Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1910 1910【Victim】

Maya Hashimoto paused: "...?"

He quietly turned his head to glance at Kurosawa Kazuma, then nodded and followed him to the room calmly.

And after the two passed by.

In another guest room along the way.

A figure hiding behind the door and eavesdropping opened the door crack, stared at the direction they were leaving for a few seconds, and then closed the door quietly.

Arriving at the door of room 315, Kurosawa Kazuma opened the door with his soon-to-expire room card and was about to go in.

However, Maya Hashimoto patted him: "That guy Inozuka is too slow. I'll go get the new card first, and then we can all look at it together."

Kurosawa Kazuma said "Oh" without thinking too much. He took the lunch he handed him, gave him the room card, and entered the house alone.

As soon as the door closed, Maya Hashimoto turned around and walked towards the stairs on the other side.

——Kurosawa, this guy just takes pictures. Why is he solving some cases when he has nothing to do?

What's more, they still use this cheating method to solve the case. If Uzo saw them, they would be in trouble.

While humans do have a natural tendency to want to solve puzzles, now is not the time for fun. Maya Hashimoto only wanted to be a transparent shadow at the crime scene, and did not want to be a guest detective at all and get involved in this case.

Maya Hashimoto: "..." But it's no wonder - according to observations, Kazuma Kurosawa doesn't usually have many recreational activities. Even if he does, he only reads books and plays games, and rarely gets together with organization members to gossip.

He actually knew nothing about Uzo's rumors, so Hashimoto Maya didn't reveal it to him - if he couldn't bear it mentally and felt desperate, he would be in trouble if he wanted to die with him.

And if on the other hand, the psychological endurance is too strong, and the rumors are too exaggerated, and you want to challenge the legendary Uzo... things will be even more troublesome.

What's more, this is only from Kurosawa Kazuma's perspective, and from Uzo's side...

Not long ago, the gossip about Uzo in the organization suddenly decreased. Maya Hashimoto seriously suspected that this was because the source of the news accidentally exposed his true identity and was quietly killed by Uzo.

And a cadre with such a high status who had frequent contact with Uzuo died silently at the hands of Uzuo. Now for Maya Hashimoto to open up about Uzo to his friends... He really doesn't have the guts.

"Fortunately, that guy Kurosawa didn't get carried away by the joy of crushing the detective, and didn't talk to anyone else about it. It was just the two of us talking in private." Maya Hashimoto sighed, "Wait until I get the room card. Come back and find Saburo Inozuka to change the subject, and he will probably forget what happened just now, and this matter will be solved smoothly."

On the other side, in room 315.

Kurosawa Kazuma put his lunch box on the table and arranged the camera.

At this moment, the landline phone in the room suddenly rang.

The landline is next to him.

He picked it up, and a voice disguised with a voice changer came from the receiver, like a ghost who died in vain: "Why do you want to break into my room?"

"Ah?" Kurosawa and Ma frowned, and it took them two seconds to react. "Are you the murderer who kills people in the name of 'Red-bearded Santa Claus'?"

The person on the phone gave a chilling sneer: "I resurrected from the shadow of death and am now behind you - the third victim is about to appear. Can you protect your friend?"

With a threatening death notice, he hung up the phone.

Kurosawa Kazuma: "..."

Kazuma Kurosawa: "Crazy!"

He put down the receiver and sat in a room with a strange red light. He remembered the person on the phone saying "I'm right behind you", but it still felt a little awkward, so he got up and checked the doors and windows.

After confirming that the door lock was normal, Kurosawa Kazuma closed the door, returned to the window, and carefully checked the window frame: "...If you want to kill someone, go ahead and kill him. Why don't you call me? Do you still expect me to help you deal with the aftermath?"

Amidst the dissatisfied mutterings, a figure silently appeared in the room and stopped quietly behind him.

In the corridor.

As Maya Hashimoto walked down the stairs, she remembered something and took out her phone to look through it.

"I sent a message to Inozuka a few minutes ago, why hasn't he replied yet?" Maya Hashimoto gradually became suspicious, "Isn't that guy unfortunately killed when he was alone? In that case, I suddenly ran to Wouldn’t it be dangerous to look for him?”

Just as I was thinking about it, my phone suddenly vibrated.

——Mumbling about whatever comes, Saburo Inozuka replied.

Maya Hashimoto clicked it to check, and saw the words inside:

[I had already changed my room card, but on the way back, I met a warm and friendly passerby. He invited me to take a photo with him, so we took one.

[It’s rare to meet someone who likes to wear sunglasses at night like me. I’m recalling my encounter with him. I won’t go back tonight. You two, please be safe. ]

Maya Hashimoto: "..."

It can be seen that Saburo Inozuka has tried his best to use optimistic and cheerful language to describe his experience just now, but if you read it carefully, you can still see a trace of panic that is difficult to conceal from the lines, which makes the preface of this email somewhat inconsistent with the follow-up. language.

…So who is the warm and friendly passerby?

And sunglasses...

Wait, he remembered! Mr. Ireland seems to have said that the person he saw who looked like "Uzo" had curly hair and sunglasses. Could it be...

He didn't think about the follow-up in detail, but indescribable fear still swept over him in an instant.

Maya Hashimoto was almost reaching the first floor, but at this moment, she turned 180 degrees, turned around and walked back: "..." You can't go to Saburo Inozuka's place, absolutely not, it's too dangerous!

The first floor has become a stage for something, and I don't know how long Saburo Inozuka can survive. I'd better go back to my room and wait for everything to end.

Maya Hashimoto quickly returned to her room. Although he didn't get a new card, it was still ten minutes before midnight, and the room card in his hand was still usable.

After opening the door and ducking in, Maya Hashimoto pressed against the door and listened carefully to what was going on outside - he was very worried that the "passer-by" whom Saburo Inozuka met by chance would see him and come over to meet him.

His attention was all outside, and behind him, a black figure slowly raised his hand, revealing the anesthetic gun in his hand.

Jiang Xia was holding the mobile phone brought back by "Uzuo", looking through the group photos inside and checking if there was any reply from Vodka or Gin.

Unfortunately, my colleagues were very rude and did not reply to the message.

Jiang Xia was a little disappointed. At this time, the tip of his nose moved. He noticed something and turned to look at the door of the room.

Not long after, there was a rustling movement from the crack in the door.

When the noise disappeared, Jiang Xia stood up and walked over. When he looked down, he saw a Christmas card lying by the door - someone had stuffed it into his room along the crack of the door.


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