Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1882 1882 [Uzo’s horrific email]

Next to him, Vodka suddenly felt horrified, keenly catching a hint of invisible crisis.

Some kind of instinct made him feel that he should say something at this time, so after thinking for a moment, Vodka uneasily decided to flatter him: "Brother, you are not surprised at all. As expected of you, you know that kid's script well!"

Gin: "..."

The shot was a bit stiff.

But it's true.

Moreover, the conflict between Vodka and Uzo does not last for a day or two...

Gin was too lazy to pursue the matter further. With his strength and status, of course he doesn't have to look at Vodka's face. He can punish him when he wants to, and of course he can have a few words when he wants to chat.

Then Gin Jiu felt something and suddenly said: "Guess why there are two birds in the birdcage in the banquet hall."

"Bird?" Vodka thought for a moment, then remembered that this was referring to the report, Uzo's mental journey when he solved the case... Then again, it was clearly a case that Uzo himself created, but he actually had the nerve to use his identity as a detective to participate in solving the case. , pretending to be like that, tui! How shameless!

After being distracted for a moment, Vodka then remembered his elder brother's question. He thought for a while: "Because birds are usually sold in pairs?"

Gin's hand holding the cigarette paused: "..."

Vodka's breathing stopped.

He secretly glanced at Gin, and suddenly realized that something was wrong: the elder brother's expression seemed familiar - just like when the elder brother Gin wanted to chat about romance and philosophy, he was suddenly interrupted by a phone call full of copper odor from his collaborator. Same thing...

Vodka quickly changed his answer, trying to stick to Gin's favorite style: "Uzo... must be a metaphor for Uzo! He wanted to imply that everything was under his control, and that unlucky model was like a bird in a cage. No matter how hard I jump, I can't get out of his hand!"

Gin's expression softened slightly.

Vodka breathed a sigh of relief: Regardless of whether this was the correct answer or not, it seemed that it was at least close to the answer that Brother Gin wanted.

With a reasonably qualified listener, Gin sneered and said: "The canaries in the banquet hall are in pairs, and the victims trapped in the net are also in pairs. The self-righteous manipulator himself is also It's just a caged bird that can't escape the shadow of childhood and escape from Uzo, no different from another bird that she fiddles with."

Although Gin often annoys Uzo to death, he has to admit that this young cadre sometimes has good taste and vision - at least better than some mystery novels that have no preface and follow-up.

If it weren't for the fact that his fancy scripts would lead to inefficient tasks, increase the probability of mistakes, and sometimes force busy colleagues to get involved because of the scriptwriter's bad taste... Gin might not object too much.

Next to him, Vodka scratched his head: So that’s what Uzo thought?

Forget it, no matter what he thought, after all, there was another thing that was more concerning than whether he was a bird or not - the dead President Inozuka.

Vodka: "..." If I remember correctly, in the serial murder case that happened on a desert island not long ago, there was an unjust victim who had nothing to do with the case. He seemed to be named "Inozuka Taro"?

Why does Inozuka Jiro appear again now?

And judging from the photos published in the newspaper, the two men have similar bodies and frames, and they look like brothers.

So if they had a brother, wouldn't that brother be called... Saburo Inozuka? !

From Taro's death to Jiro, and from death to Saburo... it's like a terrifying and threatening counting game.

Vodka's eyes were beating wildly: Curse, this is a naked curse! That guy Usa must have designed these two terrible cases because he used the name Saburo Uozuka!

Just as I was thinking about it, my phone suddenly dinged and I received a new email.

——Mumbling about what it comes from, this letter is from Uzo. The format is somewhat familiar, and it has the same picture as last time.

Vodka: "..." I don't want to see it.

But what if you miss some important information and suffer a more direct crisis?

After all, based on his rich experience, Uzo rarely uses simple and direct means of murder, so no matter what the content of this email is, it will not directly cause him to suffer.

But on the other hand, if you don't read it, there may be extremely important information in the email - such as "The police are rounding you up, retreat immediately."

If he dies because he didn't read the message, then even if the police were brought here by that boy Uzo, as long as Uzo has sent this email, he can use "I sent it but Vodka didn't read it" as an excuse to put him in jail. Shake the pot cleanly.

A series of thoughts flashed through his mind like lightning, and the balance in Vodka's heart immediately tilted.


Isn’t it just an email? There’s nothing to be afraid of.

Not to mention the email, even if Uzo stood in front of him, he would not panic at all - after all, he had a gun on him, and Uzo was unarmed, and even the swinging stick was covered in rubber. Even a mere brat dares to be arrogant here.

Thinking this way, Vodka clicked on the email with a majestic and proud aura.

The next moment, the interface refreshed, and a bloody photo filled his entire field of vision.

——In the photo, a burly man was shot in the center and fell in a pool of blood. The sunglasses on the bridge of his nose slipped weakly, and the big gold watch on his wrist shone with a dejected light, and he refused to rest in silence.

This kind of bloody email is all too familiar, like a recurring nightmare.

Vodka's hand trembled: "..." I knew it would be like this!

Resisting the twitching of his cheeks, he pressed the down button almost causing sparks. Quickly flipping through the photos, I saw that there was indeed a message from Uzo attached to the back of the photo:

[Last time, Taro Inozuka, who looked very much like you, died unexpectedly. I was very sorry. Unexpectedly, in a twist of events, I unexpectedly met his brother--Inozuka Jiro.

[Mr. Jiro looks more like you. Sometimes when standing next to him, I have the illusion that I see you.

[Originally, I wanted to introduce him to you, but unfortunately, he also died in a case that happened not long ago... Alas, I actually forgot to take a photo with him again, so I had to take a photo of him staying with me. The last photo in this world is given to you as a souvenir.

[Hopefully next time, I will have the opportunity to take photos of Saburo. ]

Vodka: "..." Saburo's photo? What kind of photo, which Saburo, tell me clearly!

He took a deep breath and continued looking down.

[PS: Coincidentally, this Inozuka Jiro is also a member of the organization, and he is also responsible for guarding my new little brother.

Speaking of my younger brother, Maya Hashimoto is still in the hands of others. Do you really have no clue about this matter? ]

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