Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1874 1874 [Curaçao: Extreme one for one! 】

Curacao thought of Saburo Inozuka's assertions and frowned slightly, feeling that it was inappropriate - rescuing members who were about to be exposed from the police was much more troublesome than silencing them, and the success rate was also very average. Rather than rescuing people, it is easier to pay people to get in, and pay them one at a time. (Due to caching reasons, please visit the COM website directly with your browser to watch the fastest chapter updates)

Unless the person about to be arrested is irreplaceable, the organization will not adopt this method. Inozuka Saburo did this without notifying his superiors in advance, which is somewhat against the rules.

Curacao: "..." But then I thought about it, the Inozuka family now only has one son. Although the main reason lies with Uzo, he also happens to be one of the driving forces behind this tragic situation...

Her conscience moved slightly and she managed to be a little more patient.

Curacao grabbed the wet wipe next to him and wiped his hands, sat up a little straighter, pressed the button, and continued to check the email content below.

[Unexpectedly, after I rushed to the hospital with people, I found that it was not Jiro who was targeted by the police, but one of his right-hand men - the woman named Toriyama Naoko. I have met several times, and she also helped Jiro. Handled some organizational matters.

Although Jiro did not explicitly tell her about the existence of the organization, I remember that the woman was very smart. She must have been vaguely aware of something, and the activities she handled could not fall into the eyes of the police.

So I changed my plan temporarily and planned to follow her and silence her. Unexpectedly, she escaped on the way.

I am currently leading people to search in the alleys, but the terrain here is too convenient for hiding, and the situation is not optimistic. I'd like to hear your suggestions. ]

Curacao glanced at these words and quickly understood what Inozuka Jiro meant: he probably wanted her to send a sniper nearby and kill the target with one shot when it peeks out. This way they don't have to continue searching people at the risk of being stopped by the police.

Curacao held his chin and tapped his cheek unconsciously with his fingertips: "..." It would be easy to send someone over, but this woman is obviously related to Uzo's case. If he gets involved...

"Speaking of which, the news about Saburo Inozuka is really lagging behind." Curacao was in a complicated mood. He didn't want to think about such troublesome things in his tired moment, so he started thinking about Saburo Inozuka instead.

She recalled the email she just saw and thought slowly in her mind: "He actually thought Inozuka Jiro was still alive. But in fact, according to the news from Kurosawa, Inozuka Jiro is 80% dead. He will be hospitalized tonight." The incident was obviously a trap, and the news that "Inozuka Jiro was successfully rescued" was just a bait. And Toriyama Naoko was the first layer of "the real culprit behind the scenes" in this incident. Unfortunately, she bit the hook and was cunningly I fished out Uzo...wait a minute, what exactly does Uzo want to use her for? Could it be that he wants to catch an elite sniper from me?"

Halfway through muttering vigilantly, Curaçao suddenly realized that he seemed to be somewhat responsible for the "delay in news from Saburo Inozuka":

She was afraid of scaring Inozuka Saburo away, so she didn't tell him about the mission he was going to take. In fact, it was a mission that both Taro and Jiro failed. She only said that he wanted him to monitor a person... and she didn't know what Inozuka Saburo was doing to him now. The content of the mission was somewhat guessed.

Curacao: "..." Well, judging from the fact that he is still interested in hunting Toriyama Naoko, maybe it's zero?

Thinking of this, Curaçao picked up her phone, typed silently, and decided to be a little more lenient with this poor guy. She replied and told Saburo Inozuka to search for a few more minutes. If he really couldn't find anyone, he would rush in with police manpower. Evacuate before arrival, and she will be responsible for handling the follow-up.

Having said that, in fact, Curacao has no intention of sending anyone there.

"Usa is in the hospital now. In such a complicated case, it is impossible for the police to find the murderer by their own brains. It must have been Usa who sent Naoko Tormaru to the police.

"So if Toriyama Naoko really leaks any secrets, Usa is also more responsible. And although this guy seems to be doing nothing right so far, but if you look carefully, in addition to trapping peripheral members and innocent cadres, he seems to have also I really haven’t done anything else that harmed the as long as I don’t do anything, Uzo has a chance of solving the problem.”

Although Curacao is not too adventurous, he is not so timid that he dares not take any risks.

She took a deep breath, made a decision quickly, and murmured to the figure in the void: "I can't move if I can't resist you. Giving you a few peripheral members to play with is already the limit. Don't try to cheat me again." To the elite sniper. Besides, if you succeed once and taste the benefits, who knows what troubles you will cause in the future..."

——No matter how you look at it, in this matter, Uzo, the person who was close to the scene, must have more to do with it than himself, a poor cadre who was on a business trip.

Now that I'm letting go, in the worst case scenario, even if something goes wrong, this little devil will also take the blame.

"As long as I can keep my composure, I won't be the only victim." Curacao said, "If it really doesn't work, there are still some manpower in the police station... At worst, we have to pay a little price afterwards to solve the possible leakage risks. In short, these manpower Even if it is damaged, it cannot be lost to Uzuo."

On the other side, Saburo Inozuka, who received the news, knew nothing about his superior's feelings that were so complicated that he could write a novel.

When he saw the email, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief: allowing himself to leave if he couldn't find anyone showed that the mysterious superior must have a backup plan. In this way, if you find something, it counts as performance, and if you can't find it, there's nothing to hold you accountable for - just go back and be fine.

In the dark alley, Saburo Inozuka walked past arrogantly with a gun in his arm and a relaxed mood.

And a slender shadow left the shadow dozens of meters behind him after he left, and quietly turned into a place with more complex terrain.

Although Takamori Masumi didn't know who the man passing by was, he felt bad when he saw the gun in his hand.

Thinking of the car with the bomb, she gradually became uneasy, wondering whether escaping was a good choice.

But it was too late to regret it now. She could only rely on her intuition to choose a place where she felt it would not be easy for others to find it, and dived in.

Then he was shocked.

——Behind the pile of debris, there was a figure squatting silently.

Takamori Masumi was startled by this horror movie-like scene.

A scream almost blurted out, but before it came out, the figure quickly covered it up.

The figure stared at her and said in a complicated tone: "...Why did you run away too?" And he happened to run to the place where I was hiding.

The voice in her ear made Takamori Masumi startled, and she recognized it immediately - this was Toriyama Naoko, the woman who she once admired so much, but who ruined her life not long ago.

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