Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1922 1922【Truth】

As the DNA report appeared in front of her, Fuwa Narumi stood frozen for a long time and suddenly sighed.

"You actually found out about this." She showed a complicated smile, "It seems that there is really no way to argue."

Saburo Inozuka was shocked: "..." Such a sweet voice, this is Miss Hualien's voice!

...Whew, his poor Miss Hualien.

"As expected of twins, they sound almost exactly the same." Jiang Xia asked the ghosts to feel the murderous aura of boiled water one by one, while looking at Fuwa Narumi with slight curiosity, "Although there are subtle differences, but when it comes to Anyone who listens to the phone will think that this is Wenyue Hualien speaking - you must have used this voice to invite the script writer to the lake to kill him."

"That's right." Fuwa Narumi took a puff of cigarette and looked at the smoke rising in front of her eyes:

"I was originally worried that he would be suspicious, because Wenyue Hualien is not the kind of character who would ask a man out in the middle of the night - but the scriptwriter who was interested in sex did not have any suspicion at all, and went there shamelessly.

"He was so cooperative, how could I live up to his good intentions? So I gave him a stick from behind and sent him to the cold lake."

Matsumoto Kiyonaga was not often on the front lines, and only then did he realize belatedly that this murder case, which spanned two days and killed four people in a row, had actually been closed.

He remembered something and flipped through the information he had found earlier: "According to our investigation, Fumizuki Karin, the actor whose real name is Kitami Hanae, has a twin sister named Kitami Renko - about ten years ago, Kitami Renko He committed murder and was wanted nationwide, and his whereabouts are still unknown.”

The twin sisters were born in Kushiro City, Hokkaido. When they were 7 years old, they lost their parents in an accident and became orphans.

Later they were adopted by different people, but neither sister had much luck. Fumizuki Karin followed the irritable female leader and was drunk and shouted at every day, which was pitiful, but Fuwa Narumi's situation was worse than hers.

"Ten years ago, I escaped from those scumbag adoptive parents, and then met a man in Sapporo." Fuwa Narumi clenched her fists tightly, "That bastard gave me some white powder, saying that they can I got rid of the bad mood. I couldn't resist the temptation for a moment... When I came back to my senses, I realized that I was so haggard that I looked like a different person."

"I realized that this was not going to work, and I proposed to leave that person, but he didn't agree. He also said that after supporting me for so many years, he finally got to the point where he could make money with my face and body, and he would never let me go now. .”

"I was furious at the time, and there happened to be an ashtray on the coffee table, so I picked up the ashtray..." She sighed, "His head was too brittle. When I came back to my senses, the blood was already flowing. All over the place.”

"That was my first time to kill someone. I was full of despair in life, and with no other way out, I came all the way to the sea cliff in Kushiro, wanting to jump off and end my ridiculous life.

“But the waves that day were so big and scary that I stood there for a long time and couldn’t make up my mind. Just then I found something lying next to me.

"It was a backpack with a suicide note stuffed inside - before I came here, someone jumped off the cliff and committed suicide.

"I read the suicide note and found that the owner of the suicide note was a college entrance examination student who was one year older than me. She was also an orphan with nothing. She originally wanted to change her life by going to college, but failed. This was the reason why she committed suicide. .

"And on the certificate, her name is Fuwa Narumi."

Fuwa Narumi recalled that past: "From then on, I made a decision - I want to start my second life as Fuwa Narumi.

"I used our savings and some loans to have plastic surgery to look like her. Then I worked hard to pay off the debt while studying hard, and finally got admitted to Tokyo University."

An old Hokkaido police officer suddenly realized: "I remember that 10 years ago, an unidentified drowned female body appeared near Kushiro - I'm afraid that is the real Fuwa Narumi."

Maya Hashimoto glanced at him, in a daze and uncontrollably distracted: "..." No, it could also be an organization member who failed to dispose of the body, or an organization member who failed to dispose of the body.

Fuwa Narumi was unaware of this group of absentee listeners and was still immersed in her own memories.

"Later I found out that the man I killed was the 'red-bearded Santa Claus' - I couldn't forgive the drugs that ruined my life and the people who sold them, so I worked hard to become a policeman, at all costs. Track him down at all costs.

"However, halfway through the investigation, the guy was found in this hotel, inexplicably becoming a corpse of 'drug overdose and accidental death'.

“I was shaking with anger, but I had a strong intuition that this death was not an accident, and that the ‘red-bearded Santa Claus’ might have been killed by his accomplices, so I launched an investigation on my own.

"Day after day, I almost spent all my savings, traveled to countless places, and contacted countless people... I don't know how long it took, but I finally found the accomplice who killed the 'Red Bearded Santa Claus' - Bandai and Hongchuan, the leader and scriptwriter of this troupe."

Speaking of this, Fubo Narumi seemed to remember something unbearable, and her teeth chattered: "I went to find Bandai and Hongchuan, photographed the evidence in front of them, and drove those two bastards to the end of the road—— I finally defeated all previous misfortunes to the ground with my own strength. This would be the beginning of my rebirth... But at this moment, Hualien came in with tea!

"I didn't expect this to be her home. When I saw her suddenly, I was so surprised that I blurted out her name. Unexpectedly, she recognized me immediately, and in front of those two people, she rushed over and asked, crying. Am I her sister Lianzi?

"I sternly told her that she recognized the wrong person, but it was still too late - Bandai and Nijigawa saw her look and immediately connected me with the wanted 'Kitami Renko'.

"In this way, not only did I fail to catch Bandai and Hongchuan, but I was firmly grasped by them. Not only did they ask me to help hide my identity, they even wanted me to help them steal the drugs seized by the police station and put me Also drag me down and turn me into a hateful drug dealer!

"I couldn't bear it. They happened to be coming to perform in this theater company, so I pretended to agree and secretly planned all this."

When she explained all this, she didn't have much regret, only the relief that her great revenge had been avenged, and the unwillingness to be forced to die together.

"It doesn't matter whether those people die or not." The ghost actress frowned, "But why do you want to kill Hualien too, just because she accidentally exposed your identity?"

"Of course there are more." Fubo Narumi looked at her coldly, "Ten years ago, when I killed that man and was most helpless, I actually went to look for her."

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