Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1917 1917 [Strange Ghost]

A group of people followed Fuwa Police back to the hotel.

Entering the weird room No. 315, he saw Wenyue Hualien lying on the table, motionless. There were police officers coming and going around her - it had turned into a murder scene.

Saburo Inozuka had just recovered from the shock of being silenced. When he suddenly saw this scene, he felt sad: "Miss Hualien——!!"

...How could things become like this!

Bupo Police walked to the table and pointed to the goblet in Fumizuki Hualien's hand: "Currently, it seems that the poison in the cup is the same as when the female leader was murdered."

When the young police officer saw them coming in, he reported: "As expected, we found a mobile phone with an anonymous calling card and a voice changer next to her!"

Saburo Inozuka: "...Wait? Miss Hualien is the murderer?!"

Fubo Narumi nodded and took an envelope from the evidence bag: "She admitted her crime and wrote everything in this suicide note."

Seeing that they didn't seem to believe it, Fuwa Narumi opened the envelope and read: "I have been living in the shadow of Bandai. Recently, my patience has finally reached the limit. I decided to kill her to gain freedom - this murder drama is from My revenge.

"That day, before Bandai came on stage, I mixed a fatal amount of poison into the capsule she often took. I checked a lot of information and finally figured out the right time to melt it.

"Everything was as I expected, Bandai collapsed as soon as he drank the wine. I took advantage of the chaos and put the same drug as the capsule into the remaining wine she drank, pretending that the poison was poured into the red wine.

"I thought my plan was perfect, but who knew that all this was seen by Hongchuan. The script writer actually used this to threaten me and wanted me to be his. So I invited him to the lakeside late at night and killed him. Got him.

"Afterwards, the more I thought about it, the more frightened I became. Worried about being found out, I could only think of ways to blame others. So I created the illusion of a secret room and blamed everything on the innocent Mr. Hashimoto, so that my drama It ended hastily.”

Sato Miwako was confused: "Did she create the secret room? But Lingdian's key card..."

"Humph, there's no need to use the room card at all." Fuwa Jingjing walked to the wall and kicked it lightly.

Following her movements, a small one-meter-square door suddenly opened in the wall - there was a secret passage in the room.

"This secret passage leads to the next room." Fubo said:

"Now it seems that when the 'Red Bearded Santa Claus' was still alive, he used this secret passage to go to the next room to conduct transactions with his guests.

"So when the female band leader and the scriptwriter used to come to this hotel, they would always stay in Room 316 next door... If I had known this earlier, I would have been able to bring them to justice earlier."

Fuwa Narumi clenched her fists tightly, as if she was still worried about this unsolvable case.

After a pause, she continued: "Wenyue Hualien is the adopted daughter of the female group leader, and she is always by her side. Probably because of this, she knew there was a secret passage here - I just had someone check it, No. 315 There is only one secret passage in the room. In other words, the only person qualified to commit the crime is Wenyue Hualien, who lives in room 316 next door."

At first glance, it seems logical, but upon closer inspection, I always feel that there are some problems.

Conan also slipped here at some point: "If everything goes so well, why did she suddenly commit suicide?"

Jiang Xia seemed to be very concerned about this matter, and walked to Wenyue Hualien thoughtfully.

Then he stared at the white ghost emerging from her back and fell into deep thought.

Jiang Xia: "..." What is this?

When no one was paying attention, he quietly stretched out his hand and pinched it.

Then I discovered that this shikigami actually felt a little strange - other shikigami looked like a piece of paper cut into a human shape, and felt like it, but this one looked like a piece of heavy cardboard, but felt like it. Like a piece of cold skin.

Jiang Xia couldn't help but pull down this strange piece of shikigami, but couldn't pull it off - just like other shikigami, according to their simple logic, they seemed to not fall off until the murderer paid the corresponding price.


Jiang Xia tried to use some force.

Then he found this piece of Liangpi and started to shed tears, looking very aggrieved.

Jiang Xia: "..." Is it an illusion? He seems to be a little smarter than ordinary shikigami.

While he was studying curiously, Bupo Jingjing suddenly turned around and looked at him suspiciously: "What are you doing?"


Jiang Xia's expression remained unchanged: "I was also wondering why she suddenly committed suicide."

Fuwa Narumi snorted: "You detectives always have various excuses to disturb the scene. She committed suicide because she panicked - according to the on-site investigation, the last victim was not completely fainted, and she struggled and scratched herself on the way. She, therefore, has the murderer’s DNA in her fingernails.”

As expected, the suicide note also contained such information: Wenyue Hualien seemed to have heard the police discussing DNA, so she panicked and committed suicide first.

"There is actually DNA..."

People who don't believe it have to believe it now. In the face of all kinds of fancy things, DNA is the ironclad proof.

As if responding to the suicide note, a young police officer ran in the door: "The results are out! The DNA and blood type remaining in the victim's fingernails are exactly the same as Wenyue Hualien!"

Saburo Inozuka was stunned, looking like his dream was shattered: How could his weak and kind-hearted Miss Hualien...

This place has been designated as a crime scene, and they, a group of Tokyo residents from afar, can only find another place to stay.

On the way, Jiang Xia received a message that the police officer who came from Tokyo to help him had concluded his investigation.

Jiang Xia was looking through the reports on her phone when she suddenly heard a noise at the door.

When I looked up, I saw a group of reporters gathered around the hotel gate. When they saw Jiang Xia, they jumped over like tigers pouncing on prey: "Mr. Jiang Xia! I heard that you have also become a suspect in this case?"

Fuwa Narumi frowned and waved her hands to drive away the group of reporters: "Don't spread false news. Now the real murderer has committed suicide out of fear of crime. The murderer is Fumizuki Karin from the Avradia Troupe."

"!" The reporters were excited. The celebrity committed the crime, which was more eye-catching than ordinary cases.

However, the next moment, a bigger hot spot appeared.

Jiang Xia echoed Fuwa Mingmei's words, but the details were completely different. What he said was: "The fake murderer who was pushed out to block the arrow has committed suicide in fear of crime under the control of the real murderer."


Fuwa Narumi was stunned for a moment before turning her head and glaring at the detective next to her: "What are you talking about?!"

The reporters were stunned for a moment. Soon, the words of the powerful police officer and the famous detective were integrated in their minds, and they quickly jumped to conclusions.

——There is a secret, there is a big secret!

The reporters with keen sense of smell became excited and surrounded Jiang Xia: "Tell me more!"

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