Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1916 1916 [Isn’t she Uzo]

Jiang Xia and Sato Miwako were used to riding in police cars, so they didn't feel anything wrong on the road.

But on the other hand, Maya Hashimoto and Saburo Inozuka were different - although the former had ridden in the police car several times, he had been a witness before. After the case was solved and the news was released, a little investigation would reveal that he was just a passerby. But this time...

The major suspect, Maya Hashimoto, sat stiffly in the chair and suddenly remembered Naoko Toriyama not long ago - that woman was in a similar situation at the time, but she escaped easily.

...Why don't you try it yourself?

But where can I go after escaping? Speaking of which, if Toriyama Naoko is a fake identity of Usa, everything would be very simple, but...

Is she really that Uzo?

Along the way, Jiang Xia asked the ghosts to pay attention to both sides.

However, all the way to the police station, the silencer who was suspected of coming to stop the car or snipe him was never found.

Jiang Xia: "..."... He originally thought that he could pick up some extra money on the way there, and bring a pot to Curacao to stimulate a little fresh murderous aura with the smell of aloe vera. I didn't expect Curacao to be able to contact those responsible for suppressing people in Hokkaido so quickly... Rum's secretary is really useful.

When he arrived at the place, Jiang Xia glanced at Maya Hashimoto, whose desire to survive and murderous intent had both disappeared, and walked over and patted him on the shoulder: "Don't worry. As long as you don't kill anyone, I will never let you suffer unjust injustice."

Maya Hashimoto looked a little dazed, and he was still wondering why no one came to assassinate him on the road. Hearing Jiang Xia's voice, he just nodded and followed the policeman like a ghost.

At the same time, he looked at the police around him: "..." Is there an organized mole among these people?

Jiang Xia looked at the retreating figures of him and Inozuka Saburo, and was very dissatisfied: "..." Why did both of them seem to have lost their souls and were taken to the police station as suspects? It was really a big deal for the members of the organization. So scary? Actually, none of them even dared to risk murderous intent.

This is not okay. As his subordinate, returning to the police station must be the same as going home to be considered qualified.

Jiang Xia thought and left.

Unlike the extremely suspicious Maya Hashimoto and Saburo Inozuka, although Miwako Sato was also brought back in a package, the suspicion of the detective and the police did not seem to be high.

Apart from the need to temporarily stay at the police station, there are not many restrictions on the two people's behavior.

Jiang Xia then walked around the police station, looking for any murderous aura or shikigami accidentally dropped by the prisoner.

However, Hokkaido is sparsely populated, there are not many detectives, and the number of murders is quite pitiful. In the end, he found nothing.

…Of course, it’s just nothing for the psychic.

As an ordinary citizen, Jiang Xia has gained a lot - the most common thing in the police station is the police. After all, they are professionally related. They usually read reports on solving crimes, and some of them have become fans of the detective.

After passing by departments with more female police officers several times, Jiang Xia had a variety of snacks in her arms.

He found a place to sit down and gave it to Sato Miwako: "Would you like a late night snack?"

Sato Miwako: "..."

She reached out and grabbed a few packages, opened them and gnawed them. She had the illusion of returning to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department - except that the people around her were all strangers, other things were not much different from when Jiang Xia went to them.

This made her feel a little at ease. At the same time, she thought of something and took out her mobile phone to continue urging the police department to shake people: "..." Hurry up and find someone to come and get the brother, otherwise after a while, Jiang Xia may become the brother of Hokkaido.

After Jiang Xia finished her snacks, she felt a little thirsty, so she left the lounge and walked around.

Before finding the vending machine, someone had already discovered his purpose with the police's excellent insight, and then enthusiastically stuffed him with a cup of hand-ground coffee, fresh out of the pot, exuding a unique mellow aroma.

"Thank you." Jiang Xia gave Miwako Sato another cup. He returned to the lounge and handed the coffee over. "By the way, have you contacted the police in Tokyo?"

Miwako Sato warmed her hands with a cup of coffee and exhaled comfortably: "Megure Police Department said he is already handling it - don't worry, I have rarely seen him so active. The matter should be resolved smoothly soon."

Jiang Xia responded: "Then let the helper send a few people to the hotel to help me check something. It must be done as soon as possible, and it is best to stay hidden."

"?" Sato Miwako heard something was wrong, her eyes lit up, "Do you already know who the real murderer is?"

Jiang Xia nodded and shook again: "It depends on the helper's investigation results - we can't learn from the female police officer, everything depends on the evidence."

While waiting for the backup investigation from Tokyo, Jiang Xia also thoughtfully sent two ghosts to sneak into the inquiry room and take care of the two new brothers who had souls leaving the body, to prevent them from really having a mental breakdown and soul leaving the body - even if there were There is potential for unboxing ghost fetuses, but the current reserves of ice tea's murderous energy are not large enough. Hashimoto Maya had better live longer.

As for Saburo Inozuka...

Jiang Xia thought of his tasteless food but it was a pity to throw it away. At first glance, he looked ordinary and a little sweet, a low-end version of high-end murderous aura, and gave up hope on the chance of this person getting a ghost fetus.

In this case, the only function left is murderous aura. Maybe you can also use him to squeeze some ice cream. Of course, it will be better to stay alive.

A rather boring half of the evening passed.

Just when Jiang Xia was thinking about whether to find a folding bed and lie down on it for the rest of the night.

Fuwa Narumi walked in with a cold air and went straight to the inquiry room.

She asked Maya Hashimoto and Saburo Inozuka to be brought out, and sighed: "Let's go, you are free."

Maya Hashimoto: "?" Did you break free from Uzo's control? impossible!

Saburo Inozuka: "!" The police were actually reliable for once? What luck!

The two of them were stunned at first, then thought of something and looked at Jiang Xia in unison.

"Don't look at him. This case was not solved by detectives." Fubo Narumi said, "The real murderer has surrendered."

"Surrendered?!" Maya Hashimoto's desire to survive revived, and her mind came to life as she blurted out, "How is this possible!"

Wu Zuo went to great lengths to design such a troublesome case, even dragging Jiang Xia in and making him one of three suspects, and then the case was so easily closed by surrendering?

...This process is wrong.

There must be a problem hidden in this case, a big problem!

He suddenly wanted to push up the glasses on the bridge of his nose... Unfortunately, he was not short-sighted.

Maya Hashimoto had no choice but to suppress the weirdness in her heart, silently lowering her sense of presence without making a sound.

But perhaps their look of disbelief was too eye-catching. Perhaps she misidentified the suspect, so Fuwa Narumi felt a little apologetic.

At this time, the superior female police officer became a little easier to talk to. She turned around and led the way: "Come here, let you meet her."

"She? The murderer is a woman?"

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