Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1915 1915 [Curaçao doesn’t want to work overtime]

Sato Miwako was stunned for a moment and couldn't believe it: "You mean Jiang Xia could also be the murderer?! I was beside him the whole time just now, but you want to tell me how he kills people? Does he have to change into a clone and sneak out to kill like in the anime? "

Fuwa Narumi: "So you are suspected of perjury. Please come with me soon."

Sato Miwako: "?"

Maya Hashimoto's pupils trembled: "..." Is this, is this Uzo's ultimate kill? Lock up all the people who might be able to take advantage of him.

Ordinary citizens can be cleared of suspicion after being investigated, but members of these organizations will be silenced in advance when there is a risk of leaking secrets... Is he worth all the trouble? What hatred do they have? !

...Or is it that this incident is against Jiang Xia, and he is just a little shrimp who was dealt with by the way?

Several high school students were also stunned. Suzuki Sonoko was in disbelief: "...are your Hokkaido police so wild in arresting people?"

Fuwa Narumi pushed up her glasses and sneered: "I'm not arresting people, I'm just inviting them over for a chat - a qualified police officer shouldn't exclude suspect targets just because of reputation and friendship. All I have to do is Find out all the possibilities, then eliminate the impossibilities one by one, and finally find the murderer."

Jiangxia looked at Maya Hashimoto, and then glanced at Saburo Inozuka.

Then he became the talkative one among the group of people: "Then let's go and have a look. I was in a hurry last time and I didn't have a good visit to the Hokkaido police station."

Fuwa Narumi snorted and treated everyone equally: "It's too early to speak in such a detached tone - although you are only going to the police station as a witness, in fact, your suspicion has not been ruled out."

Miwako Sato's fist hardened: "..."

People's moods are always conserved, and Fuwa Mingmei was in a good mood at this time. She found several police cars and came over, like an old farmer with a good harvest, ready to take the huge team of suspects to the police station.

Miwako Sato took out her cell phone and sent a message to the Megure Police Department.

Although the rank of Megure Police Department is a little lower than that of Fuwa Narumi, and he is far away in Tokyo, so he can't talk.

But Miwako Sato remembered that her police officer was not only good at recognizing his brother, but he was also very good at recognizing his brother.

Sato Miwako's fingers were so fast that she almost typed the speed of sound on her mobile phone: "..." Your brother is going to be captured by Hokkaido people. Hurry up and think of a way to punish this hateful local snake, the almighty police department!

Matsuda Jinpei floating next to him: "..."

When did this police beauty’s texting speed become so fast?

Human potential is truly unlimited.

When Miwako Sato shakes people.

Next to him, Jiang Xia was also writing an email.

However, he obviously doesn't have to go to as much trouble as Sato Miwako to send emails - although Jiang Xia is usually more accustomed to typing with his hands, Fuwa Narumi is staring at him with a formidable enemy at this time, and it is difficult for him to send messages to his dear colleagues in person.

So he switched to the medium's approach and poked Noah: "Send an email to Curacao."

"..." Noah straightened up with a round ball, sat up, and straightened the non-existent tie around his non-existent neck like a secretary, "Say!"

Not long after, Curacao’s cell phone rang in a comfortable safe house.

Judging from the notification sound, it is still the kind of special email that cannot be ignored.

Curacao was wrapped in a quilt, her eyelashes trembled, and she opened her eyes with murderous intent: "..." It was finally possible to go to bed early one day. Who wouldn't disturb her dreams with such long eyes?

When I clicked on it, I saw that the culprit had written his code name in the outgoing mail column - Ouzo.

Curacao: “…”

She moved her fingers, instinctively moving to the delete key.

Then he struggled to suppress his emotional impulse, and with his hard-as-iron reason, he kept this email.

The light from the mobile phone screen illuminated Curaçao's face. She clicked on the email and scrolled down.

[I went to Hokkaido for a leisurely trip and met two of your subordinates, as well as my new little brother who was staying with you.

[This was supposed to be a surprising encounter, but now there is a little accident - one of your subordinates was killed unfortunately, and another subordinate, my younger brother, and myself became the subjects of the case respectively. One of the suspects. ]

When Curaçao saw this, her eyes twitched slightly, and her mind had automatically translated it: Uzo killed one of her subordinates, and made another subordinate and Maya Hashimoto a suspect, and in order to get the chance to choose 1 out of 3 he liked. , while concealing his identity as "Uzo", this guy even inserted himself into his case game and made a guest appearance.

...It sounds pretty lively.

If this guy has time to cause trouble for her, can't he do something serious and share the work?

Curacao continued to turn the page down with murderous intent.

[Not many people know my identity. Even if I enter the police station, it won't be a big deal, but I am worried about your subordinates and my new little brother.

[I happened to remember that you were on a business trip in Hokkaido a while ago, so you should know the people here. You remember to ask them to suspend the silence process - the two loyal peripheral members will not leak the secret, this is just a necessary process to desensitize the police. ]

Curacao: "..." It's simply unreasonable. She has been to Hokkaido, so she can definitely command the people responsible for suppressing people there?

...well she really can.

Did Uzo make a wild guess on his own, or did he receive accurate information from somewhere?

Curacao scrolled down again to make sure there was nothing more behind, then returned to the mailbox, hesitated for a moment, and reluctantly began to compose the email.

...Of course I am not worried about a mere minor.

It's just that intercepting people from police cars should be avoided if possible.

What's more, if you think about it carefully, she approved those three people to go to Hokkaido. If they really caused trouble there, she would be held responsible.

On the contrary, if you agree to Uzo now, even if something goes wrong, Uzo will be the one to take the blame.

After tiredly sending the email, Curacao glanced at it while destroying the incoming email.

Then she let out a silent sigh: Uzo actually included the subordinates she sent out as "loyal peripheral members".

She didn't know why, but she had a hunch that even if the remaining member survived, she would not be able to protect this subordinate.

...But fortunately, when the caretaker was sent, she had automatically crossed the caretaker off the available list. It’s not a loss due to rounding, it’s just a planned loss.

After just pressing the phone a few times, Curacao felt even more tired than if he had killed two people.

She yawned, threw her phone aside, and pulled the quilt over her head, hoping to block those nasty guys who sent her messages at all times.

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