Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1889 1889 [Curaçao is so cruel] Please vote for me

Maya Hashimoto hesitated for a moment, then reached out to turn off the light. The room suddenly returned to its original state, no longer so bloody and scary. [.\\nCOM Situ’s updated chapters are the most complete and comprehensive, and error-free content is repaired in the most timely manner. Due to caching reasons, browser access is recommended.\\nCOM official website]

He breathed a silent sigh of relief, with a subtle feeling that the shooting of a horror movie was over and everything had returned to normal.

And behind him.

Saburo Inozuka was still arguing with Kurosawa and Kazuma earnestly: "You can't leave. What if I leave now and get stared at by that policeman? That woman is very difficult to talk to at the first sight - and she has already come. Just now our This experience just proves that the police here are very responsible. If we change the hiding place in a hurry, our situation will only be more dangerous."

Kurosawa Kazuma stared at this room and frowned: "But it looks so unlucky here..."

"He gave us this room, but we don't have to live here." Saburo Inozuka was quite optimistic. "At worst, we can find someone to change the room later. And the more eerie a place like this, sometimes it's actually... Safer. Except for those perverts who kill people like drinking water, other people will be more or less nervous and uneasy when committing crimes. They will definitely choose a place that is more familiar to them, or at least seems to make them feel at ease - but look at it This house.”

He clicked to turn on the light, and blood-red light poured down instantly: "You can scare away ghosts when they come, let alone a few murderers!"

Kurosawa Kazuma: "..." It seems reasonable?

Maya Hashimoto heard something was wrong and turned back from the window: "Where did you get so many theories, one after another?"

Saburo Inozuka scratched his head: "I studied criminal psychology in college. Although later I felt that the classwork was too busy and I found a way to change to another easy major after only a few days of classes. But those textbooks were thrown away and I just threw them away. Put them in the toilet, pick them up and flip through a few pages when you have free time... I didn't expect that they would come in handy at times like this."

Maya Hashimoto; "..." Criminal Psychology?

Even if he later changed his major, these elements sounded like he was very popular with Uzo... Hey, what on earth was Curacao thinking? Why crowd all these people around him!

Is that woman really taking her under quarantine? Why is it that she is delivering food to Uzo under the guise of a mission?

A trace of solemnity and suspicion arose in Maya Hashimoto's heart, and she began to doubt Curaçao's position and intentions.

And Saburo Inozuka, a dabbler, actually wants to compete with Uzo with toilet reading... Are his messy analyzes really reliable?

Maya Hashimoto couldn't help but look solemn.

But he soon shook his head again, trying to get these things out of his mind.

——It’s rare to escape from the annoying Tokyo and come to the distant Hokkaido. What does Usa want to do in the good days?

You should seize the time to enjoy this fresh, clean air without any trace of Uzo residue.

Thinking of this, Maya Hashimoto opened the window, stretched somewhat deliberately, and took a deep breath of the wind and snow outside.

Then his eyes suddenly fell on the courtyard of the hotel.

——Looking from a distance, four figures were tall and one was short, and five figures jumped out of the car. Four of them were extremely familiar to him, and the terrifying combination seemed to be deeply ingrained in his DNA.

"Cough cough cough——!!"

Maya Hashimoto was choked by the cold wind, then quickly closed the window tightly, closed the curtains, and leaned against the wall next to the window.

The other two people were shocked: "What's wrong?!"

Maya Hashimoto: "...Nothing."

He looked calm and did not want to shake the morale of the army.

But there was a tsunami in my heart: Why, why are these people here again? !

Although rationally, Hashimoto Maya knew that Jiang Xia was just a very keen detective of justice, and even helped him survive Uzo's hands. He also shared difficulties with everyone on the plane and made a significant contribution to the safe landing of the plane...

But emotionally, I don't know why. The moment he saw Jiang Xia, Hashimoto Maya's mind buzzed, and she felt that she saw a line of bloody subtitles above the famous detective's head.

——The messenger of death.

Ten minutes ago.

When Jiang Xia and the others came out of the station, it was already snowing in Hokkaido.

Fortunately, several people had read the weather forecast in advance and brought winter clothes in advance. They took a taxi and rushed to the Avrodia Theater Company with great anticipation.

Unexpectedly, halfway through, the ground was icy, and a slightly faster car did not stop. It made a thrilling half-circle and stopped next to their car with a crunch.

The people in both cars were startled, and the driver got out of the car to check the condition of the vehicle. When the driver of the next car got out, Jiang Xia saw the man clearly and his eyes lit up: "Officer Sato?"

A wonderful acquaintance has been added.

Fortunately the two cars didn't actually hit each other.

After dealing with the scene, Jiang Xia and the others changed to Sato Miwako's car - because they discovered that the destination of both parties was actually the same.

Sato Miwako looked at several high school students in the rearview mirror, plus an elementary school student who received a bonus: "Did you win a special prize that includes room and board? Another special prize? Is there any lottery bonus for the surname 'Maori'? I I heard that your father, Mr. Mouri Kogoro, used to win every draw in the lottery - haha, but his luck was a bit worse than yours, and every time he drew a bad lottery, he was always forced to win."

Jiang Xia: "..." No, this aspect is completely hereditary - every time the bomber randomly picks someone to plant a bomb, Xiaolan always hits the mark and always appears next to the bomb.

However, it seems that such a topic should not be discussed when traveling happily.

Jiang Xia looked at Miwako Sato and asked another question: "Are you also traveling to Hokkaido?"

Miwako Sato: "That's right, I'm on vacation these two days."

"Really?" Conan's ears twitched and he keenly captured the key words.

Sato Miwako sighed: "Actually, there is a classmate of mine in middle school in the Avrodia troupe. Their troupe recently received a threatening letter. My classmate seems to be very worried about this and wants me to come over and help with the town. ."

"Threatening letter?!"

The four people in the car couldn't help but repeat the word at the same time, each with a different tone.

Jiang Xia quickly expressed his position: "It must be very hard to investigate alone. I will join you."

Conan leaned over from the back seat: "I want to go too!"

Mao Lilan: "..." Do these merchants like to put some problematic places into the prize pool and sell them randomly? She just wanted to come out and have some fun...

Suzuki Sonoko was also a little tired when she thought about the recent case. However, seeing Jiang Xia looking forward to it, she immediately wanted to join in the fun and asked Officer Sato: "Take me one!"

Sato Miwako laughed: "Of course I don't mind a few more helpers, but you have to be more restrained in your investigation this time - only after I decided on the itinerary for Hokkaido did I know that the leader of the Aphrodisia group had reported Overdue police."

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