Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1896 1896 [Vodka perfect low version]

Chapter 1896 1896 [Vodka·Perfect low-end version]

Jiang Xia turned slightly, and in a place where others could not see it, using his body to cover it, he twisted the murderous aura that was torn from Inozuka Saburo's body and studied it carefully. [.\\nCOM Situ’s updated chapters are the most complete and comprehensive, and error-free content is repaired in the most timely manner. Due to caching reasons, browser access is recommended.\\nCOM official website]

Then I discovered that this thing looked ordinary at first glance, but when I took a closer look, it actually had a little bit of a special flavor - a very light sweetness, like a pinch of sugar added to a basin of boiled water. If it is not a hard product, it cannot be tasted at all.

Jiang Xia touched his chin and made a serious professional assessment: "..." Not only does the person look like vodka and his name sounds like vodka, but even the murderous aura is sweet. But after all, it is not the original version. The sweetness is horribly low. It seems strangely healthy when placed with a group of desserts. On the contrary, it is a bit out of place, and the quality is also a bit worse than others.

But no matter what, this still made Jiang Xia think deeply: It’s true that people cannot be judged by their appearance. The two brothers of Saburo Inozuka, who looked like villains at first glance, only had a slightly more ordinary murderous aura. I didn’t expect this look. The younger brother who was least able to go up actually took a step further. Human potential is truly unfathomable.

At this time, the house is diagonally opposite.

Saburo Inozuka was unaware of some secret observations. At this time, his attention has been completely attracted by his idol and the script writer who shamelessly harassed his idol.

"No one who likes to write scripts is really good..." Saburo Inozuka couldn't help but muttered. At the same time, he thought of something and nudged Kazuma Kurosawa with his elbow, "By the way, didn't you bring a camera? Hurry up. Take a picture of that side.”

Kurosawa Kazuma heard what he said and picked up the camera.

In Kurosawa Kazuma's eyes, although Inozuka Saburo's previous behavior was very inexplicable, as if he was fighting with the air, but it happened that Hashimoto Maya, a smart man, was also fooling around with him.

Being set off like this, Inozuka Saburo also seemed mysterious and unpredictable, which was in huge contrast to the image of this idiot Saburo.

So if you think about it carefully, Saburo Inozuka's abilities are probably just like that. But such a comparison before and after still gives others a feeling of "Inozuka Saburo's hidden secrets".

So seeing Saburo Inozuka asking him to take the photo with a serious look on his face, Kurosawa and Ma picked up the camera.

After a moment, he came back to his senses and asked in a low voice: "Why are you filming this?"

Saburo Inozuka: "..." Because that bastard script writer bullied the lovely Miss Hualien because of his seniority in the group. Humph, it's a pity that the old guy doesn't know yet. Now is the era of traffic. Only when he is inundated with curse letters from fans of Miss Hualien can he be taught what the superiority and inferiority of the new era are.

This thought flashed through my mind, but of course it was not spoken out.

Inozuka Saburo looked serious and lowered his voice: "Don't you think this guy's movement from the corner of the room to Miss Hualien was too abrupt - what if he used the contact to poison or commit other murders? The camera can record the evidence. Otherwise, everyone in this room will be suspected, including us. Do you want to deal with those policemen? "

Kurosawa Kazuma thought it made sense. Anyway, it was just a matter of holding up a camera. He nodded, said nothing and continued filming.

Next to him, Maya Hashimoto looked at this scene with complicated eyes.

When Saburo Inozuka first arrived, he was clearly at the bottom of the food chain, but now, he can actually command Kurosawa Kazuma?

Obviously comparing the two people, from all aspects, Inozuka Saburo is more like the younger brother who is supposed to obey orders, but now it is Kurosawa who is being persuaded... According to experience, this kind of tool man is often the first He is a cannon fodder. Has Kurosawa been so distracted by the successive cases that he has become numb and given up thinking?

Maya Hashimoto always had a bad feeling and was secretly alert.

After all, he spent a lot of time with Kurosawa Kazuma, and Hashimoto Maya and this man had a little bit of a brotherly relationship that was better than nothing.

Originally, he hesitated to remind Kurosawa and Ma to keep thinking, and not to act like a puppet and obey anyone who gave him advice. That way he would be easily manipulated by Uzo, which was too unsafe.

However, before he spoke, a fat black shadow suddenly fell on them.

The director of the troupe came over at some point, and then the woman raised the script in her hand and slapped Kurosawa Kazuma's camera hard: "What are you doing? Is the backstage of the crew a place where you can shoot casually! Humph, I just said You temporary workers are so sneaky, tell me, are you the paparazzi who sneaked in to secretly take pictures of me?"

Kurosawa and Ma ducked back, avoiding the script taken by the group leader, and protecting the camera in their hands.

But he did listen to what the group leader said, and was slightly startled: "..." Huh? That's right. It sounds very suspicious to work as a temporary worker in a place like a film crew and bring a camera with you.

If it were him, if when he was leading his apprentices to fill cement, there was a guy who held a camera in his hand and filmed the whole process openly and openly, then he would probably scold him and roll up his sleeves to fill in an extra person.

...So who came up with this bad idea of ​​"taking a camera to record his entire actions to prove his innocence".

Kurosawa Kazuma was silent for a moment, and suddenly realized something. He turned to look at Saburo Inozuka: "..." Yes, it was this guy who first mentioned the "driving recorder" and suggested using images to help them get out of the murder dispute.

...As expected, a fool is still a fool. What on earth was he thinking before that he actually obeyed this guy's words?

Kurosawa Kazuma apologized to the group leader without sincerity and put the camera away.

The group leader originally wanted to use the topic as a way to vent his anger at being sent a threatening letter by the "red-bearded Santa Claus". However, standing alone in front of these three "temporary workers", she felt a little weak for some reason, and she always felt that getting angry was not a good idea.

So in the end, the group leader just cursed and warned, "No more photos are allowed in the future!", and then turned around and left.

The scriptwriter's eyes were glued to Wenyue Hualien just now, and he didn't realize that there was a temporary worker behind him plotting against him with a look of resentment.

After wiping the gas, he started to get down to business and clapped his hands: "Then, let's continue with the rehearsal. Miss Hualien's scene is perfect. There is no need to do it again. Let's rehearse another one that is more difficult - the first act. The last one.”

The actors resume their positions.

After Jiang Xia and the others sneaked in, they saw that no one came to chase them away, so they stayed there. It was rare to see the troupe rehearsing, and it was a waste not to see it with their own eyes when they came.

So soon, this scene started.

This scene seems to be a scene at a banquet.

Wenyue Hualien pushed a small dining cart and melancholy walked among the crowd amidst the impassioned lines of the group leader.

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