Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1895 1895 [Last wish before death]

Not long after returning to the room, Jiang Xia had just unpacked the magazines and pajamas from the suitcase when there was a sudden knock on the door.

He opened the door and saw Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko standing at his door.

The two girls glanced downstairs from a distance, a little timidly: "We seemed to hear the crew quarreling, and the quarrel was very fierce - could they have caught the prankster?"

"Really?" Jiang Xia threw away the magazine and said decisively, "Then let's go and take a look. We are idle, so why not make a fight. It is not advisable to use lynching without permission. Even if the person is really caught, he should follow the rules Act according to law.”

Conan looked at the stick in his pocket: "...?"

The four people then turned around and walked back.

Those who perform in dramas have some lung capacity in their bodies. The people in the troupe not only speak with great energy when performing, but their voices are quite eye-catching in the corridor.

As the four of them got closer and closer to the room where they were arguing, even the weak-looking Wenyue Hualien's voice was clearly heard by everyone.

"...wait, Miss Hualien?"

Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko looked at each other and felt something was wrong: The Hualien lady looked so good-tempered, how could she suddenly speak in such an angry and hysterical voice?

Just as they were hesitating, Jiang Xia had already passed them and walked over.

The two came to their senses and quickly followed.

Soon they came to a spacious room with the door ajar. Mao Lilan and Suzuki Yuanzi stopped next to Jiang Xia, looked into the crack of the door, and were shocked.

——Wenyue Hualien was arguing excitedly with the group leader, her face extremely ugly.

And just at the moment when everyone arrived at the door, as if she was extremely angry, she picked up the prop dagger on the table next to her, rushed towards the leader, and let out an angry and suppressed roar: "I'm afraid I have to kill him. You, you can truly give me freedom!"


Mao Lilan remembered that the group leader had reprimanded Wenyue Hualien without asking any questions, and then recalled the frequency of murders she encountered when traveling with Jiang Xia. Her body reacted before reason. She opened the door and rushed in, hugging her waist. Zhu Wenyue Hualien: "Miss Hualien, calm down!"

Suzuki Sonoko also quickly helped: "That's right! Even if your leader is an arrogant and self-centered scary old woman, just scold her a few times, why kill people!"

As she said something, she suddenly remembered something and turned to look at Jiang Xia, worried that Jiang Xia's less than legal hobby would suddenly revive and she would step on Wenyue Hualien and beat her up in front of everyone.

However, when he turned around, he saw that although Jiang Xia had also walked over, he had no intention of taking out the stick. The two sides looked at each other, Jiang Xia pointed at the knife in Wenyue Hualien's hand, as if to remind them of something.

At this time, a goose-like laughter suddenly came from the side.

The scriptwriter in the troupe moved a stool and sat in the corner of the room, looking up to the sky and laughing: "We are just rehearsing. The sense of justice of high school students is really funny. Or maybe you have encountered too many cases, and your brain Is there nothing else besides the case?"

Halfway through the taunting, when he saw the faces of Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko clearly, he suddenly touched his chin, softened his tone, and changed the subject: "——How about I buy you two drinks when you have time? Those people you met This case may become precious material for me to write a script."

In the other corner of the room, Maya Hashimoto, who was busy repairing props, paused when he heard this.

Maya Hashimoto: "..." Of the cases Jiang Xia encountered, Uzuo might be responsible for 70% to 80% of them.

Writing a script based on Uzzo's script would be okay if no one knows about it, but if it really becomes an instant hit and Uzzo sees it and gets him interested...then he won't have to write a script anymore, and he can turn into an actor instead. , personally staged a wonderful and compact real drama.

But soon, Maya Hashimoto felt that she had thought too far.

For the people in the troupe, before that, they must first survive this time - so is Naoko Toriyama in Hokkaido now, and is she around this hotel? Jiang Xia "encountered" herself again. Is it really a chance encounter, or...

While Hashimoto Maya was thinking quickly.

Next to him, Saburo Inozuka also stopped moving. He couldn't help but look at where the few high school students were, or more precisely, at Mao Lilan's hands that were holding Wenyue Hualien tightly.

Then I couldn't help but feel envious.

Saburo Inozuka: "..." If I had known this, I would have followed the detectives and the others just now. In the name of provoking a fight, I could rush up and get in close contact with the idol... No, no, no! You can't think like that, it's an abominable bastard act.

Now that he is being targeted by "that thing", his life may not be long. But even so, you can't give up the bottom line of being an idol otaku! Otherwise, all his passionate career as a star-chaser would have turned into a joke.

When Saburo Inozuka clenched his fists in grief and anger.

Center of the room.

Wenyue Hualien did not notice the strange sight from the corner.

Realizing that there was a misunderstanding, she smiled awkwardly, then picked up the knife in her hand and showed it to Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko - Wenyue Hualien's hand was pressed on the "sharp" tip of the knife. Not only did the knife not Cutting her hand, the blade retracted with a whoosh.

——This is a prop telescopic knife that cannot hurt anyone at all.

The scriptwriter just struck up a conversation with Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko, but was ignored by both of them.

He couldn't help but feel embarrassed, but considering that he was a key member of a well-known theater troupe, if he insisted on pestering the guests, he would have a bad reputation.

The scriptwriter had no choice but to clear his throat and wave his hand away: "Okay, if you have nothing to do, go out as soon as possible. We have to continue rehearsing."

The female group leader didn't pay attention to these random guests. She looked at Wenyue Hualien: "It's very good. Your acting skills have improved rapidly - there was real hatred in the performance just now. If it weren't like that, people outside would not misunderstand it."

I don't know if this is just a compliment, or if it has a deeper meaning. In short, Wenyue Hualien seemed to take it as a compliment.

She lowered her head shyly: "Teacher, you teach me well."

Seeing that the leader seemed to be in a good mood, the script writer came over to join in the fun: "Indeed, originally I was worried that my script was not expressive enough, but your acting skills made up for it perfectly."

There is nothing the outside guests can do, so why can't they take advantage of the group members?

With this in mind, he stretched out his hand to squeeze Wenyue Hualien's shoulder and leaned into her ear: "I'm very happy for you too!"

In the corner, there was a person staring at this scene, clenching his fat fists, and silently letting out a murderous aura.

Jiang Xia glanced over there and didn't smell any special aroma, so she didn't pay much attention to it at first.

However, when the ghosts pulled back the murderous intention and brought it to Jiang Xia, the spiritual medium suddenly discovered a problem.

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