no lights on in the observation treatment room, only the instruments glowing steadily with a faint light.

In the silence, a dark figure avoided the nurse's sight, came to the door of the ward where President Inozuka was sitting, and quietly opened the door.

The shadow briefly adapted to the darkness.

Soon, he walked to President Inozuka's bedside. Then he reached out his hand with a clear purpose and neatly disconnected the instrument's cord.

The device that maintained the patient's life was cut off, and Black Shadow breathed a sigh of relief with mixed emotions.

The next moment, someone suddenly turned on the light in the room.

"Good evening, the real 'funeral coin'."

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