Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1909 1909 [No cheating] Please vote for me

Chapter 1909 1909 [No cheating] Please vote for me ()

Saburo Inozuka looked over instinctively.

With a click, his numb expression, as if he was standing on the guillotine, was recorded in the photo album.

"That's right, but his expression is too stiff." The man in black looked down at the photo, "You still have to smile more. Only by loving work can you do a good job - I think highly of you, work hard."

After saying that, he waved casually to Saburo Inozuka and left like a tourist taking pictures everywhere.

Inozuka Saburo stayed in place for a long time, then suddenly shuddered: "..." Are you optimistic about me?

...What kind of death arrangement did this guy arrange for me? !

"Others are decapitated, but when it comes to me, I am decapitated." The anxiety in Saburo Inozuka's heart almost overflowed, "No, no, no, his attitude is still very kind. In short, you can't give up hope..."

Just at this time, someone was passing by while chatting on the second floor. Taking advantage of the popularity below, Saburo Inozuka observed for a moment and rushed down the stairs.

the other side.

Not long after, Vodka's phone vibrated and he received another email.

"..." Vodka glanced at the sender with a numb face, "Brother, he sent me another threatening email."

As he said that, he still clicked it: no matter how annoying Uzo is, you have to read what he posts carefully. Otherwise, if there are some survival tips hidden in it and he dies because of not reading it, that guy will have a reason to blame it - this little psychological trick will never work on him!

However, when I clicked on it this time, Vodka was stunned for a moment.

Gin glanced over here and realized that the photo this time might be different from the past: "What?"

Vodka: "...This man is actually still alive!"

Gin looked at his screen: Not to mention, in a blink of an eye, he actually had the illusion that the person in the photo was Vodka.

It's just that the line below is a bit annoying. It actually says "Photograph of Saburo Inozuka and Kurosawa."

Gin: "..." What is this guy hinting at?

In addition, he remembered that not counting Usa's substitute, there was another person named Kurosawa among the guards who guarded Maya Hashimoto. That person should be Inozuka Saburo's original partner. Why wasn't Uzo photographed this time?

No matter how panicked and speculative the Uozuka Saburo in Tokyo was, at this time in the distant Hokkaido, there was an Inozuka Saburo who was even more panicked than him.

Saburo Inozuka took advantage of the fact that there were still people in the corridor and arrived at the hotel lobby at a speed that no one could stop him - there were a few guests and waiters coming and going here. According to experience, in a place like this that can be witnessed by many people at the same time, as long as you are careful not to be poisoned, the mortality rate is actually not that high.

——He never thought that he, a mediocre peripheral member, would be lucky... no, he would be unlucky enough to see "that thing".

This is no different than death coming to your door. Although the adult seemed approachable, and for some reason the other party seemed to treat him as a mere tourist attraction, and had no intention of murdering this little person... But just that moment of contact had already frightened Inozuka Saburo. He imagined a hundred ways to die.

Although he had already prepared to die when he was forced to take this job, when the real thing came to pass, Inozuka Saburo's desire to survive was still burning.

——He remembered that there was surveillance in the hotel lobby. So I ran over and asked the front desk to confirm again and again that the monitoring system would not cut off the power and that the hotel was also equipped with a temporary generator.

After hearing the news, Saburo Inozuka breathed a sigh of relief. Under everyone's doubtful gaze, he moved a stool and sat in the center of the surveillance room.

And he also carefully adjusted the direction of the chair to prevent anyone from shooting him a crossbow or a shot from an angle that he couldn't see.

"'That thing', no, 'that adult' likes cases with weird techniques, not simple and crude murders in person." Saburo Inozuka looked around suspiciously, "You can't attack remotely from this angle, but Under this kind of surveillance, anyone who wants to kill me at close range will definitely leave behind images that reveal his identity. As long as I don’t eat or drink, and don’t rub my eyes or touch my mouth with hands that have touched other places to avoid being poisoned, I might Can I survive tonight! - After all, that adult doesn't seem to want to kill me, I just have to be careful not to be accidentally injured by him."

After quickly setting up his own life-saving camp, Inozuka Saburo accidentally glanced at his phone and found that there was an extra message on it.

I picked it up and saw that it was from Maya Hashimoto: Maybe it took too long for him to change the card, and the two companions were a little strange, so they sent him a message to ask.

Saburo Inozuka: "..." Oh yes, I almost forgot, he also has two accomplices.

...So should I tell those two people what happened to me just now?

But after all, it's about that thing... well, it's about that adult. If too much about him is revealed, will it cause dissatisfaction? And to be honest, in this hotel where other than the police are ordinary people, the people who pose the greatest threat to themselves are Maya Hashimoto and Kazuma Kurosawa.

Saburo Inozuka racked his brains and thought for a while.

Then I made a decision: Only by keeping a thin line in life can I live longer. Just give him a gentle reminder, so that if Hashimoto Maya and Kurosawa Kazuma survive, they won't anger his innocent colleague in the future.

Thinking of this, Saburo Inozuka reluctantly took out his cell phone and thought about what to say.

third floor.

While Saburo Inozuka was changing his card, Maya Hashimoto and Kazuma Kurosawa went to the vending machine at the end of the corridor to buy some drinks and lunch.

After carefully checking the packaging and confirming that there were no suspicious marks such as injection holes, the two carried the lunch boxes and walked back.

Maya Hashimoto sighed as she walked: "I don't know when this case will end."

Seeing that no one in the troupe could be killed, he actually hoped that the case would drag on a little longer. Otherwise, when Uzzo takes action, they will be the unlucky ones.

When it came to solving the case, Kurosawa Kazuma thought of something and laughed: "Jiang Xia is not as powerful as the legend says. In these serial murder cases, two or three people have to die before he can successfully solve them. Before that, He can only suffer from lack of clues and helplessly watch human lives disappear - he must be so sad that he can't sleep now, ugh, poor detective."

Maya Hashimoto couldn't help but glance at him: "Did Jiang Xia offend you today?" Why did he say this suddenly.

"He always brings the topic to us. Although this is a good intention in his eyes, but... alas." Kurosawa Kazuma is indeed slightly dissatisfied with what happened in the morning, but the most important thing is——

He threw the camera away, feeling as if he had relied on mechanical soaring to crush a strong man of flesh and blood: "We still need technology to solve the case. When I had nothing to do today and sorted out the videos, I already understood the method used in the first case - let's go, I’ll show you when you go back to your room.”

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