Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1883 1883 [Don’t recruit people from the organization]

Although he had already guessed the general content of the email, when he saw these lines of words floating before his eyes, Vodka still felt like he was watching the scariest ghost movie, silently getting goosebumps all over his body.

I can't bear the responsibility of such a bastard colleague by myself.

Thinking like this, Vodka turned to Gin decisively: "Brother, he sent that threatening photo again, and he's still asking for his little brother!"

Gin remembered the last time Vodka yelled after receiving the email, and a trace of disgust flashed in his eyes.

"Tell him that his so-called new little brother is none of our business and ask him to find him in Curacao or Ireland. Also, don't just pick up some random people and bring them back. The organization is not so short of people yet."

Gin knocked the ashes from his cigarette and glanced at Vodka.

Seeing that the driver was holding his cell phone, as if he really didn't want to reply, he immediately sneered: "Then let me send the email. I will truthfully convey to Uzo your blessings and blessings when you just read his new script." joy."

Vodka froze, and his fingers flew faster than he usually typed codes: "I'll get back to him right now!"

Listening to the click of keys next to him, Gin silently exhaled a puff of smoke.

Since Uzo started to rise to prominence, Vodka has been working more and more efficiently. The previous behavior of being careless and leaving fingerprints and clues everywhere has gradually disappeared, and he is not as cautious as himself.

This made Gin feel thoughtful:

Although the death rate of the people around Uzo was higher, those who survived were all elites or had some unique strengths. Even Vodka had to start to change in this direction.

So what are the talents of the two canaries he deliberately picked up?

The "Funeral Silver Coin" was just okay, but the other younger female model didn't seem to be very suitable for the organization. Is this Uzo seriously looking for people, or is he simply using this method to euphemistically convey the message "Short of manpower, please give me a new guy quickly"?

Thinking of the "Xitu" that Uzo brought with him before, which had many skills, Gin felt a rare curiosity.

And the other side.

Saburo Inozuka originally thought that when he opened his eyes again, based on the efficiency of his colleagues in the organization, he must have been buried in the ground and was preparing to die.

Unexpectedly, when I looked around, I saw that he was lying on the floor of a hotel room that looked very normal - that Hashimoto Maya didn't take advantage of the situation to kill him!

Saburo Inozuka looked confused: Something is wrong, this is very wrong! Is that person not actually a member of the organization?

He turned around and looked around, and saw Maya Hashimoto and Kazuma Kurosawa on either side, silently sizing him up.

Kurosawa Kazuma stared at the guy lying on the carpet in front of him with an empty look on his face, his eyes a little complicated: with this silly look, he must be the Saburo from the Inozuka family - I really don't want such a pig teammate. I heard that he even attacked Maya Hashimoto on the way. He was simply blinded by hatred.

Saburo Inozuka didn't know that in Kurosawa Kazuma's eyes, he had become a lonely warrior who wanted to avenge his eldest and second brothers.

In short, thinking of the speed with which he was knocked unconscious before and Maya Hashimoto's reaction ability, he silently gave up the struggle.

Then he remembered something and looked at Kurosawa Kazuma: "Did you know?" Did you know that we were targeted by that terrible legend?

Kurosawa Kazuma was confused: "?"

When Maya Hashimoto heard this, he immediately stared at Saburo Inozuka, silently preventing him from saying more, causing Kurosawa Kazuma to also start to have murderous intentions.

He narrowed his eyes, and his threatening nature suddenly doubled.

Inozuka Saburo was shocked by his stare: "No, it's nothing!"

He raised his hand to wipe the cold sweat from his forehead, slowed down his tone, and said to Maya Hashimoto: "I don't think you are a very cruel person. You must be the one who is being persecuted - things have reached this point, let's just Don't worry about the quarrels, just focus on how to survive."

Hearing this topic, Kurosawa Kazuma was puzzled: "Survive? Isn't this just a guard mission? It's like an escape game." Well, although looking back on the guard experience along the way, it was indeed a bit troubled. It's difficult, but it's also something that can't be helped, and it's also related to his previous wrong decision on where to hide... Why don't you take the time to visit a shrine and pay homage?

Saburo Inozuka noticed his expression and glanced at him secretly: "..." When he thought of having an innocent guy who knew nothing to back him up, he suddenly felt a little safer.

At this time, Maya Hashimoto became the only one among the three who knew the most truth and remained calm.

Inozuka Saburo secretly looked at him, and while Kurosawa and Ma left to order lunch, Inozuka Saburo carefully tested: "Why don't you feel scared at all? You can't be that thing...that unknown cadre-sama." Friends, right?"

Maya Hashimoto: "..." Who wants to be friends with that kind of thing? Isn't it too long-lived?

He endured the words and swallowed, and then got down to business: "Think about it with your brain. She will definitely restrain her actions after she made such a big noise."

"Her?" Saburo Inozuka was desperate for survival, and his reaction was more than twice as fast as before, "Wait a minute, are you trying to say that Naoko Tormaru, who I went to rob and kill before, is the murderer?" Happy script writer!"

Maya Hashimoto said helplessly: "Otherwise."

Saburo Inozuka scratched his head: "It doesn't look like it."

The terrifying demon king who only existed in rumors suddenly turned into a delicate woman in reality, who can also make beautiful wedding dresses, walk on stage, and have some otaku fans... It always sounds strange.

However, I remembered that I was originally going to kill Torimaru Naoko, but when the police car passed by the alley more than ten seconds ago, I still said that I saw the woman sitting on the seat, but when I drove into it more than ten seconds later, I raised the After the gun got out of the car, Tormaru Naoko had disappeared from the police car, and later, he was almost headshot from behind her...

Saburo Inozuka: "..." Putting it this way, it doesn't seem completely impossible?

After all, he is just a small peripheral member who loves gossip. It is normal for the rumors he hears to be distorted and filtered. Maybe the legendary cadre was not as powerful as he thought at all, he was just a little better than ordinary people, and then he was spread rumors... But it was still wrong!

Inozuka Saburo touched his chin: He also had some knowledge of the situation of the Bodhi Club. According to Toriyama Naoko's status, this woman is handling the affairs of the company and the organization at the same time. She must be too busy to hit the back of her head. How can she have time to incarnate in Tokyo? Terrifying legends, persecuting members of the organization everywhere?

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