Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1890 1890 [My younger brother wants to join me]

Sato Miwako: "The Hokkaido police actually sent a police officer to take over this threat case. I heard it was because the signature on the threat letter was special."

Police surveillance, and a special signature that allows the police to dispatch?

Jiang Xia is looking forward to it: "Drive faster."

Miwako Sato's hand holding the steering wheel paused slightly: "..." You actually think she is driving slowly? From the first glance, Jiang Xia is a guy who drives a lot of cars late at night... It's time for those colleagues from the Ministry of Transportation to step up their night duty.

"Is that the hotel?"

Suzuki Sonoko stood between the seats of the car in front and saw the scene in the distance with sharp eyes: "It's actually a green wall. The owner of this hotel has a very unique aesthetic."

Jiang Xia looked in her direction, along the spacious street covered with snow, and looked up the gentle slope in front, and saw a three-story foreign-style building standing at the top of the slope.

Sato Miwako's speed was never slower than others, and it didn't take long for her to drive them into the hotel yard and park the car.

Before Jiang Xia opened the door, he felt that the ghosts were in a good mood. After opening the door and getting out of the car, he glanced upstairs and was slightly startled: Why is there the smell of iced black tea again?

... He follows me wherever I go. Is the new guy so eager to join the job?

The psychic is very satisfied with this positive work attitude.

He turned to look in the direction where the smell of iced tea was coming from, intending to raise his hand to say hello to his new little brother. However, Maya Hashimoto coughed violently, closed the window tightly, and drew the curtains, as if refusing to communicate. look. What's more important is that the murderous aura that smelled like iced black tea shrank away and disappeared without a trace, as if the stop button had been pressed.

Jiang Xia: "...?"

No matter what, meeting you is fate.

Although Jiang Xia was here and couldn't run away, although Jiang Xia was a little surprised as to why Maya Hashimoto would come to such a place on his own initiative, at this time, compared to this eyeless subordinate who had completely suppressed his murderous intent, his attention was still More of them are placed in the hotel lobby.

——There is a banquet hall upon entering the door, with bright green lights.

In sharp contrast to the population density of Hokkaido, the hall was overcrowded at this time. A group of weirdly dressed guests gathered together in twos and threes, chatting happily, and some were dragging suitcases and checking in at the front desk.

"It's so beautiful! It feels like traveling to England in the last century." Mao Lilan's heavy heart became clear again.

Although I heard that there were some "threat letters" and other small incidents that disturbed people's travels, I believe that with Jiang Xia and Officer Sato here, the matter will be resolved smoothly soon, and they will definitely find the guy who sent the letter threatening the troupe.

Miwako Sato has classmates in the theater troupe and knows the place quite well.

Seeing Jiang Xia looking at those people wearing tuxedos, beards and wigs, Miwako Sato smiled and said: "You should have read the performance information. The mystery play prepared by the Avrodia Theater Company this time is called "The Murderer in the Mirror" , making his debut today.”

As a Sherlock Holmes fan, Conan immediately understood the strange phenomena in the hall: "So these guests arrived early to solve the mystery before tonight's drama is broadcast? It's really interesting..."

He pushed up his glasses, his fighting spirit burning: he will definitely be the first to solve the puzzle! ...As long as you keep an eye on Jiang Xia and ask him not to spoil anything.

But when talking about this matter, Conan suddenly frowned, a little confused.

He turned to look at the corner of the hotel, his eyes passing through the walls and landing on a room in the distance.

Conan: "..." I don't know if it was an illusion, but when he got out of the car just now, he seemed to see someone he had seen several times.

It's just that the man closed the window too quickly and he didn't see it clearly.

But it's not a big problem, everyone is in the same hotel. After you officially move in, look for an opportunity to go and have a look.

While several people were talking, a young woman suddenly saw Sato Miwako and walked over quickly.

Sato Miwako noticed someone approaching, turned her head to look over there, and said hello with a smile: "Hanae! Long time no see - this time I not only came by myself, but also met a powerful helper..."

She pulled Jiang Xia over, pressed Jiang Xia's shoulders and pushed him forward, a little inexplicably proud: "How about it, do you know him? With him here, he can definitely help you find the threat!"

The young woman was wearing a light-colored dress, and her long, silky hair was casually scattered along her shoulders. It's obviously just the most ordinary dress, but paired with that face, it just makes people feel amazing.

She looked at Jiang Xia and was slightly startled: "It's a detective... Hello."

His attitude was not as enthusiastic as Officer Sato expected, but instead he became a little worried.

Miwako Sato looked at her and then at Jiang Xia: Strangely, this was different from the scene when she introduced Jiang Xia to other female colleagues. Obviously Jiang Xia was not much different from usual now.

Wenyue Hualien's attitude was calm, but one person became excited.

Mao Lilan's eyes lit up as she looked at the rising star from close range. She skillfully took out the autograph book in her pocket and shyly chatted: "I have seen your promotional pictures, are you Miss Wenyue Hualien? "

After saying that, Mao Lilan was slightly startled, looked at Sato Miwako, and remembered one thing: If you heard me right, did Officer Sato just call her "Hanae"?

The young woman seemed to notice her doubts and smiled lightly: "Huajiang is my original name, and 'Wenyue Hualien' is my current stage name."

As she spoke, she took the signature book from Mao Lilan's hand, signed her name good-naturedly, and handed it back to her.

Then Wen Yue Hualien looked at the few high school students and introduced herself: "I am Wen Yue Hualien, an actor from the Avrodia Troupe - the threatening letter has caused trouble for everyone, please enjoy the performance these days. , you can come to me if you have anything."

Suzuki Sonoko scratched her headband sheepishly: "Definitely, definitely." In fact, they were not here specifically to deal with any threatening letters, they were just here to draw a lottery and watch a drama.

But then I thought about it, since I met Officer Sato, as long as I accepted the commission to investigate the threatening letter, wouldn't I be able to sneak into the backstage and watch the celebrities' rehearsal performances up close?

Thinking of this, Suzuki Sonoko's eyes lit up, and she looked at Jiang Xia, blinking wildly.

As expected, Jiang Xia did not forget the business and asked Sato Miwako: "Where is the threatening letter? Can you show it to me?"

Officer Sato then remembered the business, touched the big bag she brought, and pulled out a greeting card.

This is a beautiful Christmas card. The cover is red and the inner pages are light gold, which is in line with the color scheme of Christmas.

The greeting card is folded in half from the middle, with a cute Santa Claus pattern on the left and a few lines of printed words on the right:

[On this holy night, those who defile my alien house will be punished with death.

——Red-bearded Santa Claus] (End of this chapter)

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