Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1888 1888 [Opening of the script]

There were more guests than expected this time, and the hotel's accommodation allocation became a little tight.

Maya Hashimoto and the others originally wanted to live next to the crew members.

Who knows, maybe their costumes are out of place among a group of cosplay enthusiasts, or maybe there is some kind of organizational atmosphere that is difficult to erase, which makes them attract the attention of the police.

——Before the three people came to the front desk, a woman suddenly approached with a cigarette in her mouth and glanced at them with sharp eyes: "Who are you?"

The prop master said quickly: "They are temporary workers I hired to help."

"Temporary worker?" the woman sneered, her gaze resting on the camera in Kurosawa Kazuma's hand, "Tell me, are you a reporter or a detective? - You all exude a disgusting aura."

Looking at this guy who spoke so arrogantly and rudely, Maya Hashimoto and Saburo Inozuka looked at each other, and suddenly felt an indescribable sense of security.

Maya Hashimoto said kindly: "Who are you?"

Seeing this, the prop master who helped them sneak in secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

The prop master usually engages in some illegal activities, and he vaguely knows that Saburo Inozuka is not a law-abiding citizen.

He was startled by the woman's menacing attack just now. He thought there was going to be a quarrel between the two parties, but he didn't expect that the two lawless gangsters he had brought with him had such good tempers... Only the one named Kurosawa's expression became a little... Scary.

But no matter what, it’s good that there wasn’t a fight.

The prop master quickly introduced to Maya Hashimoto and the others: "This is Fuwa Narumi, a police officer from the Hokkaido Police."

"Police surveillance?"

Is this the senior police official who took charge of the security of this hotel after receiving the threatening letter?

Maya Hashimoto felt a little emotional: In other words, the person in front of him is the first line of defense against Uzo. I don’t know how long it will last...

With a hint of subtle gratitude and encouragement, he quickly extended his hand and said, "Hello, hello, I have long admired your name."

Fuwa Mingmei: "..."

She came with this attitude, but the other person was so enthusiastic...

Fuwa Narumi pushed up the glasses on the bridge of her nose and came to the conclusion: There is something wrong with these people. At this juncture, they sneaked into the hotel as temporary workers. What was their intention?

Fuwa Mingmei thought for a moment and suddenly said: "Come here."

She turned and walked toward the front desk.

Behind him, the three organization members looked at each other and followed with different thoughts.

Fubo Narumi stopped at the front desk and said to the waiter inside: "Three more people are here. Didn't you say that the room is not enough? Give them that room."

"That room on the third floor?" The waiter was stunned for a moment. After realizing which one she was talking about, he looked horrified. "Isn't that the room you are talking about?"

Maya Hashimoto listened with stunned ears, silently scoring in her mind: "..." He is still a Riddler. Yes, he is even more attractive to that guy!

Fuwa Narumi's ears hurt from the sudden loud noise at the front desk. She pressed her ears and frowned: "What are you making all the fuss about? It's just an unfounded rumor. You won't take it seriously."

The hotel manager happened to be passing by. When he heard this, he came over in embarrassment: "But Miss Bupo, that room is really..."

Fubo Narumi heard his refusal and her face darkened: "I told you, for the sake of security, the rooms in this hotel will be allocated by the police. We are a completely scientific team, don't fool me with those stories about strange powers and gods. ——Find someone to take them to room 315."

The hotel manager sighed: "Okay."

Seeing his compromise, Fuwa Narumi turned to look at the three sneaky "temporary workers", took off the cigarette from her lips, and nodded at them:

"Although I don't know what you are here for, if I were you, I would wait until the end of the play - if you dare to cause trouble for me, as long as you dare to step across the legal boundaries, I will immediately give you a Sanctions that best match.”


These words were quite intimidating to the three members of the organization with ulterior motives.

Fortunately, the three of them have no plans to do anything recently. They just hope to be the most ordinary civilians and spend every day in harmony.

The front desk was so busy that they couldn't turn around. Finally, the supervisor came forward and personally took the three of them to the third floor.

After getting to the third floor and out of the sight of the policeman, Maya Hashimoto couldn't help but ask the hotel manager: "I just heard you keep talking about 'that room'. What is going on in this room?"

The supervisor sighed and said nothing.

Soon he stopped at the door of a room: "This is room 315. If you can't get used to it, you can go home now."

Maya Hashimoto: "..." Why does this house feel so bad?

Just as he was thinking about it, the supervisor took out a magnetic card and inserted it into the door lock, and the door opened in response.

The supervisor opened the door: "Please come in."

Maya Hashimoto took a look and found that it was just an ordinary room inside. He sniffed hard again, and there was no corpse odor or other suspicious smell in the air.

If I had to pick a fault, it was that the curtains were drawn and the light in the room was a bit dim, making it look a bit eerie.

At this time, the hotel manager reached out and turned on the light.

Blood-red light poured down, dyeing the entire room a depressing thin red, and all the walls and furniture turned a blood-red hue.

Kurosawa Kazuma was startled: "What the hell is this place!"

The other two people were obviously shocked, but when they heard him shouting, they stopped him in unison: "Don't stir up trouble, be polite, it would be nice if they gave us a room!"

Kurosawa Kazuma: "?"

The hotel manager smiled, as if he didn't hear their complaints, and handed the magnetic card to Maya Hashimoto: "This is the key. Our hotel attaches great importance to security, so every time at midnight, if the data is changed, the magnetic card for that day will be lost. As a result, you must go to the front desk to get it again, otherwise you may not be able to open the door - if you decide to stay, then please remember to go to the front desk every day to change the card.”

After saying that, he bowed and turned to leave.

Maya Hashimoto: "Wait, so why is this room like this?"


The hotel manager paused slightly, but did not look back.

He kept smiling, as if he didn't hear anything, but the speed of his feet quietly changed, walking faster and faster, walking faster and faster... and disappeared along the corridor in the blink of an eye.

Kurosawa Kazuma looked at his back, his eyes twitching wildly, and he glared at Saburo Inozuka: "Is there really nothing wrong with the place you picked?"

As he spoke, he raised his hand and pointed in the direction where the supervisor was leaving: "Look at that guy. He doesn't answer questions or give any useful clues. He only explains how to open the room, and he always says some unexplained words to add to the scary atmosphere... like It’s like an NPC in a horror movie, so unlucky! - I really have a bad feeling, let’s hide somewhere else.”

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