Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1891 1891 [Don’t come over! 】

"Santa Claus with a red beard?" Maybe it was because the q picture on the left was so cute, even the two female high school students didn't show much panic about the invitation.

Suzuki Sonoko touched her chin and suddenly said solemnly: "Something's wrong."

Sato Miwako was startled: shouldn't this be Jiang Xia's line? But before Jiang Xia said anything, it was Suzuki Sonoko who was the first to notice something was wrong. Could it be that after hanging out with Jiang Xia for too long, this female high school student who would have screamed in fear when she saw a dead body has been nurtured into a detective without knowing it?

She was a little curious: "What did you find?"

"Huh? Haven't you seen such an obvious thing?" Suzuki Sonoko raised her head proudly and suddenly looked at the Christmas picture on the left, "Look! The signature is 'Santa Claus with a red beard', but in this picture, Santa Claus But his beard is white. It is so careless and inconsistent with the habits of a murderer. Maybe this threatening letter is actually just a prop sent by the troupe staff to heat up the atmosphere."

Jiang Xia: "..." That makes sense.

If there weren't too many murderous auras floating around, he might have truly believed it.

However, students who want to be detectives should of course be encouraged. Jiang Xia applauded: "The idea is very novel."

Suzuki Sonoko received the authoritative certification, her mood skyrocketed, and her chin lifted higher.

At this moment, a cold voice came from the side: "The high school detective who came all the way from Tokyo, is this how he solved the case?"

Several people were startled, turned around and saw a smartly dressed woman appearing next to them at some point.

The man frowned and looked at them with a look of disgust. His eyes finally fell on Sato Miwako: "Are you the policeman from Tokyo? Come on, what are you doing with the detective?"

Conan was dissatisfied: "..." Why do you treat the detective like a dish?

Sato Miwako stretched out her hand towards the woman: "I am Sato Miwako from the Investigation Section 1 of the Criminal Division of the Metropolitan Police Department. I have long admired my name, are you the Fuwa policeman of Hokkaido?"

She had long heard about this Fuwa Police Officer, and Fuwa Narumi was said to be a strong woman. From her style to her appearance, she was as hard as a slate painting. So although she didn't deliberately look at the photos, now that she met the real person, Sato Miwako quickly made a guess.

Fuwa Narumi nodded, recognizing her identity. She said unkindly: "You are here because of the threatening letter - unfortunately, there is no place for you to show off here. This hotel is already under the supervision of our Hokkaido police. Since you are here on vacation, Come on, then you'd better treat this as a vacation and have a good rest."

At the same time, she glanced at Jiang Xia again: "And you, I don't care how many cases you solved in Tokyo. Now that you have arrived in Hokkaido, you must obey the instructions of our police. If you hinder the search, we will be held accountable. No less.”

"Isn't he just a police officer? He talks so fiercely!"

The group of people carried their suitcases up to the third floor, and after completely out of Fuwa Narumi's sight, Suzuki Sonoko said angrily: "We are not here to cause trouble, we are obviously here to help."

Jiang Xia sighed: "There are relatively few detectives in Hokkaido, maybe she is not used to it yet. If more people are willing to change their careers to become detectives, there should be no such problem."

In a room next to it.

Maya Hashimoto, Kazuma Kurosawa and the others were piled in a pile at the door and eavesdropped on the movements in the corridor.

Hearing this, Maya Hashimoto's eyes twitched slightly: "..." Jiang Xia still likes to persuade people to become detectives. How much does he like this industry that he can continue to benefit like this...

As I was muttering to myself, suddenly, the footsteps outside stopped.

The three eavesdroppers looked at each other. Not long after, they suddenly heard Jiang Xia's footsteps walking over and turning back, getting closer and closer, stopping at their door.

For some reason, Maya Hashimoto's heart beat violently. He instinctively held his breath and huddled behind the door, motionless. His entire figure turned into a statue.

Then he heard Jiang Xia muttering to his companions in confusion from outside the door: "Why is there a red light coming out from the crack in the door? Could it be a fire? It would be troublesome if such an old-fashioned building caught fire. Kick it open and take a look?"

The three people behind the door were horrified: "..." Wait, what do you want to do! !

Fortunately, someone stopped the scary detective.

"Please wait a moment." Wenyue Hualien accompanied Jiang Xia and the others upstairs. When she heard Jiang Xia's words, she quickly turned around to stop her, "That's what room 315 is like. There is red light because the lights in the room are red, not because there is a fire. ."

When Saburo Inozuka heard this voice, he instinctively took a breath - Hualien! There was no mistaking it, there was his lovely Hualien lady at the door!

Maya Hashimoto gave him a threatening look and signaled him to be silent.

But it was too late.

Jiang Xia: "Is there someone breathing in the room?"

A primary school student's voice echoed: "Indeed. And since the lights are on, it means someone is staying there. By the way, why do the hotels use such strange-colored lights?"

Across the door, Maya Hashimoto said: "..." That's a good question. Let's ask that annoying Hokkaido police officer and the Riddler supervisor who didn't give a single clue throughout the whole process.

While he was thinking wildly, he waited in agony for the group of people at the door to go away.

However, this group of high school students were as sticky as brown candy, and they couldn't be shaken off.

At this time, the primary school student outside the door suddenly raised his hand and knocked on the door, as if he was very curious about the residents living in such a strange room.

"Hey, why are you knocking on other people's doors?" Jiang Xia stopped him.

However, it could be heard that the high school student was also very curious, so his actions to stop his companion seemed very perfunctory, and his attention also turned to the room.

Jiang Xia chatted with his companions: "Speaking of which, when I got off the bus just now, I happened to look over here and seemed to see Mr. Hashimoto standing by the window - the George we first met on the plane. No. To think that he also came to Hokkaido."


Saburo Inozuka looked at Maya Hashimoto. He dared not say anything in anger, but what he wanted to say was written in his eyes: I told you to run to the window without any trouble, and you were discovered by an acquaintance!

Maya Hashimoto also stared back: "..." How could I have imagined that a Tokyo detective would suddenly appear in Hokkaido! Speaking of this, the management of Didan Middle School is too chaotic. Can't the approval of students' requests for leave be stricter?

When he returns to Tokyo, he must write an anonymous letter to complain.

But now that the matter has come to this, it seems that they can no longer pretend not to hear it - according to the schedule, since they are here as "temporary workers", they must help on the set. Sooner or later, if this goes on, Jiang Xia will be encountered.

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