Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1903 1903 [Detective Maya Hashimoto]

For this kind of accident that happens on stage, lowering the curtain to prevent the audience from peeking more is the most basic operation.

On the one hand, it can cover up mistakes and save a bit of reputation. On the other hand, when encountering a murder, it can also prevent guests from running around in panic and causing greater chaos.

The actors on the stage who were familiar with the script all understood that an accident had occurred, and their faces were extremely ugly.

But the audience in the audience did not know this and were still talking about this unexpected plot.

Jiang Xia stood up with a serious look on his face: "Let's go backstage and have a look."

A group of people quickly left the auditorium and jogged backstage.

When I walked through the corridor to the stage, I saw the group of policemen from Hokkaido who were moving faster than them. They were surrounding the female band leader to check on her condition.

Wenyue Hualien sat slumped on the ground, in disbelief. The other actors had different expressions, some were frightened, some were confused, but most of them were as relieved as a sigh of relief.

Under everyone's gaze, Fuwa Narumi straightened up from beside the female leader.

The young and promising police officer wiped his hands and said in a heavy voice: "She is dead."

Although I rarely interact with the Hokkaido police, it seems that the police here's process of handling murder cases is not much different from that in Tokyo.

If you have to say it, the only difference is probably that no police officer took the initiative to hand over information to Jiang Xia.

...But this is not a big problem.

When the young police officer was reporting the situation to Bupo Police, Jiang Xia moved closer and followed the news - there were a lot of words in the information, and the police had to be busy commanding the scene, so while Bupo Mingmei was reading the information, the young police officer The key information will also be summarized to her on the side.

"The deceased was actress Bandai Suzue, 60 years old, currently the director of the Avrodia Theater Company. The cause of death was poisoning - we detected a lethal drug in her wine glass."

Lingmu Yuanzi went out for a nice trip, but encountered a murder case again. At this time, she was a little confused. She followed Jiang Xia wherever he went, so she also heard these words.

Then he suddenly became even more confused: "60 years old? Not long ago, she said she was 53, and asked me to read the encyclopedia."

Mao Lilan obviously knew more about the celebrity world, and whispered in her ear to explain: "The age and height are not accurate. Some people will deliberately tamper with them."

Suzuki Sonoko suddenly realized: "Then my age estimate is quite accurate, and she actually had the nerve to refute me so confidently... But forget it, the dead one is the most important, and there doesn't seem to be much difference between 53 and 60."

Ignoring the complicated emotions of the female high school student, the young police officer continued his report: "We have also checked other wine glasses. So far, it seems that the only one with poisonous residue is the one used by the deceased."

Unlike the high school students who can only sit in for the time being, Sato Miwako is a policeman after all and has successfully sneaked into the police force.

She remembered what happened on the stage just now and looked at Wenyue Hualien: "I remember that the cart with the wine glasses was pushed to the stage by you?"

Wenyue Hualien nodded, and it took two seconds before she came back to her senses, and whispered: "I, I didn't poison."

Sato Miwako didn't think she looked like a murderer: "Before you took care of it, who could have access to the wine wherever it was placed?"

"Just backstage." Wenyue Hualien thought for a while, "Because there are many props used in the whole play, the prop master will sort them out during the performance and place them near the stage in advance so that they can be used later. When the time comes, I can just push the car out.”

"That's it." Sato Miwako, "Where is the prop master?"

Jiang Xia raised her hand and pointed to one side politely.

A group of police officers turned their heads and looked over.

The trio of temporary workers huddled in the corner and tried to lower their presence: "..."

...Sure enough, I didn’t escape in the end!

Fortunately, they were prepared.

Maya Hashimoto has experienced too many cases now, and the nervous mood when facing the police almost never appears again.

He explained calmly: "The red wine has been poured since the opening, and it has been placed on the cart backstage. And except for those of us in charge of props, other actors are actually waiting in the backstage when they are not on stage - —So strictly speaking, not only us prop masters, but everyone who has been backstage has the opportunity to be poisoned."

Conan couldn't help but glance at him: "..." In my impression, when Mr. Hashimoto first met the police, although his expression did not change, his emotions always became quite tense. but now……

People are so adaptable.

So what secret is this guy hiding?

Conan touched his chin and fell into deep thought for a moment.

The trio of temporary workers did not notice the gaze of the primary school students. At this time, they were still busy exonerating themselves to avoid being taken away for questioning by the troublesome police.

Surrounded by a group of police officers and even suspected, Kurosawa and Ma were a little nervous. But thinking of the camera in his hand, he suddenly felt confident again.

This made him couldn't help but glance at Saburo Inozuka: "..." The advice given by this idiot was actually used at the critical moment.

So after Maya Hashimoto finished speaking, Kurosawa and Ma shook the machine in their hands towards everyone: "I have always had the habit of recording my life with videos, and I also recorded all my stage work this time. These videos should be able to prove The innocence of the three of us.”

The policemen were stunned: "There is actually a video?!"

They rarely encounter this simplest and most direct evidence in murder cases. To solve a crime, you often need to go through some reasoning and find evidence.

But they didn't expect that this time, in this case with many suspects and a very difficult case at first sight, a magical tool like a camera would actually appear. With luck, maybe they can find the murderer from the images taken by Kurosawa Kazuma. If there is evidence of poisoning, you will be dismissed from get off work!

For a moment, the police officers looked at the trio and couldn't help but become friendly.

Fuwa Narumi also looked at them a few more times, then nodded and told the young police officer on the side: "Come here to find the projection equipment."

The police officers were very motivated and quickly brought the equipment and connected it to the power supply.

The backstage shooting image soon appeared on the screen.

A group of people gathered in front of the screen and watched with bated breath. Suzuki Yuanzi and Mao Lilan also huddled behind Jiang Xia, a little nervous, worried that they would see the brutal image of the murderer poisoning him at any time.

However, gradually, as the camera played, the expressions of the group of people changed. The way they looked at the trio of temporary workers also became strange.

"Are you perverts?" Someone finally couldn't help but ask, "Why are you filming yourselves the whole time?!"

——What they want to see is obviously the backstage. Who wants to see three temporary workers dominating the screen inside the camera?

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