Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1902 1902【Do you like this new script】

Jiang Xia sighed: "Eighty percent of novels that start like this start like this. And there must be more than one murderer in the story. In the end, everyone kills each other, and various techniques complement each other - in short, There are too many hidden murderous intentions in this scene, and it is difficult to tell where the murderer will strike. Therefore, if you want to avoid killing people, the only safe way is to stop the performance."

Sato Miwako realized that her plan was unlikely to succeed, and sighed along with him: "No, look at the attitude of the group leader, who dares to stop, I'm afraid he will be scolded by her from night to morning... Oh, if everyone If we all cooperate, there may not be so many murders in the world."

At this time, as the actors on the stage moved around and changed their positions, a physical reflection suddenly passed over Conan's glasses next to him.

He was startled and then understood something. He pushed up his glasses and smiled confidently: "I seem to know where the murderous intention is hidden."

Jiang Xia glanced at him: "Huh?"

Xiaobai, who was lying on top of him, also looked over and touched his chin: [Huh? ]

Conan didn't know anything about the ghosts' gazes. He stood up and grabbed the ashtray on the table, making sure that there was always something around him to kick, and then he felt relieved a little.

But thinking about it carefully, I still feel that it is not safe.

So in order to prevent the murder from happening, Conan looked at Jiang Xia again and whispered: "Do you still remember the scene where they stabbed someone with a knife during the rehearsal? Once that scene starts, you rush forward. You must not Let the sword hit the female leader."

Jiang Xia looked at the stage and seemed to understand something. She nodded to indicate that she understood.

Sato Miwako was curious: "Why?"

Conan smiled a smile that could only be understood but not explained.

Officer Sato: "..." This child not only learned the detective's skills in solving crimes, but also learned ten percent of the detective's annoying skills. Who is bringing up the bad kids? Of course, Jiangxia must be excluded first.

Although Conan seemed to have found the time when the "red-bearded Santa Claus" planned to take action, Officer Sato turned over the script and found that it was almost the end. And now, the drama is just about to reach its climax.

So she wasn't too nervous, grabbed the snacks on the table, took a bite, and looked at the stage.

At this moment, another scene that the crew had rehearsed was played out - a group of people gathered in the center of the hall, as if they were holding a small banquet, and Wenyue Hualien pushed the cart and walked to the stage timidly. , there are several glasses of red wine on the cart.

"The breath of death fills this mansion." The female leader, the old woman who attracted everyone's hatred in the play, showed her sharp eyes that could see through everything. She mocked, "There is an ugly thing reflected in your hearts. The desire to kill. If one of us is going to die, there is no better night than tonight. Don't waste this ultimate darkness - come and drink!"

While talking, she picked up a glass of wine and showed a cheerful smile.

Other actors also approached with different expressions, each picked up a cup and drank together.

Off stage.

Sato Miwako turned over the script and was still talking to Jiang Xia in a low voice: "This scene should be quite safe. The person who was plotted was not the character played by the female group leader, but the 'clown' among them - this poor person with the lowest sense of existence would He drank the poison that the murderer randomly put in the wine glass, and then died of poisoning, which opened the curtain of the entire serial murder case..."


The wine glass fell to the ground and shattered into pieces of fluorescent light. The remaining red wine spilled out and flowed along the ground like a bright pool of blood.

This is indeed a scene of poisoning - as soon as he finished drinking, one of the actors covered his neck and shook as if he was breathless. She struggled to take two steps, tripped over the sofa next to her, and knelt down next to the sofa. Finally, as the other actors looked at her in shock and panic, she died with a look of pain on her face.

This is the end of the first act.

The guests were shocked by this extremely realistic performance.

After a moment of dead silence, the audience burst into cheers, mixed with praises: "As expected of an old star, his acting is so realistic! The reaction was exactly the same as that of my previous colleague who accidentally ate potassium cyanide! ... Speaking of which, it's not bad. That guy was too careless, otherwise I would have been poisoned, hahahahaha."

"And the first person to die was the old woman in the center of the whirlpool. What a bold innovation! I simply can't think of how it should develop from now on, but one thing is for sure, it must be a refreshing plot!"

Suzuki Sonoko also clapped along: "This guy has a lot of trouble. No wonder he has the confidence to yell at others in the background... huh? But is this the show? How do I remember that the person who was 'poisoned' seemed to be another one? Come on, have they changed the script?"

Sato Miwako was stunned, and the script in her hand fell to the ground.

...The person who was supposed to "die" here was obviously the clown, but why was the one lying on the ground now the female leader? ! Is that realistic "death by poisoning" really just an acting stunt?

Conan was also stunned, and the ashtray in his hand fell back to the table: "..." Death trap... there is more than one? !

Backstage, three temporary prop masters huddled together and watched the scene silently.

Maya Hashimoto looked at this scene and muttered as if sleepwalking: "I knew he...she would definitely not be able to help but take action when she saw this kind of rubbish script."

But on the other hand, the bad news is also very clear - that man...woman, he is actually here.

Saburo Inozuka deeply felt the heaviness in his companion's heart: "But on the other hand, our plan also completely worked - we predicted the action of 'that thing'!"

Kurosawa Kazuma: "..." Two lunatics. At this time, shouldn't we be the first to suspect the "red-bearded Santa Claus"?

He daubed blood on the whole wall with great fanfare, and agreed to kill someone in tonight's play. Now he did it, but the two people next to him insisted on ignoring the serious murderer who sent the notice. Think of others.

... But one is stupid, and the other may have suffered a mental mutation after being locked up for too long. Normal people should not speculate on the Riddler's thinking, otherwise they will only drive him crazy.

Kurosawa and Ma quickly found a suitable explanation for the strange behavior of their two companions and stopped thinking about it.

He silently held the camera and continued to shoot: he couldn't control other people's affairs, so he could only ensure that the three of him had sufficient alibi.

At this time, an actor on the stage finally reacted.

The librettist turned backstage and waved sharply at them.

Maya Hashimoto came to her senses, walked to the side and did two operations to lower the curtain.

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