Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1881 1881 [Vodka: Damn headline-grabbers! 】beg

Chapter 1881 1881 [Vodka: Damn headline-grabbers! 】Ask for monthly ticket()

Related to Jiang Xia, the script writer was arrested. After the arrest, someone hijacked the car and the robbery was successful...

All kinds of clues were spliced ​​together in Vodka's mind, mixed with a little bit of personal prayer elements. The next moment, Vodka was shocked and blurted out in surprise: "Uzo was arrested, and his little brother actually dared to rob a police car! - these days I can’t take any of them, the boss will definitely throw his Uzo army as far as he can, and he might even silence them directly!”

Gin glanced here and heard the unconcealable happiness in his tone: "?"

Vodka continued to get excited: "That kid knows a lot about the organization, well, at least he knows a lot of assassination lists. To prevent him from leaking the secrets, do we need..." He raised his hand to compare with his thick neck, and his murderous intent suddenly born.

Gin sneered: "Okay, you do it."

Vodka: "..."

I don't know what he thought of, but his simple happiness was extinguished as if a basin of cold water had been poured on him.

But curiosity is not as easily shattered as murderous intent. Vodka had already clicked on the news while he was talking: Let him see which policeman or detective is so good that he can actually catch that kid Uzzo. oh! In this line! The person who solved the case is..."


Vodka: "..."

Vodka: "…………"

This kid must be sick! Catch yourself?

Could it be that he found someone to take the blame? For example, that guy with curly hair and sunglasses who makes people feel uncomfortable?

Vodka had never been so focused even when reading celebrity photo albums. He could read every line without missing a word, exerting his brain power to the extreme.

After reading the report, he fell silent.

Vodka: "..." Who is this woman? ?

Why call her a scriptwriter? Does anyone deserve this nickname? These bastard clickbait reporters!

"Ah sneeze!"

A newspaper office in the distance. The reporter who was furiously typing on the keyboard and writing a detailed new report suddenly turned his head and sneezed.

"Who is talking about me so late?" The reporter rubbed his nose and quickly laughed, "It must be those colleagues! But they can report such a wonderful case with such a bizarre ending first-hand, so it is normal for them to curse behind their backs."

When a colleague passing by heard this, he couldn't help but said: "Speaking of which, when I saw the title you passed to me before was 'Script Writer', I really thought that some script writer had an accident and planned to bundle it with related works for promotion. After a wave of investigation, it turned out that the murderer and the deceased had nothing to do with the script, and were simply people from the modeling agency."

"What do you know? You don't understand the audience for case news at all." The reporter was swollen, raised his head and snorted arrogantly:

“In addition to cases, this group of readers generally also like to read mystery novels. Only when the script is projected into reality can they make them unable to help but click on it.

"Otherwise, why should we use a message like 'The fashion designer who was hidden by the president took revenge and got away with it'? - There are so many cases like this every year, and the presidents who died because of it can make a lot of money. Of course, compared to such a mediocre topic, the focus of 'script writer' is better."

Another reporter who went with him to collect information was more pragmatic: "We didn't expect it at first, but then we listened to the detective talk about the case, and the title took shape in our mind. If Jiang Xia doesn't want to be a detective one day, Yes, becoming a reporter will definitely have a bright future."

The honest colleagues who passed by still felt something was wrong, and felt that they must not be the only ones who were cheated.

He took out his phone and flipped through the latest comments under the case report. He was shocked: "Look, someone really misunderstood! There is an anonymous trumpet here who scolded you miserably - saying, 'You don't understand the script writer at all!', 'How dare you publish such an exaggerated title!', 'Recently Be careful!', tsk tsk, it's really scary. Isn't this person a scriptwriter by profession? Or does he know any friends who are scriptwriters and think we have tarnished this sacred profession?"

The reporter who was still immersed in detailing the report, not to mention being scolded, had been beaten when he was unlucky. He waved his hand nonchalantly: "Get moving quickly, don't talk there, we are still busy tonight." Yeah. If you’re a troll, it’s just a waste of time to read it.”

The colleague took a sip of tea, put down his mobile phone, and reluctantly returned to work.

And the latest comment was quickly refreshed and was submerged in many comments.

When Vodka became angry and sent a message.

Gin had already guessed the situation from the change in his expression. He leisurely lit a cigarette and took a puff: "Does it make you happy to deal with personal matters online in front of me?"

Vodka had just received a few comments calling him a crazy fan, and was about to retort in disbelief when Gin's voice came from next to Leng Buding, which frightened him away from all the accumulated anger.

"I'm very sorry. I was misled by wrong information." As soon as the anger dissipated, the person returned to his normal state. Vodka replied timidly, and at the same time, in order to divert the elder brother's attention, he briefly told the news he just saw.

"I didn't expect that there are a lot of criminals of this type, and this person was just a little bit successful." After throwing away the colored glasses, Vodka recalled the case process, and couldn't help but feel a little hairy behind his back: Who would have been in Jiro Inozuka's position? , I'm afraid it would be difficult to dodge that sudden shot - who would have thought that an obedient and grateful underage girl under his command would suddenly turn into a brutal gun-wielding killer?


Vodka suddenly became alert: Why does the name Inozuka Jiro sound so familiar?

When Vodka sighed over the twists and turns of the case and the "funeral silver coins" hidden behind his back.

Next to him, Gin didn't seem too surprised - the police had pretended to close the case in order to catch the real "funeral silver coins". If you want to deceive the cunning funeral silver coins, you must first deceive yourself. Therefore, the simple case of "serial murder of clothing company models" has already been published in the newspapers, and both he and Vodka have seen it.

Just because this case was considered ordinary among Uzo's cases, and they were very busy at the time, so they didn't pay much attention to it.

This is probably one of the reasons why Vodka has been successfully misled by reports - they all know that there is a hidden Uzo behind these cases, so when they see the man behind the scenes being arrested and using the title "scriptwriter", Vodka's thinking changes. Off track.

Thinking of this, Gin took a drag on his cigarette silently and looked at Vodka with a vague look: "..." Being so far apart and having no contact for several days, this guy still didn't care about Uzo's teasing. The power of resistance.

The lurking crisis around him made Gin secretly alert, but he thought about vodka's practical ability and ability to conceal true emotions...

His secretly tense body returned to its previous normal state.

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