Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1923 1923 [Case closed]

Fuwa Narumi: "Ten years ago, after killing that man, I ran away, but I really didn't know where to go. When I came to my senses, I was already standing at the door of Hanae's apartment.

"She was in school at the time, moved out of Bandai's house, and lived independently. I had been hungry for several days at that time, and when I was devouring rice balls at her house, Hanae was always sitting opposite me, speaking with great sympathy. Look at me.

"Her ordinary but quiet life made me feel extremely miserable. I didn't even dare to raise my head during the whole meal. But after all, we are twin sisters with the same blood. I firmly believe that she will understand my situation and be willing to save me. .

"But she said to me, 'Sister, go to the police and surrender. You can't run away anymore. Surrendering now can make the crime less severe.'

"Then the police knocked on the door. I looked out of the curtains in a panic and saw a police car parked below. They were here to find me.

"I don't know where I got the strength to break through the siege and rush out - we were so good friends when we were children. At that time, I only wanted to be a beautiful female star when I grow up, and Hua Jiang said that she wanted to be a fashion designer. , so we made an appointment that when I stand on the stage, I will definitely wear her newly designed clothes. It is a stage that belongs to the two of us... Unfortunately, from that day on, my life as "Renko Kitami" , it’s over forever.”

Fuwa Narumi stroked the tough face she picked up: "I abandoned my identity, abandoned my dreams, abandoned that cute face, and became what I am now with scars all over my body... But at this moment, Huajiang appeared in my field of vision. She has become a famous actress, and she is dazzlingly beautiful every time she steps on the stage.

"From the day I became 'Fuwa Narumi', I have never looked in the mirror again. I devoted myself wholeheartedly to my work, wanting to forget everything in the past and only focus on taking revenge on those people who ruined me. The people of life... Every time 'Bun Yue Hualien' appears, it is like a mirror that I must not peek into. In the mirror is a beautiful life that I can never touch."

"The murderous intention has accumulated little by little, and finally we have reached this point." Fuwa Narumi sneered, "Are you satisfied with this kind of bloody life? If you have heard enough, please close the case quickly. I don't want to continue to stand like a buffoon. It was a joke to be watched on stage.”

"Actually..." Matsumoto Kiyonaga hesitated, "Actually, we found a diary left by Fumizuki Karin, and there were some things written in it."

"I know." Fuwa Narumi is the former person in charge after all, but she did not read the diary. "So, do you want me to watch the glorious life of a female star from a first-person perspective?"

"No, she said that after this performance, she will end her career as an actress." The Tokyo police officer sighed. His professional habits made him want to explain the last part of the case clearly before leaving. "Actually, in addition to being an actress, she is also a clothing company. Member of a design office.”

"Actually, after her debut in Tokyo, Fumizuki Karen has been hiding it from everyone and living a double life - on the surface she is the female star 'Fumigetsu Karen', but secretly, she is still working as a designer in a small fashion design agency. His real name is working as a designer.

"She hopes that one day when you come back, you can realize your dream as an actor as 'Bun Yue Hualien', while she herself will retire from the acting world and concentrate on being her designer to fulfill the agreement you made when you were children.

"The stage name 'Fumizuki Karen' is actually made up of two people, 'Kitamikae' and 'Kitamian Renko'."



Fuha Narumi, who had always behaved like a bystander, felt her knees weaken and fell to her knees with tears streaming down her face.

Jiang Xia: "..." I originally thought the ending would be different this time, but it turned out to be a regular scene. Is this an occupational disease among Tokyo police officers?

In any case, this troublesome case was finally solved.

On the way back to the room to rest, Suzuki Sonoko sighed tiredly: "I originally came to watch a mystery drama, but... eh? I actually saw a mystery drama?"

Although there seems to be no difference at first glance, I feel a little tired when I think about it carefully.

"Isn't the quality of this kind of drama higher?" Conan was distracted, thinking about the weird and abnormal Maya Hashimoto: Recently, this person is wherever he and his group are. Originally, in Conan's heart, Maya Hashimoto has become... The number one suspect related to the organization, but now it seems...

"Why does it feel like he is always so passive?" Conan touched his chin and thought to himself, "There is a feeling that he is avoiding something but cannot escape, and it seems that he is almost reaching his limit... This feeling is different from the original impulse. It seems like Mr. Ya, but there are some differences in the details - Maya Hashimoto seems to have some kind of faith support. Is it because he is religious? "

Conan thought of the cross worn by Maya Hashimoto around his neck, the Buddhist bracelet that occasionally appeared on his wrist, and the half-part amulet he accidentally brought out of his pocket when he took out his keys... He was momentarily interested in this mysterious mixed-race man. faith is confused.

"But speaking of this, how has Mr. Okiya been doing recently? I haven't seen him since the 'stage' incident in London. But I haven't seen the news of his death... Hey, I always feel like this Everything is inseparable from the 'lord' the woman in black mentioned, but who is that?"

Conan had an instinctive fear of the unknown person towards the person hiding behind the scenes, but at the same time he was also curious and scratched his head, wanting to find out as soon as possible.

When Conan had a one-sided fight with his innocent neighbor.

In the guest room next to him.

The man behind the scenes is also worried about something.

Jiang Xia was holding a piece of shikigami that was the size of a palm and felt like cold skin, thinking seriously about something.

Jiang Xia: "..." So how should this thing be used?

Just now, he tried to find a hidden corner and use this piece of cool skin to pile puppet clay, but what finally came out... didn't have a human shape, just a pile of huge clay that looked like a shikigami.

Trying to communicate, this Liangpi doesn't seem to understand. Although it does have more reactions than ordinary shikigami, it is obviously still far away from being a ghost.

However, when Jiang Xia was so worried that she ordered the ghost mint, she discovered something - this ghost can eat murderous energy.

Jiang Xia then tried to feed the Liangpi ghost a little more, but there didn't seem to be much change after feeding. The Liangpi was still the same quiet Liangpi.

"Oh, forget it, let's keep it for now." Jiang Xia was tired of tossing, "Maybe one day I'll suddenly be able to use it." (End of Chapter)

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