Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1893 1893 [The feud between Jiang Xia and Wu Zuo]

Masahashimoto Maya looked at the direction where Jiang Xia and the others left, thinking deeply. Suddenly, he saw Inozuka Saburo approaching, and then the man said mysteriously: "You think so too?"

"?!" Maya Hashimoto looked at this fool in shock. He seemed so stupid. Could it be that this guy could read minds?

It’s true that people cannot be judged by their appearance...

Thinking this way, he changed his view towards Saburo Inozuka and nodded.

"Okay!" Inozuka Saburo immediately rolled up his sleeves and was full of enthusiasm after he had a supporter. "I also think we should ask Jiang Xia to change rooms. This kind of red room full of puzzles must be quite attractive to detectives. In fact, If not, let’s just pretend to be afraid and ask him for help. How could a righteous high school detective refuse a poor, helpless ordinary citizen?”

"?" Maya Hashimoto was stunned: Things seemed to be different from what she thought?

Seeing that Inozuka Saburo was already gearing up to go out, he quickly stretched out his hand and slipped the person back: "Change room? You haven't woken up yet, this sounds too suspicious. And didn't we already figure it out just now? This red room It’s just that people have died, so there’s nothing to be afraid of.”

Of course, this is just a superficial statement, and the deeper reason cannot be said: Jiang Xia, a person based in Tokyo, suddenly came all the way to Hokkaido. Who knows whether there is Usa's script hidden behind this abnormal event.

What if Uzuo had been happily planning for a long time, preparing to make a big move, but before the show started, he found that the lead actor he was most satisfied with had been replaced by a group of bastards...

Just thinking about the consequences, the hairs on Maya Hashimoto's body almost stood up: At that time, a simple death may become a luxury, maybe Uzo will let them have fun as the leading actors, and experience the horrors of the world. , and finally went to the underworld to be reincarnated with no peace of mind.

Maya Hashimoto: "..." No, wait, isn't Usa the Naoko Toriyama. Now that she was defeated by Jiang Xia, she was fleeing and recuperating. She should be shrinking her neck and not daring to cause trouble... What on earth are she afraid of?

Saburo Inozuka didn't see the complicated thoughts of his companion. He thought Maya Hashimoto had really thought of something with him, but it turned out not to be the case.

He had no choice but to explain: "Didn't you notice that Jiang Xia always appeared at the scene of the crime, but every time he survived unscathed - on the other hand, his room must be safe! No matter what, he survived It’s safer than our special red light room.”

Maya Hashimoto came back to her senses: "..." Unexpectedly, Saburo Inozuka actually went with him, but the two of them came to different conclusions afterwards.

...But no matter what, Inozuka Saburo's resolution must be rejected! Although this guy is fishing around and hearing some rumors about Uzo, after all, he is just a peripheral member who is not well-informed enough and does not know what it means to randomly disrupt Uzo's script.

Let's put aside the matter of "Whether Toriyama Naoko will be motivated". To be on the safe side, Hashimoto Maya plans to find an excuse to stop Inozuka Saburo.

But before he could think about it, Kurosawa Kazuma next to him actually spoke first.

He looked at Saburo Inozuka with an expression that looked like an idiot: "I only know that he survived every time, but I don't know how he survived. In fact, I also thought before that after two consecutive changes, It was too much of a coincidence to meet him at all three places, so I searched for information about Jiang Xia."

Then I jumped out to the most recent ones - such as how I got on a plane and experienced the Air Crash Encyclopedia; and how I went into a warehouse to save a cat, but the warehouse suddenly exploded... I heard that there was a time when I went to an undersea restaurant, and the restaurant was bombed. Unexpectedly, Jiang Xia ordered Dadi to float up from the bottom of the sea with his classmates.

Let’s not talk about anything else, let’s just talk about these few times: Not long ago, on that desert island, if Hashimoto Maya hadn’t pushed Jiang Xia inexplicably, the flying crossbow arrows would not have hit him Kurosawa and Ma , but will hit Jiangxia. In addition, there is the murderous intention of himself, Taro and Inozuka Jiro towards Jiang Xia. Although the two Inozuka died before they could take action, causing Kurosawa and Maya to have a bad start...but the threat was real.

After hearing what he said, Saburo Inozuka fell into a daze for a moment: "..." How could a mere high school student's life be so ups and downs?

Is this guy so unlucky that he can't even drink cold water without filling his teeth? Or is he having a big feud with "that thing" in the organization and being targeted?

In any case, it seems that Jiang Xia's room is not suitable for staying - maybe there is some killer move hidden in it that will catch people off guard.

"I see. In this case, maybe our weird-looking room is actually just a cover to murder Jiang Xia - just like detective dramas always like to introduce a character who looks like a murderer in every aspect, but in the end, that character On the contrary, he is innocent. So according to this idea, our house is also the safest? "

The three people looked at each other for a moment, and two of them felt a little more at ease.

Maya Hashimoto was even more confused: So should I join the detective team?

At this moment, along the crack of the half-open door, a panicked voice came from a distance: "Oops, backstage, backstage...!"

It seems like something happened backstage.

Three people: "...What should I do?"

However, before they could decide what attitude they should take towards Jiang Xia and his party, whether they should get closer or stay away, at this moment, the footsteps of the messenger came closer and closer, and finally stopped at their door.

The messenger seemed to have heard that there were three temporary workers living in room 315. He knocked on the ajar door: "Stop being lazy and come over and help!"


Well, no more confusion, someone chose for them.

On the other side, after Jiang Xia and the others heard those voices, they naturally put down their luggage and, summoned by the source of the disturbance, followed the panicked crew downstairs to the crew's prop room.

As soon as he entered the door, he heard an old and sharp voice - Bandai Suzue, who had just scolded Fumizuki Karin, the theater pillar, was now roaring with a voice a hundred times more angry than before: "Who did it, who did it? ! The performance is about to begin tonight, do you sincerely want to destroy our troupe!"

Jiang Xia walked to the door, listened to the roar, and tentatively poked her head through the door.

Seeing that Bandai Suzue was busy inspecting the tattered props and had no time to drive away outsiders like them, he sneaked into the room and checked the situation.

The prop room was now in a mess: various costumes had been cut into tatters, props had been smashed, flower pots had been pushed to the ground, and even the mirrors on the wall had not been spared and were smashed into pieces. It was so broken that it became a problem for the actors to put on makeup.

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