Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1892 1892 [Return to Detective]

Instead of making up excuses for not opening the door to Jiang Xia and being suspected by this keen detective of having something up his sleeve, it would be better to say hello openly now.

"What are you talking about?" Kurosawa and Ma had already left the door and stood behind them.

Seeing that Maya Hashimoto and Saburo Inozuka were reluctant to move, he whispered in confusion: "Didn't we say before that in order to prevent being falsely accused, we had better take a detective with us - now the detective has arrived at the door. Isn't this a good thing? Why are you two panicking?"

Saburo Inozuka was startled: "..." Yes, why should I be panicking. I haven't committed any crime now. The detective is a friendly army to me and a good tool that I can use!

"..." Maya Hashimoto was always worried that Jiang Xia would attract Uzuo, but he didn't dare to reveal such detailed information to other peripheral members, lest he be silenced inexplicably.

In the end, he had no choice but to take a deep breath: "...then open the door."

Extending one's head and retracting one's head are also one knife.

Anyway, unless you escape here overnight, you will be bumped into by Jiang Xia sooner or later. In this case, it is better to choose a way that is least likely to arouse suspicion.

Maya Hashimoto: "..." If I remember correctly, Jiang Xia was already testing him in the last case of Inozuka Jiro. I must not take Jiang Xia lightly just because he is a good person. That will only leave more holes for the famous detective. Although Jiang Xia cannot kill people, if he sees through his identity, things will be in trouble.

The three of them finally opened the door in a hurry.

Maya Hashimoto also imagined that he would face various crises and questions after opening the door.

However, he never expected that the first question he was asked would be...

"Mr. Hashimoto, it's really you." The high school student outside saw the scene in the room clearly and was stunned. "The three of you... live in one room?"


Maya Hashimoto took a deep breath: "We are here to help the theater troupe, because there are more guests coming to watch the play than expected, and there are not enough rooms. After all, we are only half of the staff, so we have to squeeze in to make room for the guests. .”

Jiang Xia seemed to believe it: "So that's it."

Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko's attention was no longer on Maya Hashimoto at this time.

They crowded together and looked into the room across the door. The three of them were a little nervous: "Everywhere is blood red. This kind of room is too scary. Is it a haunted house prepared by the troupe? In order to let the guests better experience the atmosphere of the drama?"

This question is indeed critical.

It's a pity that the trio in the room didn't know anything about it: "I don't know, the hotel manager didn't tell us." That damn Riddler.

Wenyue Hualien hesitated for a moment, then said: "I have heard rumors about this room - many years ago, a guest booked this room, and the name the guest left on the registration book at that time was...' Red-bearded Santa Claus'."

The high school students remembered the signatures on the threatening letter, looked at each other, and vaguely understood why the police took that letter seriously.

The peripheral members of the three organizations have never heard of this inside story. Seeing that the atmosphere suddenly turned cold, Saburo Inozuka instinctively cheered for his idol: "Red beard? That's so funny. He must be an unconventional uncle, hahaha...haha...haha."

Noticing that the others, including Fumizuki Karin who said the name, did not intend to smile, but instead had serious expressions on their faces, Saburo Inozuka scratched the back of his head in embarrassment: "Ahem, it's nothing, um...continue! You continue!"

Wenyue Hualien nodded: "He lived here for a long time, until one day, when the waiter came to clean the house, he found the 'red-bearded Santa Claus' lying motionless on the bed - he tragically turned into a corpse. "

Speaking of this, she lowered her gaze in discomfort: "It is said that since then, people have often seen a red figure lingering in this room, or heard moans and screams coming from the room."

Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko squeezed closer and closer, with uncontrollable horror in their eyes.

Next to them, the three peripheral members of the organization... all breathed a sigh of relief.

——It turns out that someone died in the house.

There is nothing to be afraid of the dead. They have filled Tokyo Bay with countless dead people. If they were even afraid of this, they wouldn't be able to drive their car.

But one thing is still puzzling: "So why are the lights in the room red? Is it to commemorate that 'red-bearded Santa Claus'?"


Just as Wenyue Hualien opened her mouth, an angry voice suddenly sounded in the distance: "Hualien? Where are you!"

"Ah, here we come!" Wenyue Hualien responded quickly and ran over quickly.

Wenyue Hualien walked through the corridor and quickly disappeared at the top of the stairs, seeming to have descended to the corner of the stairs.

The person waiting there was already cursing angrily: "You know how to hang around all day long, you have never been reliable at critical times!"

Miwako Sato heard her classmate being scolded and looked over there: "Who is so cruel?"

Saburo Inozuka sighed sadly: "It should be Bandai Suzue."

"Bandai Suzue?" Mao Lilan's eyes lit up again, "Is she the screen actress who has been popular for many years? I have long heard that she founded this theater troupe after she retired. I didn't expect that I would meet her in front of me. To real people.”

Seeing that she was happy, Jiang Xia asked, "Shall I accompany you to get an autograph?"

Mao Lilan was immediately moved. She really wanted to sign the autograph, but she didn't dare to go over when she heard Bandai Suzue scolding the members.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Xia saw her hesitation at a glance and thoughtfully planned to provide help. Mao Lilan's courage came back: "Then let's put down our luggage and go there. We can just investigate the threatening letter!"

Several high school students happily went to their respective rooms. They threw their luggage into the room and slipped into the corridor, ready to wait for an opportunity to ask for autographs.

The three organization members temporarily retreated into the room and looked at each other: "What should we do?"

"What else can we do?" Maya Hashimoto looked at her watch, feeling a cold numbness in her heart, but she could only think hard, "Come along, it's almost time for us 'temporary workers' to go to work—— Rather than hiding in the room and being regarded as a murderer, or being gassed all at once, it would be better to follow that group of students... huh?!"

Maya Hashimoto suddenly remembered something.

——I have met Jiang Xia, his two weak female classmates, and the even weaker primary school student several times.

I've seen them several times. Doesn't this mean that their location is relatively safe?

If I also get into Jiang Xia's small team...

This thought suddenly flashed through my mind, and Maya Hashimoto was gradually moved: Anyway, now that we have reached the worst point, why not... pretend to be a detective?

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