Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1873 1873 [Fugitive]

While the police were busy rescuing their companions. (Due to caching reasons, please visit the COM website directly with your browser to watch the fastest chapter updates)

Takamori Masumi also ran out of the car in a hurry.

She looked left and right and found that none of the police's attention was on her, and Naoko Tormaru was nowhere to be seen.

Takamori Masumi: "..." That woman... ran away?

Then why don't I...

This thought suddenly flashed through her mind.

Then it became more and more concrete and clear - rather than spending the rest of her youth in prison, even if she was about to be caught, she wanted to finally be free to see the outside world.

Masumi Takamori looked at the policemen carefully, took a step back, and then took a step back.

Then he tightened his grip on the handcuffs to prevent them from making any noise, turned around quietly and ran away, quickly disappearing into the darkness of the night.

The police finally got their unlucky companion out of the car, who was unconscious and had a broken leg.

They quickly ran to a place where they would not be affected by the bomb, and at the same time contacted the police station to ask them to send someone to deal with the bomb.

After making the call, the young police officer scratched his head worriedly: "What's going on with this case? Have we penetrated the criminal den? Forget the two previous murder and corpse dumping cases, what's going on with the bomber tonight!"

Another slightly older police officer sighed: "It's a bit ridiculous, but it seems a bit reasonable - have you forgotten, the real 'funeral silver coin', that woman who looks very intellectual and quiet, did it all on her own?" I got a gun. Although the people who can get the gun may just be ordinary criminals, but..."

Halfway through his words, he suddenly remembered something important.

"Where is the 'funeral silver coin'?!" The police officer stood up and said, "The other one, the other one is gone!"

Other police: "!!"

They glanced at the police car from a distance and saw no one. Their hearts suddenly thumped: "Oh no, they ran away. Go look for them nearby!"

The night is gloomy.

The policemen remembered that they might be facing a group of gun-wielding thugs who dared to use bombs anywhere, so they did not dare to rashly disperse and search.

After thinking for a moment, they simply stayed at the scene: "The modified car that hit us doesn't know when it will explode. It's also important to prevent innocent people from approaching the scene of the accident rashly! It happens that there are three or four alleys here, get rid of the injured, Each of us is just a check.

"As for those gangsters, they have already run away. It's better to wait for more professional investigators to help. We don't have anything with us. Going there rashly will only cause chaos."

Several other police officers nodded solemnly and accepted the important task of guarding the alley.

And on the other side, with the silent help of the enemy.

Inozuka Saburo was able to spread out with several of the accomplices he brought to look for the escaped actual second-in-command of the Bodhi Club, Toriyama Naoko.

"When did that guy slip out of the car? His reaction was so fast." Saburo Inozuka muttered as he was busy searching.

The script he envisioned was very smooth: drive up and knock the police into confusion, shoot Naoko Toriyama in the back seat and pretend to be an accomplice to seek revenge, then detonate the modified car to erase all traces of herself, and then hurriedly take the accomplice's car The vehicle leaves...

After all, he is a peripheral member who is taught and guided. Under the words and deeds of his elder brothers Inozuka Taro and Inozuka Jiro, Inozuka Saburo is proficient in business. He has done similar things many times, and all the vehicles and manpower are ready.

But Tormaru Naoko reacted too quickly. She didn't freeze when she was suddenly attacked. Instead, she ran away with a reaction speed faster than that of the police.

"This is troublesome. This kind of alley is the most convenient for hiding people. In ten minutes, the car from the police station will come..."

Once the silence work deviated from the common template, Inozuka Saburo couldn't help but feel a little bit in his heart: "Torimaru Naoko must have been exposed to many things about her second brother. If she is arrested, will it lead to the leakage of the organization's affairs? She It’s my second brother’s employee again. If he just sits down like this, the entire company will be bleeding like a river..."

The more Saburo Inozuka thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong.

However, at this time, the eldest brother unfortunately went to heaven, and the second brother was still lying in the hospital in his mind, unable to help.

Unable to solve the problem by shouting "Big brother!" "Second brother!" Saburo Inozuka thought for a moment and felt that there was reason to approach his superiors for matters involving leaking secrets.

So he opened his mailbox and for the first time tremblingly took the initiative to send a message to the mysterious superior who had contacted him not long ago.

the other side.

Curacao has just dealt with a traitor urgently.

She returned to the hiding place, washed the smoke and blood off her body, and returned to the lounge tiredly to spread out the blanket. Then she tore open the bag of potato chips, took a movie she had never seen, and turned on the home theater, hoping to relax her tired mind.

But just as he snuggled into the blanket, before the opening scene was over, his phone buzzed.

Curacao: “…”

...When will this kind of day with no fixed rest time and no chance of missing any email end?

I cursed in my heart, but I could only reach out my hand to find the phone, pick it up and check it.

Clicking on the sender, Curaçao's head hurt even more: "..." Inozuka Saburo had nothing to do with her, what was wrong with Uzo?

She sighed, had to pause the movie, and clicked on her email.

Saburo Inozuka's painting style is different from that of his two unlucky elder brothers: it may be that the two of them grew more and more crooked, and the education at Saburo Inozuka's place was tightened - unlike his two brothers who were directly employed after attending vocational high school. , Inozuka Saburo went to university.

This kind of thing looks good and bad in Curacao.

At the moment, one of the more obvious shortcomings is - I don't know if it's an illusion. Guys who came out of college always write e-mails in a long-winded way. Not to mention the lengthy honorifics before and after, the middle part is always You need to figure out the cause and effect, write things clearly and clearly, and strive to solve the problem in one letter without having to send a second one.

Curacao skipped the nonsense before and after, crunching potato chips with murderous intent while trying to pick out useful content to read.

[The guarding task you asked me to take over before, I have arrived near the task location. But Mr. Kurosawa said that the person being guarded was not here at the moment, so he told me not to rush there and wait until the police left.

So I took the time to take care of a little bit of personal stuff.

I heard that my second brother Inozuka Jiro miraculously recovered from his serious injury. I planned to visit him, but unexpectedly I found many police officers near the hospital.

I was worried that the police would find out that he was helping the organization, so I brought a few brothers there, intending to wait for an opportunity to silence the organization and solve the risk of leaking secrets in the worst case scenario. ]

"Waiting for an opportunity to help organize a silence?" Curacao's eyes moved slightly, and he quickly understood the small thoughts of this peripheral member: the silence was a fake, and the real purpose of Saburo Inozuka was probably to kill Jiro Inozuka before he was controlled by the police. Steal. In this way, there is still a chance to undergo plastic surgery and become an underground member who cannot see the light, which is also a way to survive.

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