Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1914 1914 [Jiang Xia is the murderer] Please vote for me

Miwako Sato didn't know why Fuwa Narumi suddenly mentioned this, but when a police officer with a much higher rank than her asked the question, she answered truthfully: "It should have been just after 0 o'clock. On the greeting card sent by the 'red-bearded Santa Claus', He said he would show up at 0 o'clock, but he was a little late."

Fuwa Narumi exhaled a puff of smoke: "Have you forgotten, this hotel is very secure, and the door lock data is updated every day - after midnight at night, all the magnetic cards from the previous day will become invalid, and new cards must be replaced to open and close the door."

Jiang Xia thought for a while: "Are you trying to say that only people with new cards have the opportunity to commit crimes?"

Saburo Inozuka, who was eavesdropping from a distance: "?!"

His eyes suddenly froze, and after two seconds, he slowly moved down and looked at his pocket: "..." The new card... the new card is on him!

Just now he finished changing the card and when he wanted to go back to the room, he encountered "that thing". Then he immediately found a surveillance camera, sat down, and never moved again.

…Looking back now, it’s a good thing that around 12 o’clock, he was always sitting under the surveillance camera. Otherwise, if he took a step away, he would be the one suspected of being the murderer, and the Inozuka family would really be in ruins!

A cold sweat of fear flowed down his face, and Saburo Inozuka was filled with joy.

However, before she could be thankful for too long, on the other side, Fuwa Mingmei seemed to accept Jiang Xia's question.

She turned to look at the hotel manager: "The new card should still be there with you."

The hotel manager had a good memory. He thought for a moment and shook his head: "I was very impressed with that room. If I remember correctly, the new card was taken away by Mr. Inozuka from Room 315 before midnight."

"Took it away?" Fuwa Narumi thought, "Then where is Mr. Inozuka now? By the way, since he also lives in Room 315, why didn't you see him at all just now?"

Saburo Inozuka: "..." Don't look at me, don't look at me, don't look at me...

The hotel manager raised his hand and pointed over there: "Mr. Inozuka went upstairs and ran back quickly. He has been sitting there since then and never left again."

During Saburo Inozuka's prayer, a group of people turned their heads and their eyes fell on him from a distance.

Saburo Inozuka: "..."

In his dull eyes, Jiang Xia walked over: "Mr. Inozuka? Why do you keep sitting here."

Fuwa Narumi also followed, with a suspicious look on her face: "Have you really been sitting here all this time and haven't moved anywhere?"

Saburo Inozuka nodded decisively.

What did the hotel manager think of: "There happens to be surveillance here. If necessary, I can bring it out?"

Jiang Xia responded: "Then I'll trouble you."

Soon, surveillance was called out.

Immediately afterwards, a group of people saw the strange appearance of Saburo Inozuka on the screen——

This person was normal when he took the card, but after leaving the screen for a while, he suddenly rushed back like a ghost.

He wandered furtively for a while, looked up at the surveillance camera, and suddenly, with a flash of inspiration, he ran to move a single sofa to an angle and sat on it.

The sofa was right in the center of the surveillance camera, and just as the manager said, he never moved it again.


Indeed, around 0:00 when the crime occurred, Saburo Inozuka had a solid alibi. He was definitely not the "red-bearded Santa Claus" standing by the window.


"Your behavior is really weird. Are you deliberately looking for an alibi for yourself?" Bupo's police eyes were sharp, "You already knew that a murder would happen here, didn't you? - Tell me, are you an accomplice or abettor? Criminal, how much do you know about this case?"

Maya Hashimoto: "..." This kid reacted quite quickly, and his series of operations were breathtaking - except for the fact that the alibi was too deliberate, he was exemplary in other aspects. Among those who encountered Uzo for the first time, he was considered a model. Gifted.

But unfortunately, I still couldn't escape.

For a moment, Maya Hashimoto felt a bit pitiful towards him.

But suddenly he remembered that the person who suggested coming to this theater and thought that Usa was too busy playing with the troupe to take care of the three of them was none other than Inozuka Saburo, Hashimoto Maya's mood suddenly became complicated again.

Maya Hashimoto: "..." If Saburo Inozuka hadn't insisted, he really wouldn't have taken the initiative to run to a ghost place like the theater troupe. If he hadn't run to this ghost place, he wouldn't have encountered such a case. If he hadn't encountered it, This kind of case...well, another case, it doesn't seem to delay Uzo from making him a suspect.

Maya Hashimoto: "..."

So why embarrass a small peripheral member like him!

Maya Hashimoto leaned back in her chair, her eyes losing their luster.

Saburo Inozuka did not expect to go around and around. Although he escaped the suspicion of "killing someone by hand", he could not escape the label of "colluding with the murderer".

Fuwa Narumi reorganized her thoughts and said to Sato Miwako: "Ignore his weird behavior, at least during this period, the new card is indeed not on the 'Red Bearded Santa Claus'. In other words, the 'Red Bearded Santa Claus' 'I only have an old card that can be used before zero o'clock.

"The door was locked when we arrived, so the 'red-bearded Santa Claus' had locked the door before 0 o'clock and never left the room again. But you and Jiang Xia were in the room after 0 o'clock. Santa Claus seen from the window of room 315.

"So the criminal process is already obvious - Maya Hashimoto first disposed of the key card outside, then returned to the room, killed his companion, and locked the door from the inside.

"Then he put on his 'red-bearded Santa Claus' costume and called Jiang Xia to ask him to look up at the window. When Jiang Xia saw him, he quietly took off his costume and fell to the ground, pretending to be 'red-bearded Santa Claus'. Santa Claus broke into the room and attacked - but he forgot that the key card here will be changed at midnight, which caused his plan to be full of loopholes and I saw through it."

The process is silky smooth.

Jiang Xia glanced at Maya Hashimoto and then at his feet, as if thinking.

However, at this moment, Fuwa Narumi suddenly looked at him.

Then he showed an unkind smile: "Of course, what I'm talking about is actually just one situation. In fact, there is another possibility in this case."

Jiang Xia: "Huh?"

Fuwa Narumi: "As long as the 'red-bearded Santa Claus' has a new card, he can enter and leave the room even after midnight."

Suzuki Sonoko felt that something was wrong with the way she looked at Jiang Xia, and said warily: "Didn't it mean that the new card has always been on Mr. Inozuka, and Mr. Inozuka has been sitting in the lobby without moving."

Fuwa Narumi: "But during that time, there was someone who had close contact with him - when Jiang Xia went downstairs, he went to find Inozuka Saburo. At that time, he happened to be standing between Inozuka Saburo and the surveillance camera, with his back to the screen. . That gap is enough for them to do something - such as exchange for a new room card."

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